Construction Update
U.S. Route 7 and West Allen St.
DATE: Monday, 4/12/21

TRAFFIC IMPACT: Once this project commences, work will be completed at night, from approximately 7:00 PM-6:00 AM. Work in the parking stall areas in front of the businesses from West Canal Street to the post office (behind the small concrete islands) may not commence until 9:00 PM. Single lane traffic will be in effect at night during active construction. All lanes and parking areas will be fully opened each morning prior to the contractor leaving for the day.

Remote Public Information Meeting
Monday, April 19, 2021
6:30 PM

The Winooski City Council has included VTrans on their meeting agenda for the purpose of presenting information in regard to the concrete repair project along the Winooski Circulator.

The purpose of this meeting is to present the public with information on the concrete repair project, including the scope of work to be performed, information on the construction schedule, and sources of information during construction. VTrans staff will be present to address any questions or concerns in regard to the work being performed and sources of information for this project.
Sign-up for Winooski City Council news updates and to receive the meeting warning directly, please go to 

Concrete panel repair will occur on the same side of the street as the post office.
LOCATION:  This project begins on U.S. Highway 7 just after the bridge over the Winooski River and extends northerly along US 7 for 0.138 miles to the intersection with West Allen St., U.S. 7 and Vermont Route 15. This project includes the north and southbound entrances and exits to the circulator, as well as the concrete panels on West Allen St. at the intersection with U.S. 7 to the intersection with Follett Street.

Contact Information:
Name - Natalie Boyle
Phone - (802) 855-3893
Email -
To learn more about VTrans Construction Projects, visit our projects website.