  • Message from President Anne Groton
  • Report from Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz
  • Upcoming Deadlines
  • 116th Annual Meeting of CAMWS
  • Proposed Amendments to the CAMWS Constitution
  • Reports from Previous Award Winners
  • New in The Classical Journal
  • New in Teaching Classical Languages
  • CAMWS News and Announcements
  • Latin Crisis in New Zealand
  • News from Our Institutional Members
  • Notices from Other Classical Organizations
  • Job Postings
  • Honoring Latin Teachers
  • 2019-20 Financial Contributors
  • Membership
  • CAMWS Members in the News
  • Classics in the News
  • Obitus Recentes
  • Submissions
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Dear CAMWS friends,

Every March or April, something miraculous happens: all the preparations for the CAMWS Annual Meeting come together, just in the nick of time! The miracle is a collective one, wrought by hundreds of people but orchestrated by Tom Sienkewicz and Jevanie Gillen from the modest confines of the CAMWS office in Monmouth, IL. This year our dynamic duo have had the help of a third superhero, Davina McClain, in what will soon (on July 1) become the new CAMWS office at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, LA. 

Thanks to the valiant work of those three kind souls, I have no doubt that the annual miracle will happen again next month, when c. 500 of us are due to converge on the Hyatt Regency in Birmingham. Like the rest of you, I am looking forward to reuniting with old friends and meeting a host of new ones. We should never take for granted the precious chance to gather together and learn from one another, to discuss important issues in the field, and to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and our colleagues.

In the Fall Newsletter I mentioned the opening-night panel organized by the CAMWS ad-hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion and co-sponsored by the Women’s Classical Caucus. To add to the excitement, there will now be a surprise announcement at the end of the panel! First-time attendees of a CAMWS meeting and Life Members are invited to a reception hosted by the Consulares immediately before the panel, and all attendees are invited to the WCC-sponsored reception immediately after it. On display in the hotel throughout the meeting will be the photographic installation entitled “Fourteen Black Classicists,” designed by Consularis Michele Ronnick. I encourage you to view this unique exhibit and reflect on the lives and contributions of a distinguished group of African American educators from the 19th and early 20th centuries. 

I hope you will find this year’s program a pleasing blend of the old and the new. Each of the 11 sessions has seven concurrent sections (A-G). Section 6G will feature the first-ever CAMWS undergraduate poster session. There will be no formal presentations of the 13 posters, but the students will be eager to describe their research projects informally to passersby. Please consider visiting the Ivory Room on Friday morning to chat with these talented undergraduates.

In addition to the 309 people who will be delivering individual papers, 85 people will be giving presentations in the 14 organized panels and eight interactive workshops (including the presidential workshop on student productions of Plautus). There will also be eight round-table discussions over the noon hour on Thursday, and another eight at the same time on Saturday; the topics range from speaking Latin to editing academic volumes, from assessing Classics programs to accrediting Latin teachers, from being a Lupercalian to being a lone wolf!  

On a sad note, two of the panels this year (those sponsored by the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and the National Committee for Latin and Greek) will be dedicated to the memory of Program Committee member Keely Lake. Her death out of the blue on January 15 came as a great shock: she had been cheerfully evaluating abstracts only a couple of weeks before. Inspired by her tireless efforts to promote the study of Latin and Greek, we have invited representatives from the other North American classical associations to attend the CAMWS Vice-Presidents’ dinner and brainstorm with us about ways in which we can collaborate more closely in the future, especially in systematizing the collection of data on Latin, Greek, and Classics programs at all levels, from primary and secondary schools through college and university.

I can promise you that the conference will abound in opportunities for good food, good drink, and good company. On Thursday afternoon, for example, you will have the choice of five concurrent receptions, two organizational meetings (for a contingent faculty group and a CAMWS drama group), a happy hour for K-12 teachers, and a Dungeons and Dragons Adventure, with a table-reading of Sophocles’ Trachiniae later that evening. On Friday, after taking the bus to Samford University, you can enjoy the lunch options on campus and then sample some Greek pastries during the mid-afternoon reception, hosted by our gracious local committee. As always, the banquet on Friday evening will be a jolly and memorable occasion. With Jim May serving as Master of Ceremonies and David White as Orator, how could it not be? 

