First Presbyterian Church  |  701 Florida Avenue  |  Bristol, TN 37620  |  423-764-7176  |

In This Issue
Deadlines & Subscriptions
So Much to Celebrate This Sunday!
Bring Your Five Cents a Meal Offering Sunday
We Have an Ear; Lend Us Your Voice!
We Will Publish an Advent Devotional Book
Fall Semester Begins Aug. 22
Register Now for Student Retreat at Whitewater Express
Watch High School Summer Trip Video on YouTube
Engaging Volunteers: Current Needs
The Body of Christ in Service
Current FPC Benevolences
Get Your FPC T-Shirts Here!
Sharing God's Word
Mowers Prepare the Way
Music Notes
Pray for One Another
Gifts to the Church
Church Calendar
Our Church Officers
August 5
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deuteronomy 7:6-10
1 Corinthians 1:18-30
A Foolish Faith
Sam Weddington
Lift High the Cross
Be Thou My Vision
The Gift of Love
Attendance Last Sunday
8:30: 123; 11:00: 95
Deadlines & Subscriptions
Deadline for contributions to Windows is the Monday of the week of publication. The newsletter is emailed a minute after midnight on Thursday morning. It is posted to our website later that day.

To have Windows delivered to your digital in-box, email the editor at the address below, giving your name and the email address you want to use for the purpose.

Windows is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, Bristol, TN. Please direct questions and suggestions to the editor, Kathy Acuff,


on First Presbyterian Church

August 2 , 2018
So Much to Celebrate This Sunday!
Sam Weddington began his work as FPC's head of staff Wednesday, and Sunday morning he will speak to us from the pulpit. Sunday afternoon, under the trees on the church lawn, we are throwing a party to welcome Sam and his family, to thank our congregational leaders for their fruitful work throughout our search for a new head pastor, and to celebrate the goodness of God and the new season he is leading us into. Games for all ages will start at 4:00 on the front lawn and in the parking lot. We will share a BBQ pork and potluck supper at 5:00. The church will provide the BBQ pork, and members are asked to bring sides. We will hold an informal vespers service under the trees at 6:00. Bring a comfortable chair or blanket, your side dish to share, and your voice to sing!
Bring Your Five Cents a Meal Offering Sunday
We will collect our quarterly Five Cents a Meal offering this Sunday, August 5, at both services. The suggested offering is $13.65 per person, or about a nickel for each meal you eat in a three-month period. Your offering will provide hunger relief through both local and global ministries. Last year, in response to requests from the Five Cents a Meal offerings, FPC received grants from the Presbytery for Haven of Rest, Bristol Emergency Food Pantry, Ethiopia, and Brazil. Please be generous!
We Have an Ear; Lend Us Your Voice!
As you can hear, the Sanctuary Choir is back in the balcony, and we could use some extra voices. If you have an interest in helping to lead worship by singing with the choir, please consider joining us from 7:15 to 8:45 on Wednesday evenings. You'll find us upstairs in Room 220, off the choir loft. Don't consider this a volunteer choir; instead, think of it as a called choir whose members are giving time and talents in the stewardship of our church. Don't be shy; come and join us! If child care is an issue, that can be addressed. / Pat Flannagan
We Will Publish an Advent Devotional Book
The Worship Committee is grateful to everyone who committed to participate in the 2018 Advent Devotional Book. Thanks to you, we will have enough devotions to print a book. We look forward to presenting it to the congregation for the first Sunday of Advent on December 2.
Remember to email your devotion to Han Ong at or leave it in the church office by October 1.
Fall Semester Begins Aug. 22
We will kick off our fall semester of Wednesday night programs on August 22, with our fellowship supper at 5:30, followed by programs for all ages. At 6:20, Dave Welch will lead the Adult Learning session in "I Love to Tell the Story," a creative and purposeful look at sharing our faith journeys with others. The Middle School Gathering and Wednesday Night Kids will meet separately at 6:00. High School Small Groups will meet at 7:00. Fried chicken, a vegetable, salad, and dessert are on the menu for the evening. Please join us!
Register Now for Student Retreat at Whitewater Express
Join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship at the FPC Fall Retreat at Whitewater Express in Copperhill, Tenn.! Invite your friends! The retreat will be held September 1 -3 and is open to students in seventh through twelfth grades.
The weekend will include wild fun, whitewater rafting, the great outdoors, worship, and bonding with your church family. We will leave early on Saturday and return Monday afternoon.
If you register with a deposit by Sunday, August 19, you will receive a T-shirt, and the total cost of the trip will be $150. After August 19, the price will increase to $160, and your T-shirt size cannot be guaranteed.
Ready to go? Register here and turn in a $75 deposit to Katie or the church office.
Watch High School Summer Trip Video on YouTube
Katie Arnold
, Director of Student Ministries, has posted an eight-minute video on YouTube about the FPC high school trip to Orange Beach, Ala., this summer. Spend a few minutes with Katie, Mary Ellis, and these teens as they reflect on the trip and what they learned. You will find it here.
Engaging Volunteers: Current Needs

