Wine Rack Union Newsletter

Here are 6 important updates & reminders for you:

  1. Ruling on Scheduling Grievance
  2. September 30th Stat Holiday
  3. Store Transfers Deadline
  4. "What happens if the minimum wage rises?"
  5. SEIU Local 2's i-Gaming Campaign
  6. Call for Union Stewards
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Scheduling Grievance: Arbitrator Ruling Represents Mixed Bag of Results

As most members will recall, during the most recent negotiations last summer, the Union successfully negotiated a scheduling-by-seniority clause. This breakthrough language addresses management’s arbitrary assigning of shifts to whoever they want and reduces managerial favoritism by allowing employees with 3+ years of seniority to select up to three (3) preferred shifts of their own choosing. The Article 11.03 language was subject of a grievance and recent arbitration ruling.

Following negotiations, the Employer subsequently interpreted the contract language as selecting up to 3 preferred shifts over the length of schedule. The Union took the position that the employee should be entitled to 3 shifts per week and although a 2-week schedule may be inferred in the CBA language, the CBA is silent on exactly how many weeks the schedule can actually be thus causing a huge concern for our affected members.

Find out your rights, click on this link to read more

Union Contract Language Grants Unionized Merchants New Stat Holiday re National Truth and Reconciliation Day (Sept 30th)

In our previous contract negotiations, the Union successfully negotiated a new entitlement clause for unionized merchants which states:

Article 13.02

“In the event that the Federal or Provincial governments declare a holiday during the life of this agreement, it shall be recognized.”

Consistent with the above the Union notified/reminded the Employer on March 11th of this new stat holiday entitlement as it pertains to National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The Employer disagreed but the Union is steadfast that our members will get this successfully negotiated new holiday and will grieve if necessary.

Click here to learn more about your contractual entitlement

Store Transfers (semi-annual requests in January & June)

Just as a timely reminder since our last membership e-blast, did you know your Collective Agreement provides a process for employees seeking store transfers? Each year, employees interested in transferring stores shall indicate to their Area Manager up to six (6) specific stores of interest should an opening occur in one or more of those stores. The expression of interest is to be submitted (always in writing, for verification purposes at a later date if necessary) each year on a semi-annual basis in January (between Jan 7th – Jan 21) and June (between June 7th – June 21st).

In the upcoming Provincial election, the NDP and the Liberals have promised a $16.00 minimum wage if elected. How will my pay rate be impacted with any new minimum wage hike?

“The NDP has pledged that, if elected, it will hike wages to $16 an hour by October, and the Liberals have promised $16 an hour by January 2023. The current minimum wage is $15 an hour.”

Toronto Star, Tuesday April 5th, 2022

Click here to find out how your Union wage rate always stays ahead of minimum wage

SEIU Local 2 i-Gaming Campaign:

Hey Doug Ford, Responsible Gaming Doesn’t Gamble with Existing Good Jobs

Ontario’s i-Gaming Plan puts existing good-paying casino and Ontario’s horseracing jobs in jeopardy as well as risking billions of dollars in critical Provincial funding for quality public services. Legalized gaming is supposed to help create and protect good jobs while providing revenue to help fund public services like hospitals and schools and clean water in our communities. However, the rush to quickly legalize online (virtual) casinos in Ontario before the next provincial election puts much at risk.

Find out more and do something positive about it: Wine Rack members are asked to visit our Union campaign webpage and with the click of a button please send a prewritten letter to the Premier and your own MPP (our webpage does it all for you) in support of saving thousands of good-paying brick & mortar casino and racetrack jobs.

Click here to support your fellow SEIU Local 2 members

Your fellow SEIU Local 2 members employed in the Ontario’s gaming industry really need and appreciate your assistance in this regard. They thank you for your help and please spread the word.

Does your store have a Union Steward? If it doesn’t, it should!

Did you know every store is entitled to a Union Steward? Though a voluntary position, it is rewarding in terms of learning Collective Agreements and establishing worker’s rights and improvements. All the Collective Agreement and labour legislative rights we have today as unionized employees were achieved by Union members that fought hard in bargaining and via political action to make it happen. Be an active part of a progressive, proactive group of unionized merchants that are continually and successfully making improvements for you and your fellow Wine Rack workers.

Your colleagues would greatly appreciate having a direct point of contact in their store when they have questions or concerns about employment/work issues. Please feel free to contact Business Agent Ted Mansell [email protected] to become a Union Steward for your store. Questions about the role are most welcome! 

In Solidarity,

Ted Mansell
Business Agent, SEIU Local 2
Please visit our website for more information on the union and your workplace.

Veuillez visiter notre page pour plus d'informations sur le syndicat et votre lieu du travail.

You have received this email because you are member of SEIU Local 2 working at a unionized employer. If you have received this email in error, you may "Unsubscribe" using the link below or contact us to correct the error.

Vous recevez cet e-mail car vous êtes un membre du syndicat «SEIU Local 2» et que vous travaillez pour une entreprise syndiquée. Si vous avez reçu cet e-mail par erreur, vous pouvez nous contacter ou utiliser le lien «Unsubscribe» ci-dessous pour vous désabonner.
SEIU 2 - 1-800-663-6841