And if you can manage it, please get up early on Saturday and attend the Business Meeting, where reports will be made, awards bestowed, votes cast, next year’s meeting in Cleveland anticipated, and the gavel passed to David Schenker. The fun will continue until 4:45 p.m., so be sure to check out the deals offered by our exhibitors, go to the lunch for Deep South Classicists (if you can claim to be one of those), and lend your support to the patient, much-enduring speakers for whom the Fates have decreed a spot in one of the last two sessions on the program. 

The quality of the papers this year is outstanding; you won’t want to miss any of them! It has been a treat for me and the other members of the Program Committee to read one brilliant, creative abstract after another. I am proud, too, that CAMWS members are not shying away from controversial topics but are feeling comfortable enough to address them in an open, honest, constructive, and respectful manner. It is a privilege for me to serve as President of a classical association that welcomes everyone to the table and does its best to be responsive to the changing times, while still honoring whatever is praiseworthy in its traditions.

See you in Birmingham for yet another miraculous meeting of CAMWS! 

Anne Groton
Dear fellow CAMWSians:

In this, my penultimate, newsletter message to you as Secretary-Treasurer, I would like to bring you up to date on the many varied and important recent business items which have kept the members of the CAMWS Executive Committee very busy during the past months.

Most important have been the discussions around several proposed amendments to the CAMWS Constitution which the Executive Committee is placing before the membership at the 2020 Business Meeting in Birmingham. As you are probably already aware, these Proposed Amendments to the CAMWS Constitution have been posted on-line at

One of these amendments deals with changing the name of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin (CPL) to the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek (CPLG). The current members of CPL were in unanimous agreement that the name of the committee should be changed. The rationale for this change is based upon the fact that, while Latin enrollments may be showing a slight decline (as are all foreign languages), Greek, especially, has been dropping in enrollments and is certainly in need of the support of and promotion by CAMWS. The committee also felt that the name change focuses on the linguistic foundation for our discipline’s studies in the history, archaeology, literature, art, and culture of classical antiquity and emphasizes that CPL grants and awards are available for Classics programs at all levels of education (K-16).

A second change proposed by the Executive Committee is that the current ad-hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion become a standing CAMWS Committee and its chair a member of the Executive Committee. As will become clear as you read the rest of my message, this committee has already made valuable contributions and recommendations regarding important issues which CAMWS faces. I have no doubt that it will continue to do so. 

Several other changes in the constitution were proposed by a Task Force on Committees formed by President Anne Groton and chaired by President-Elect David Schenker. These changes entail combining the Membership and Development Committees into one Strategic Planning Committee, the chair of which would serve on the Executive Committee. This new committee would focus both on fundraising and on increasing the number of members. The Task Force also recommended that the membership include the CAMWS President, past president, and president-elect (although committee membership is not part of the amendment motion). The justification offered by the Task Force for these changes was that:
“While the work of both the Membership and Development Committees is central to the health of CAMWS, the workload of each committee has been sufficiently light to allow for their combination into a single committee, one that could more efficiently plan and implement strategies for growth in members and finances.”
I hope you will consider these proposed amendments seriously and come prepared to vote on them at the 2020 Business Meeting in Birmingham.

The CAMWS Task Force on Advertising, chaired by Consularis Laura McClure, has completed its work two months ahead of schedule! It was charged by President Groton with designing and proposing to the Executive Committee a policy governing advertisements in CAMWS publications ( CJ, TCL, Newsletter, the CAMWS Annual Meeting Program, the CAMWS website, etc.). The proposed policy has been approved by the Executive Committee and is now posted at

The Executive Committee has also been concerned with various issues related to the selection of future host institutions and hotel sites for the annual meeting. In December the committee approved three items recommended by the Task Force on the Annual Meeting, which was chaired by Consularis Peter Knox. These items included: 1.) a policy of ensuring that the selection of a host institution is consistent with the CAMWS Code of Conduct at Meetings (; 2.) revised policy concerning invitations from host institutions: henceforth CAMWS will welcome not only bids that include on-campus sessions but also bids that do not; and 3.) a policy that the Chair of the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion be consulted during the process of selecting host institutions. This new CAMWS Policy on Choosing Sites for the Annual Meeting is posted here:

