"Connecting Chatham to the World"
Winter 2018-2019
Nov 29
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Holiday Card Marking
with Sharleen Luciano
Registration Required -
5 spots left!
Holiday Card making

Dec 3 @ 3:00 pm
Celebrating the
Holiday Table
Registration Required!
Celebrating the Holiday Table

Dec 6 @ 6:30 pm
Season's Readings
Season_s Readings

Dec 8 @ 3:00 pm
Shark Bait
by Paul Kemprecos
Shark Bait
Visit our website for the full winter schedule!
Looking for that perfect Holiday Gift?  
hats and bag
  Eldredge Public Library
Canvas Tote Bags 
Adult Caps,  
Youth Bucket Hats &  
Chatham Poster
(by Kassie Foss) 
Now on Sale 
@ the Library  
Chatham Poster by Kassie Foss
Deck the Halls.....
The EPL is ready for the holidays thanks to the FEPL Hospitality Committee
Holiday Wreath
Chatham Memoir Group
Memoir Group
Do you like to share your experiences with others, enjoy writing, socializing and documenting a link to the past?  Then join our Chatham Memoir Group!  We meet at the library on Friday mornings 10:30-12, year round.  It's a very rewarding, and fun experience!  Contact John Poignand at 774-810-0610 for more information.
EPL Goes Social!
Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Find us on Pinterest View on Instagram
Find us where you live online: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. 
Rosanne Geylin
Autumnal Report by Rosanne Geylin, Friends President  
As we march towards winter, the Friends of Eldred ge Public Library (FEPL) are working hard to maintain our Library's high standards.


  • Currently, our most important project is the raffle of the adorable playhouse displayed on the corner of Main and Cross Streets in Chatham. Donated by Cape Associates, 100 percent of the proceeds will go to FEPL. The money, like all that raised by FEPL, provides the Library with wonderful things to enhance everyone's - patrons' and staff's - Library experience. Raffle tickets are one for $10 or three for $20 - the drawing will be during the First Night celebration New Year's Eve.
  • The last major fund raiser, Passport to Savings, was a huge success, raising more than $10,000.
  • The Learning Series fall semester is winding down; watch for information about the upcoming spring session. A special thank you to Joanna Schurmann, Regina McDowell and their committee for continuing to produce wonderful programs.
  • We are excited about the landscape project which will transform the property around the Library into a setting as beautiful as the building. Things should get underway in earnest during winter and early spring.
We are grateful to all of you, our "Friends," because without all of you and our wonderful Board, none of this would be possible.
Happy holidays to all and here's hoping for a mild winter.
  The Gift of Friends by Amy Andreasson, Library Directo r

    The holiday season has come a little early to the library this year, thanks to our Friends. 
    They recently purchased a new charging station for mobile devices and laptops.  Located in the reference room, you can read a magazine or the newspaper while your device charges.  charging station
    Another recent purchase that we are very excited about is a new portable digital projector that we will loan out to patrons for parties, presentations, family reunions, and more. 
    It is generous gifts like these that make our relationship with the Friends so special and enable us to provide opportunities for our patrons.   
Happy Holidays from the staff at the  
Eldredge Public Library! 
Season's Readings by Tammy DePasquale, Youth Services Librarian  

Don't miss this annual event hosted by the EPL and Monomoy Community Services, highlighting the best of the best in books for children, young adults, and the adults who care for them.  Click HERE for more information.  
Season_s Readings Poster
Learning Series Update from Joanna Schurmann and Regina McDowell, Learning Series Co-chairs
    The Fall 2018 Learning Series is coming to a successful close. We hope you enjoyed the education and enrichment. We appreciate your making a nice financial contribution to the Friends for the benefit of the library as well. 
    There are still a few classes with spaces. Starting Karen Moore class December 3 at 10:30 am Karen Moore will present a two-session workshop making holiday decorations, and in the afternoon Carol Yindra will return with the Movies of Triumph class. Starting December 5, Seth Rolbein will share stories of the life and challenges of Chatham fishermen.  Register at the library or download a registration form to mail in.  
    The Spring 2019 semester has been planned to offer old favorites and some new courses.  Look for the brochure the first part of March.
Playhouse Raffle Fundraiser   

    This replica of our historic Eldredge Public Library can be yours! All proceeds from the raffle benefit the Friends of the Eldredge Public Library to support our many programs and services for children and adults. The playhouse is on display on the lawn of the Town Offices, at the corner of Main and Cross Street. Local builder Cape Associates, Inc. built and generously donated this playhouse to the Friends to be used as a raffle prize.  
    Tickets are available for purchase at the Eldredge Public Library front desk through December 29th. The drawing will be on December 31st at Chatham's First Night. The winner need not be present and Cape Associates offers free Cape Cod delivery!
    Ticket prices are 1 for $10 or 3 for $20. For more information and to order tickets by mail, email the Friends at friends@eldredgelibrary.org.
    Picture your children or grandchildren enjoying a fun library experience in your own backyard!
Book Sale by Book Sale Chairman Paula Lofgren 
Books are always a welcome gift!  You can't beat the prices at our Friends of the EPL Book Sale!  Click the picture below to see our winter flyer and stop by the Book Sale.  Books, audio books, DVD's - we have it all. 
Holiday Book Sale Flyer
Winter is Coming! snowplow_big.jpg
Whether we like it or not!  Please check our website or social media outlets for weather related closings.
Eldredge Public Library | (508) 945-5170 | 564 Main Street| Chatham, MA 02633
Visit us online at www.eldredgelibrary.org