FPC needs volunteers immediately for the following tasks:
Celebration Party Event Team. Here's how you can help with the Celebration Party the church is giving this Sunday, August 5:
  • Food. Help with kitchen duties and set up food and beverage tables. Contact Dave Welch at
  • Setup. Come to the church at 3:00 p.m. and help set up tables, chairs, and games. Contact Larry Connolly at
  • Cleanup. Help put away tables and chairs, clear away after the games, collect trash. Contact Larry Connolly at
  • Fun & games. Be a party starter! Help run games for different ages and facilitate laughter. Contact Katie Arnold at
For general information, email Katie Arnold at or call the church office at 423-764-7176.
Driver. An FPC member who no longer drives needs a ride to and from the 11:00 service every week. Contact Dave Welch at for more information.
Kid's Kirk. We need rotating helpers for both services and Sunday School. These are helpers/assistants and not teachers. Volunteers can sign up for one week, one month, or a specific time, like a particular Sunday of every month. For more information or to sign up, contact Lilly Osborne at
Kitchen Volunteers. We need folks to help us give our Wednesday fellowship suppers. The revised start date for the new semester is August 22. To sign up, contact Scottie Bales at There are several ways to help:
  • Shop. Do the one-stop shopping at Sam's Club then deliver groceries to the FPC kitchen on Tuesday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  • Prep. Spend an hour or two from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays chopping veggies, making tea, preparing sides, and so forth.
  • Set up. Those who don't care to cook can help, too. Set the tables from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.; no training required! Simply set out plates, napkins, utensils, and salt and pepper.
  • Clean up. Be one of the crew that cleans up right after dinner. We will be using disposable plates and cups for more efficient cleanup.
School Supplies. With the beginning of school just around the corner, we are receiving requests from families that need help securing school supplies for students of all ages. If you would like to help families get supplies, please email Dave Welch at or call the church office at 423-764-7176.
Student Ministries. There are several ways you can become involved in Student Ministries:
  • SM Planning Team. Meet monthly with the Director of Student Ministries to plan, vision, and pray for student ministry. Assist with SM tasks and events.
  • Small Group Leader. Invest in the lives of a few students to encourage authentic faith. Attend Sunday night Student Fellowship (5:30-8:00). Assist with activities and spend time with teens through dinner, games, and worship. After worship, guide discussion with a small group of teens.
  • Dinner Coordinator. Coordinate volunteers to bring dinner to Sunday Student Fellowship.
  • Student Fellowship Setup/Cleanup. Set up dinner and special event activities; clean up after meal and activities.
The Body of Christ in Service
FPC volunteers turned out to nourish our neighbors at the Sharing Christ downtown mission last Saturday. It was a rewarding experience for both server and served.

Current FPC Benevolences
Through your annual financial pledges, FPC supports not only our church but also local ministries, missionaries abroad, and Christian churches or schools in Brazil, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, and Bulgaria. This diverse outreach is a direct result of our members' sharing with this church their time, talents, and treasure. Below is a list of these 37 benevolences, prepared by the Stewardship Committee.
Abortion Alternatives
Habitat for Humanity
Abuse Alternatives
Haven of Rest
Adult Mission Travel
Healing Hands Health Center
Boy Scout Troop 3*
King University
Brazil Mission
                School Scholarships
                Capital Projects
                General Support
Living Waters for the World
Marthina Chapel
Bristol Emergency Food Pantry
Minister's Discretionary Fund
Bristol Faith in Action
Mission Festival
Christian Hands Ministry
Missionary Couple - Bulgaria
Christmas Joy Offering
Missionary Couple - Ethiopia
Community Bible Study
Missionary Couple - Kenya
Cooperative Presbyterian Mission
Missionary Couple - Other
Ethiopia Mission
One Great Hour of Sharing
Fairmount Elementary School
Sharing Christ Worship Center
Family Promise of Bristol
Student Ministries Mission Events
Five Cents a Meal
The Salvation Army
Girl Scout Troop
Venture Crew 3*
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
Young Life of Bristol
*FPC is the chartering organization.