Upon the recommendation of the ad-hoc CAMWS Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, chaired by Consularis Ted Tarkow, the following steps are being taken to insure increased accessibility at the 2020 CAMWS meeting in Birmingham and into the future: 1.) providing stickers for people to wear on their name tags, indicating that they need to sit during panels would help attendees with mobility issues communicate with others; 2.) providing space on the nametag for preferred pronouns would make the conference more inclusive of trans and non-binary attendees; 3.) providing a quiet room would help attendees with chronic illness and mental illness to temporarily step away from the noise and crowds of the meetings before returning to the conference; 4.) providing to Presenters and Presider some best practices which would contribute to an environment in which people with disabilities are comfortable asking for accommodations. (For details, see these Guidelines for Presenters and Guidelines for Presiders); 5.) providing a lactation room to make it more possible for nursing parents to attend; and 6.) providing directions in the program to the closest gender-inclusive restroom would welcome trans and nonbinary attendees. This information will be printed in the 2020 program and is also posted here: Making CAMWS Meetings More Accessible.

Using these policies as a guide, the Executive Committee authorized the Secretary Treasure and the Secretary Treasurer Elect to pursue an invitation from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to hold the 2025 CAMWS meeting in Urbana. Davina McClain and I made a site visit on Friday, February 6th. We were pleased with the possibilities of holding a meeting there and hope to be able to announce a positive decision soon. 

Other recent actions of the Executive Committee include: 1.) approving a charter for the Subcommittee on the CAMWS College Greek Exam ( and a description of the duties of the subcommittee chair (; 2.) approving motions from the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships that name of the Semple, Grant and Benario Awards Subcommittee be changed to the CAMWS Summer Travel Awards Subcommittee and that the name of the School Awards Subcommittee be changed to the CAMWS Latin Translation Exam Subcommittee. In both cases it was felt that the new names were more transparent in terms of the work these subcommittees perform. 3.) Creating a policy on affiliated groups.

Finally, you may have already learned of the sudden and unfortunate death of Keely K. Lake, who served CAMWS and the profession in many ways, some of which are listed in her obituary ( In Keely’s memory the Executive Committee recently approved a motion that the CAMWS Travel Grant for School Groups be renamed the Keely Lake Travel Grant for School Groups. More than $3000 has already been raised in pledges and contributions to endow this fund. 

Another active CAMWS campaign is the Latin Teacher Training Initiative for which more than $30,000 has been raised. President Groton has formed an ad-hoc committee to make recommendations to the Executive Committee. This group, chaired by Fanny Dolansky, hopes to finish its work in the next few weeks, so if you have any comments or suggestions for them you should quickly contact the chair at [email protected]. CAMWS would, of course, still welcome contributions to this initiative as well. The need for well-trained Latin teachers is great and your contribution will be put to good use.

If you are in a position to make only a very modest contribution to the Keely Lake Fund, the Teacher Training Initiative Fund or any of the CAMWS grants and scholarships, please don’t hesitate. Even the smallest contribution helps the cause of promoting Classics in CAMWS territory. If you wish to make a contribution you can go to or send CAMWS a check by old-fashioned groundmail.

I leave to President Groton to provide you with enticing details about the upcoming annual meeting in Birmingham except to ask that you review these minutes of the 2019 Business Meeting ( and send any corrections or additions to [email protected] prior to March 28th, when the membership will be asked to approve the minutes and they become official.

I hope to see you in Birmingham.

Tom Sienkewicz
CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer
Friday, March 20, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Saturday, March 28, 2020

  • 116th CAMWS Meeting Ends
The 116th meeting of CAMWS will take place March 25-28, 2020, in Birmingham, Alabama at the Hyatt Regency Birmingham — The Wynfrey Hotel at the invitation of Samford University. Registration information willl be posted in November.


Please note that the CAMWS room block at the Hyatt Regency is all but SOLD OUT! The Courtyard Birmingham Hoover by Marriott (1824 Montgomery Hwy, Hoover, AL 35244) is offering CAMWS members a special rate of 89 USD per night. This hotel is a half-mile from the Hyatt Regency. Book your group rate for CAMWS 2020 before Tuesday, March 10, 2020.


