From the Omnibus page
Electronic entry via Xentry ONLY including:
- the correct division
Horse & Rider USEA numbers (not required for Starter but need to set up an account with the USEA and get a horse ID number to access Xentry).
- USEF numbers for rider, owner/agent, for Modified only or pay $45 for a day pass to be paid online through your USEF dashboard account.
- Online payment – no entries will be processed without payment.
- Signed USEA & USEF forms with electronic signature. Must include rider, owner/agent, trainer. The trainer is the person responsible for the care of the horse NOT the instructor. Minors must have the signature of parent or legal guardian.
Stone Gate Farm Release Form with e-signature. (Once per season)
Current Coggins via X Entry or the Stone Gate Farm Coggins Upload page. The SGF coggins upload only has to be submitted once per season unless it expires, then a new one must be uploaded.
Vaccination Record using the official SGF vaccination form. Please note: since this is a new requirement and many have their appointment scheduled for a later date, we will allow a little wiggle room. However you must do the following:
on the same day as making the entry e-mail with vaccination record in the subject line with the date of your vet appointment
- as soon as the horse is vaccinated submit the vaccination record. If the secretary has to contact you for the record your entry will not be complete and will be ineligible for the 'early bird' discount.
Stabling Requests if applicable. If stabling with a group, please use ONE name. Don't forget to submit the Stall Deposit or order stall cleaning using this FORM
- An email address that the is checked regularly by competitor or parent. That is how the secretary will be communicating with you. Check your spam folder.
- Emergency contact information is required.
What's NEW for Winona 2024:
There will be a drawing from Opening Date entries that are complete and correct for a free registration to the Lucinda Green 28 day See-a-Stride Challenge
Winona will be the fist of the NEW SGF Event Series
- Prelim is being replaced by a Modified division
There will be TWO Starter choices. Click HERE for an explanation of the two divisions.
- Those who are eligible for the 'early bird' discount will have one more week to scratch and still receive a refund less the $25 office fee.
Be sure to sign up for the CrossCountry App which we are now using as it has a lot of exciting features. Check out the Virtual Course Walk for the NEW Modified division.
There is a NEW form (the one previously posted isn't working) Where you can pay for the Stall Deposit OR Stall Cleaning and Order Shavings. .
- All forms, with the exception of the Stall Deposit/Stall Cleaning and Shavings Order form, will have a QR code posted in the Competitors Corner under the pavilion in case for forgot to do so before your arrival.
NOT just for Winona. New horse health protocols for any horses coming on the farm.
Other News
April will kick of the season with the popular Galloping, Pace, and Steeple Chase (GPS) Clinic on April 20th and the Derby Cross the following day. The first weekend in May we're having the Dressage Show and 'Fix a Test'. That's a great way to get into the dressage arena the week before Winona.
Below you will find flyers for the upcoming shows through mid May. Unfortunately the links don't work on the flyers when put into this e-mail so I put the links below each flyer.
Finally I would like to welcome Jagged Ridge Mountain Trail Series who will be running all the trail challenges, clinics and more. Thank you Stephanie Tarr for taking this off my plate while still giving riders the opportunity to enjoy the Trail Course.
We're looking forward to another fun season. Hope you can join us sometime this season.
Jackie & Dave