Get Your FPC T-Shirts Here!
You can still get a T-shirt bearing our new logo to proudly show your love for FPC. Our new shirts are available in dark navy blue only, but they come in all sizes. Shirts are $10 each and available in the Fellowship Hallway for the next several Sundays after early worship and Sunday School.
Sharing God's Word
The men of Gideons International extend an invitation to the men of FPC who would like to learn more about this ministry over dinner on Monday, August 27. If you are interested, please contact Dave Welch by emailing or calling the church office at 423-764-7176. Gideons International is an association of Christian business and professional men dedicated to telling people about Jesus by associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and providing Bibles and New Testaments.
Mowers Prepare the Way
This Sunday is a big day for FPC: we welcome our new head pastor to our pulpit in the morning and celebrate our journey together in the evening. Preparing the way is JB Madison (August 1-4), the man to thank for a smooth playing field at game time. Aaron Brooks (August 8-11) faces the more daunting task of smoothing things over for the following Sunday, which has been marked by the PC(USA) as a Day of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula. We know he will do his best.
Join our mowing team! You can sign up now for spring. We welcome men and women, adults and teens, even families: younger children can move debris to the curb, and a parent or elder sibling can mow. It's easy, and you suit your convenience, mowing once or up to three times. Simply contact Randy Cook at or 423-956-1541. If you're new to Scag mowers, he will be happy to give you a lesson on ours.
Music Notes
Sunday's music: Our anthem, "The Gift of Love," has been sung many times in this church: for worship, for weddings, and on other occasions. Yet the text from I Corinthians 13 speaks to all who are open to God's love. The tune is an American folk song, "O Waly Waly." This work is hymn 693 in Glory to God.
Sunday's music participants: Pat Flannagan, Bob Greene, Sanctuary Choir.
Organist's footnotes: I heard Chelsea Chen play John Weaver's (b. 1937) Fantasia for Organ July 4 in Kansas City, and it inspired me to dust off my own autographed copy of this work. I heard the composer himself perform this work in this sanctuary in the early 2000s. I will attempt to do it justice.
John Weaver
Juilliard faculty member Leonard Raver wrote of Weaver's work: "Fantasia is a one-movement work in four connected sections. The opening Allegro begins with a lively unison melody punctuated by strong rhythmic chords and contrasted with a more lyric second theme. A brief return to the opening material leads to a soft Scherzo on a 2 ' flute stop accompanied by lush seventh and ninth chords on the Swell celestes; this section modulates to the Adagio in an improvisatory style. The Finale begins with a return to the opening theme and introduces a light-hearted toccata for two voices with staccato pedal counter-point, bringing the work to a satisfying close." Dr. Weaver composed this work in 1977. In the interest of time, I will save the Finale section for the postlude.
John Weaver served as Director of Music at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City (1970 -2005), Head of the Organ Department at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia (1972 -2003), and Chair of the Organ Department at The Juilliard School (1987 -2004).
Pray for One Another

In Our Prayers
DeeDee Galliher
Ron Grubbs
Chuck Thompson
Our love and sympathy are with Carl McGrady in the death of his sister, Janie P. (Peggy) Brown, June 23 in Bristol.
Birthday Prayer Fellowship
August 5      Alex Regan
August 6      Suzee Bolick
August 7      Ben Linderman, Mark Mervis, Katy Sikorski, Jeannie Williams
August 8      Ellie Beck, Mechala Blankenship, Mary Lee Schiesz
August 9      Sydney Peltier
August 10    Loretta Thomas
August 11    Juliana Linke
Gifts to the Church
Memorials and honoraria are published in the newsletter only after the family has been personally notified by our business office. Today we gratefully acknowledge gifts to the church in memory of:
Tyler Boggs (great-nephew of Karen Boone): to the Youth Scholarship Fund from Tom & Barbara Daniel
Betty Mott (mother of Betsy Galliher): to the Minister's Discretionary Fund from Jeff & Debbie McMillin
Bill Stone: to the Building & Grounds Fund from Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blevins, from Wendy & Tom Brown, from Peggy Nicar, from Mr. & Mrs. Charles Spears
Lee Truman (father of Linda Welch):  to the Minister's Discretionary Fund from Jeff & Debbie McMillin
Church Calendar
Sunday, August 5
8:30 a.m.       Worship, Fellowship Hall
9:45 a.m.       Sunday School
11:00 a.m.     Worship, Sanctuary
4:00 p.m.       Celebration on the Grounds
Monday, August 6
6:30 p.m.       Board of Deacons, Rooms 117 & 123
Tuesday, August 7
10:00 a.m.     Staff Meeting, Room 117
10:00 a.m.     Morning Prayer Group, Conference Room
1:00 p.m.       Jackie Burt's Heartsburn Bible Study, Room 117
7:00 p.m.       Boy Scout Troop 3, Scout Wing
Wednesday, August 8
7:15 p.m.       Sanctuary Choir, Room 220
7:30 p.m.       8:30 Worship Team, Fellowship Hall
Thursday, August 9
7:00 a.m.       Men's Bible Study, Parlor
8:30 a.m.       Meals on Wheels, Fellowship Hall
12:00 p.m.     Noon Bible Study, Room 117
Our Church Officers
Church Officers
Class of 2018
Class of 2019
Class of 2020
Aaron Brooks
Anna Booher
Nancy Allerton
Randy Cook
Lee Galliher
Rebecca Beck
Debbie McMillin
Pete Holler
David Hyde
Stuart Parker
Han Ong
Jordan Pennington
Chuck Thompson
Pete Stigers
Jerry Poteat
Class of 2018
Class of 2019
Class of 2020
Adam Abel
Sujean Bradley
Blake Bassett
Nancy Butterworth
George Linke
Rhonda Comer
David Ginn
Greg Roberts
Brenda Lawson
Rett Stocstill
Nate Sproles
Barbara Thompson
Ann Woods
Bill Whisnant
Class of 2018
Class of 2019
Class of 2020
Charles Webb
Nancy Cook
Peggy Hill