Hyatt Regency Birmingham-The Wynfrey Hotel offers complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport (BHM) by advanced reservation only. Reservations for the shuttle should be made in advance by contacting our Guest Services department at 205-444-5796.


A number of schedule and preview materials are now available on the CAMWS website.

All presenters are encouraged to upload their handouts and other presentation materials here: Please contact [email protected] for uploading instructions.

Are you the author of a new book? Have it displayed at CAMWS 2020 in Birmingham. See CAMWS Author Book Display.

CAMWS will once again host in Birmingham an Ascanius Workshop entitled " Let's Learn Latin", designed to introduce non-Latin teachers in elementary and middle school to the world of Latin and the ancient Romans. This workshop is free but advance registration is required. Register here:


At the 2020 Business Meeting in Birmingham the membership will be asked to approve these minutes of the 2019 Meeting in Lincoln. If you have any corrections to these minutes, you are encouraged to sent them to the Secretary Treasurer at [email protected] as soon as possible.

The Business Meeting will also include motions to amend the CAMWS Constitution. For details see Proposed Amendments to the CAMWS Constitution.


Lactation Room: The Suffolk Room is available throughout the conference as a private space where nursing mothers and parents with small children can attend to their needs.
Quiet Room: The Buckingham Room is available throughout the conference for attendees who need a quiet space where they can escape temporarily from the stress of the meeting.
Gender-Neutral Bathrooms: A gender-neutral bathroom is available in the Buckingham Room. Other family/gender-inclusive restrooms are located in the food court of the mall a short walk away.
Dear CAMWS Members:

The CAMWS Executive Committee has approved the following amendments to the CAMWS constitution. The constitution requires that all proposed amendments be submitted to the membership in writing at least a month before the annual Business Meeting, at which such amendments must be approved by a vote of the members in attendance.

These amendments were proposed by both the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and a Task Force on Committees appointed for this purpose by President Anne Groton.

Here is a summary of the proposed changes:

  1. Changing the name of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin to the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek.
  2. Making the current ad-hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion a standing committee.
  3. Eliminating two standing committees, the Membership and Development Committees, and creating in their place a standing committee called the Strategic Planning Committee.
  4. Removing the Membership Chair as a member of the Executive Committee and adding the Chairs of the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion and the Strategic Planning Committee to the Executive Committee.

Below are provided the current wording in the constitution, the proposed wording with edits, and the proposed wording without edits.

Current Wording:

Article III. Committees.

Section 1. The standing committees of the Association include the Executive Committee, the Development Committee, the Finance Committee, the History Committee, the Membership Committee, the Merit Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, the Resolutions Committee, and the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships.

Article II. Officers.

Section 5. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President; the President-Elect; the immediate Past President; the Secretary-Treasurer; the Editor of The Classical Journal; the Editor of Teaching Classical Languages; the Editor of the CAMWS Newsletter; the Chairs of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships, the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, the Finance Committee, and the Membership Committee; and three elected Members-at-Large, who shall serve for renewable terms of three years each, one term expiring each year. The Executive Committee shall meet in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association, except as provided under Article V.2. Election of Members-at-Large shall take place at the Annual Business Meeting.

Proposed Wording with Edits:

Article III. Committees.

Section 1. The standing committees of the Association include the Executive Committee, the Development Committee, the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, the Finance Committee, the History Committee, the Membership Committee, the Merit Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek, the Resolutions Committee, and the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships, and the Strategic Planning Committee.

Article II. Officers.

Section 5. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President; the President-Elect; the immediate Past President; the Secretary-Treasurer; the Editor of The Classical Journal; the Editor of Teaching Classical Languages; the Editor of the CAMWS Newsletter; the Chairs of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships, the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek, the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, the Finance Committee, and the Membership  Strategic Planning Committee; and three elected Members-at-Large, who shall serve for renewable terms of three years each, one term expiring each year. The Executive Committee shall meet in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association, except as provided under Article V.2. Election of Members-at-Large shall take place at the Annual Business Meeting.

Proposed Wording without Edits:

Article III. Committees.

