Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals in the Upstate of South Carolina through the power of the horse. 
September 2020
Hello Friends,

Every year we look forward to our Fall fundraiser, Wines & Equines to support our non-profit therapeutic equestrian center, Happy Hooves.  However, due to Covid restrictions, we will not be able to have a large number of people gather together.  As you will see below, sadly, we have had to cancel our largest fundraiser of the year.  

Happy Hooves is still offering individual therapy lessons at this time.  Once the pandemic has cleared, we fully anticipate opening back up to groups of school aged children with special needs as well as at risk youth.  In the meantime, our 14 therapy horses are still eating (alot!) and being cared for everyday.  Your generosity will help keep them fed and watered as well as provide future scholarships for therapeutic riding once riders are able to come back.  We have a waiting list of special needs and at risk school groups who would like to particiate in our School at the Barn Program once they get the all clear and we have funding for them.  All donations are tax deductiable and can be made online here or by mailing a check to Happy Hooves, 4700 Dacusville Hwy, Marietta, SC 29661.

Blessings to you, stay safe, and we hope to see you soon,
Becky Sweeney

Did You Know?

Happy Hooves has been a PATH International Premier Accredited Center since 2005. In fact, we are one of only six Premier Accredited Centers in South Carolina, and the only one in the Upstate. This accreditation is a rigorous process requiring centers to meet stringent requirements for staff, facilities, and programs. A program must be re-accredited every five years. 

Your contribution helps special needs children and adults, as well as at-risk children and teens.
Happy Hooves is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Phone: 864-898-0043               Email: happyhoovessc@aol.com

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