Section 1. The standing committees of the Association include the Executive Committee, the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, the Finance Committee, the History Committee, the Merit Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek, the Resolutions Committee, the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships, and the Strategic Planning Committee.

Article II. Officers.

Section 5. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President; the President-Elect; the immediate Past President; the Secretary-Treasurer; the Editor of The Classical Journal; the Editor of Teaching Classical Languages; the Editor of the CAMWS Newsletter; the Chairs of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships, the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek, the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, the Finance Committee, and the Strategic Planning Committee; and three elected Members-at-Large, who shall serve for renewable terms of three years each, one term expiring each year. The Executive Committee shall meet in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association, except as provided under Article V.2. Election of Members-at-Large shall take place at the Annual Business Meeting.
Dear colleagues,
My name is Rob and I am a Latin teacher here in New Zealand as well as President for the New Zealand Association of Classical Teachers (NZACT). 
Word may have reached you by now that the Ministry of “Education” here in New Zealand has just announced their intention to abolish Latin as a curriculum subject in our schools. I am reaching out to you in the hope that you might be able to support our efforts to petition the Ministry to reverse their decision. 
The proposal has been based on the following seven criteria which I have copied below. Note that NCEA is our national secondary school qualification. Level 1 refers to the third to last year of high school (15 years old), Level 2 to the second to last year (16 years old) and Level 3 to the final year of high school (17 years old). They have proposed abolishing Latin at all levels on the basis that it does not meet any of the seven criteria. I suspect that there is a more insidious hidden political agenda but this is the public rationale. I have provided the responses of the Ministry in yellow below each criteria showing how it apparently does not fit.

  1. How the subject fits with the policy vision of a broader, foundational NCEA Level 1 with increasing specialisation at Levels 2 and 3 Response: lots of talk about Level 1 being broad and foundational. Latin does not fit this model.
  2. The extent to which the subject supports the inclusion of important and rich learning from the National Curriculum, with as little overlap as possible. Response: Latin struggles to connect to the national curriculum because it is not a spoken language.
  3. The extent to which the subject supports coherent and robust pathways into NCEA Level 2 and further study or training. Response: Latin as a career pathway is very limited. 
  4. The extent the subject contributes to supporting schools to create well designed and coherent local curricula, which support pathways for individual learners. Response: Latin doesn’t have a pathway.
  5. Demand for a subject and the sector’s capability to deliver the subject. Response: Number of students is very small and NZQA’s capacity to deliver exams is limited with so few people.
  6. How the subject supports the Crown’s obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Response: Latin does not support these obligations, but nor do a significant number of other subjects.
  7. How the subject supports the credibility of NCEA as a qualification overall among stakeholders, including its credibility as an internationally recognised qualification. Response: Latin as a subject internationally is not strong. Does enhance or diminish the reputation of the qualification. 
The small numbers and apparent lack of clear pathways post school are apparently the two criteria which have been given the most weight. 
We have rallied our national media who have been sympathetic to our cause and offered quite a few interviews and articles. In addition, I am receiving letters from around the world which I can submit to the Ministry. I should add that they are proposing to abolish Classics as a subject at Level 1 as well.  
If you are willing to make a submission in support of Latin and / or Level 1 Classical Studies, I would be most grateful. I have posted the link below. If you have any other ways in which you might be able to support, please do let me know. It might be best as international submitters to emphasise the wide range of pathways open to Latin students following high school and perhaps to highlight the international strength and reputation of Latin, plus its value as a subject in studying other subjects.
I would also kindly request that you send me a copy of your submission as well, if you are willing. Then I can draw attention to the wide range of support from around the world. Otherwise I fear that the Ministry will cover them up in the knowledge that they will be our best ammunition. We will definitely never find out about correspondence in our favour unless we receive it too.
I am so grateful for your support and apologise for the unsolicited e-mail and intrusion into your time. Please do get in touch if you have any queries. Also please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone else who would be interested and invested in our cause. 
I look forward to hearing from you.
Very best wishes,
Rob Griffiths.
Excavation / Field School Awards
Steven Mondloch

This past summer, I had the extremely good fortune of receiving an award from CAMWS to supplement my participation in the Poggio Civitate archaeological project in Murlo, Italy. While there, I helped archaeologists excavate, document, and conserve artifacts from several separate phases of Etruscan occupation on the hill and learned many things about what the stratigraphic and artifactual data might tell us about this settlement.

Don’t let anyone tell you that archaeology isn’t hard work! Every morning began with waking up well before the sun to trek through the Tuscan countryside and up a hill to the site of the excavation. In sometimes intense heat, we excavators used pickaxes, shovels, and wheelbarrows to remove earth that was placed over previously excavated trenches in order to preserve the site until excavation could be continued the following season-- a process called “de-backfilling”. While it sure was tough work, the personal relationships formed with the other excavators while we worked away was something I’ll cherish in my memory for years to come.
After we removed the backfilled earth and sent some new trenches, it was off to the races! While I rotated where on the site I excavated every week, most of my time was spent in newly dug trenches which our archaeologists posited could reveal evidence of non-elite housing. In these trenches, we found many samples of clay tile and pottery, terracotta, slag from metal working, worked animal bone, and other remnants from a large workshop just uphill which had deposited some of these things into this part of the site due to a sort of landslip.

My biggest personal find of the excavation was a terracotta big-cat head which was most likely used as an ornamental display in an aristocratic manor. The feeling of reaching into the ground and picking up an intact artifact worked by the very hands of the people I was studying was a surreal moment which I will treasure for the rest of my life.
Unfortunately, I found my new feline friend with the business end of a pickax. Fortunately, however, it received only a small crack which the expert conservators helped me consolidate with diluted glue to make sure it didn’t develop more substantial damage.

My time in the conservation lab was some of my favorite at the dig. While there, I got to learn about the art of conservation from an expert while trying my hand at cleaning and consolidating artifacts, and even got to use special glue to put some pieces of broken pottery back together! This work pushed the limits of my manual dexterity, and I even got to wear these fetching magnifying lenses to assist me in my pursuits.
Learning the ins and outs of archaeology was an amazing and enriching experience, one which I plan to use in my future career as a professional Latin teacher. As I complete an MAT in Teaching Latin and Classical Humanities at UMass Amherst, the Classics department was generous enough to also subsidize my travel to Poggio Civitate in order to instruct a Latin reading group
alongside my colleague from the program Chloé Kolbet. After the day’s work, several of our fellow excavators would meet to read Latin texts. Due to the various experience levels of the participants, Chloé and I split up the participants into two groups, one for beginning students and one for intermediate / advanced students. While I worked with the intermediate / advanced group, we read several different kinds of texts, ranging from comprehensible novellas for a bit of fun and productive summer reading, to the works of Vergil, Horace and other Roman authors. Connecting to antiquity by reading ancient authors while also working with artifacts from an Etruscan site was an incredibly enriching experience for both my fellow excavators and myself, and I plan to use the lessons I learned about material culture to give my future students a more visceral, immediate connection to antiquity.

I am immensely grateful to CAMWS for their contribution to this life-changing experience and specifically to Tom ​Sienkewicz for his encouragement to apply for this award.
Summer Travel Awards
Maria Marable
Benario Award Recipient
The Janice and Herbert Benario Award allowed me to participate in a Villa Vergiliana tour in Italy. I was searching for something that would prepare me to teach AP Latin for the second time after a year of not teaching it. The description of the Italy of Caesar and Vergil: A Workshop for Teachers led by Amy Leonard and Steven Tuck sounded like the perfect solution and it did not disappoint.

We began our journey in Rome, which I had visited before only as a chaperone on a school trip. This trip was a very different experience especially because I was the carefree student and not the teacher in charge. When we were not at site visits, we were sitting around a table discussing ways to improve our teaching and sharing resources either in a classroom at the University of Washington Rome Center or at the Harry Wilks Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana.

On the first day, we started by seeing the mighty Tiber and ended at the Capitoline Museum. For the remaining time in Rome, we visited the Ara Pacis, Pantheon, Forum Romanum, Imperial Fora, and the Column of Trajan. I was very excited to step foot in the Roman Forum because I had never been. We were encouraged to take a small notebook to jot down interesting tidbits. I am so glad I did because, for example, I learned that Piazza Navona was built on top of the stadium of Domitian. 

As we headed to the Villa Vergiliana, we stopped to see the Tomb of Aeneas and the Villa of Tiberius. Before we went to the tomb, we visited the museum at Pomezia, which provided a good background prior to viewing what remains now. Given the breathtaking view, I can understand why Tiberius would have wanted a home at Sperlonga. 

The Bay of Naples area gave us a break from the sweltering heat in Rome. I was experiencing first hand what I had read: Romans liked to escape the city in the summer and head south. We may have fled the heat but were about to embark on some serious physical exertion over the next few days. 

Hiking Mt. Vesuvius was not easy but worth it for the views. We were fortunate that the clouds did not interfere with the vista until after we were finished taking pictures. Visiting the amphitheater in Puteoli was incredible for the ability to see underneath the arena. I preferred Herculaneum to Pompeii because it was smaller and less crowded. Seeing Paestum reminded me of taking a course in art and archaeology with Dr. Tsakirgis, requiesat in pace. I took so many pictures of coins in the National Archaeological Museum that I used up all the battery life in my camera, including the spares! The museum at Baiae was so huge that we could have spent an entire day there and not seen everything. Being at Cumae brought the Sibyl to life and made me want to bring my students so that they could experience it for themselves.

In the end, not only did I feel more prepared to teach AP Latin, but I also formed memorable bonds. Because of this shared experience, we can call on each other for help or inspiration when needed. I am humbled and honored to have been named the recipient of the 2019 Benario Award. Without it, I would not have been able to attend this incredible Vergilian Society tour in Italy.

Maria Marable is a Latin teacher at MLK Magnet, Nashville, TN.
The Classical Journal (ISSN 0009-8353) is published by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), the largest regional classics association in the United States and Canada, and is now over a century old. All members of CAMWS receive the journal as a benefit of membership; non-member and library subscriptions are also available. CJ appears four times a year (October-November, December-January, February-March, April-May); each issue consists of 128 pages. It is included in JStore (00098353).

The following articles are contained in CJ 115.2

by Thea S. Thorsen

Abstract: Metapoetics is a strong focus of the scholarship on Ovid’s Heroides 20–1. Viewed from this perspective, the figure of Acontius is frequently regarded as a prefiguration of the poet, while Cydippe has traditionally been seen as the poet-lover’s object. This article argues that Cydippe too may be understood as an embodiment of the poet—even, to some degree, of the poet Ovid. The argument for this identification emerges from a close analysis of Callimachean and Ovidian allusions that appear to promote significantly different kinds of poetics in the two letters. Finally, the article reflects on the ways in which the notion of Cydippe as a prefiguration of the poet may inform our appreciation of Ovid’s Callimacheanism.


by Kyle Gervais

Abstract: The text of Aeneid 7.5 on the rites performed for Caieta, is suspicious for several reasons, most notably the unparalleled sedes of Aeneas. I argue that Virgil wrote at pius Aeneas sacris iam rite solutis, and that exsequiis is an intrusive gloss (evidence for which may be found in the ancient manuscripts). With sacris, Virgil seems to be suggesting cult honors as part of a complex allusion to Apollonius’ Argonautica and Callimachus’ Hecale. I also discuss four verse passages in Ovid, Petronius and Columella to argue that sacris would suggest a cult and, especially, that Ovid and Columella had a text of Virgil with sacris, not exsequiis.


by Anastasia Belinskaya

Abstract: This paper argues that as the author of the first letter of Ovid’s Heroides Penelope, in addition to expressing her wishes for her husband’s return, takes on the role of Ulysses himself; she goes to war, travels the seas and eventually comes home. She does so by manipulating the space of her story and wielding her letters as her surrogates. Contrary to her standard portrait, Penelope in the Heroides is a capable narrator, conscious of her mythological and literary tradition, who seeks to break away from her static role through the act of writing. Ovid’s Penelope structures her narrative to take it to Troy and then return to Ithaca on her own odyssey.


by Kristin Mann

Abstract: In Phaedrus’ Fabulae, physical appearance is an unreliable sign of gender, but behavior reveals the truth. In 4.15, what appears to be a woman’s tongue is actually genitalia, as shown through its use in oral sex. In 4.16, some individuals with penises are women and some individuals with vaginas are men, as their sexual preferences show. The goats of 4.17 are female (despite their beards) because they lack courage. In App. 10, an effeminate-seeming man proves himself manly through his courage. These fables run contrary to the Roman cultural norm that gender can be determined at sight. In fables, appearances are deceiving.


by Aaron Wenzel

Abstract: First-year writing courses can be a challenge for both instructors and students. This paper describes a first-year writing course developed, taught and continuously refined by one classicist. The course combines writing instruction with primary and secondary material relating to the ancient world. Students who might otherwise never take a classics course can thus engage with ancient Greece and Rome. Such a course can extend Classics into other areas of the college curriculum and expand the number of students who learn about antiquity.
Teaching Classical Languages ( TCL) is the peer-reviewed, online journal dedicated to exploring how we teach (and how we learn) Greek and Latin.
The following articles are contained in TCL 10.2

by Harrison, Rebecca, Truman State University, pp. 1 - 47

Abstract: This article uses research from Second Language Acquisition and from analyses of tense and verb uses in Latin authors to shed light on how students acquire verb tenses, especially past tenses, and to show how to enhance student learning of Latin verb tenses. I argue that 1) only one tense and one translation/use of a tense should be taught at a time; 2) the simple past meaning of the perfect should be the first past tense taught, then the stative use of imperfect, followed by the past progressive use, the present perfect, and pluperfect; 3) it makes a difference what verbs are used in teaching a tense; there are different semantic categories of verbs, such as stative, based on their inherent meaning, and tenses are acquired best with the category of verb that best matches the tense aspect; the combination of category of verb and tense can also sometimes aid in distinguishing translations of tenses; and 4) tenses occur in typical semantic and syntactic contexts, and these contexts are important to enhance acquisition and to aid in distinguishing different tense uses/translations. Finally, I provide teaching suggestions, sample exercises, methods for adapting and supplementing textbooks, and a review of textbooks in relation to teaching verb tenses.

by Kerschner, Stephen, Austin Peay State University, pp. 48 - 70

Abstract: This article presents a method for developing and practicing both close reading skills and compositional skills as used in an undergraduate Latin Prose Composition course. By using contemporary popular music, students can learn how to recognize, comprehend, and use as a basis for analysis rhetorical and literary devices found in Latin poetry as well as poetic compositional style. When students translate popular songs that they know and understand into Latin and then analyze them according to basic philological processes, they are able to remove barriers to understanding deriving from cultural differences between the Roman world and their modern world. Further, this assignment also offers a solution to the critical problem that many students have no facility with poetic analysis of poetry in their native language. In addition to seeing extensive development of philological methods in students performing this assignment, results were also seen in advanced reading Latin courses in the form of better class discussion and more mature term papers.

by Kopestonsky, Theodora B., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, pp. 71 - 100

Abstract: Students often struggle to interpret Latin poetry. To combat the confusion, teachers can turn to a modern parallel (pop music) to assist their students in understanding ancient verse. Pop music is very familiar to most students, and they already translate its meaning unconsciously. Building upon what students already know, teachers can reframe their approach to poetry in a way that is more effective. This essay shows how to present the concept of meter (dactylic hexameter and elegy) and scansion using contemporary pop music, considers the notion of the constructed persona utilizing a modern musician, Taylor Swift, and then addresses the pattern of the love affair in Latin poetry and Taylor Swift’s music. To illustrate this approach to connecting ancient poetry with modern music, the lyrics and music video from one song, Taylor Swift’s Blank Space (2014), are analyzed and compared to poems by Catullus. Finally, this essay offers instructions on how to create an assignment employing pop music as a tool to teach poetry — a comparative analysis between a modern song and Latin poetry in the original or in translation.

by Trinacty, Christopher, Oberlin College, pp. 101 - 116

Abstract:This paper discusses how to utilize a music video to teach Latin intertextuality. It shows how to encourage students to be aware of the way authors and musicians establish connections between their own works and those of their predecessors. The video features “signposts” for allusive material and an extended quotation that enhances the meaning of the song. Similar effects can be discovered in the analysis of Latin poetry and a case study shows how intertextual echoes in Vergil adumbrate his own literary antecedents and his creative use of his source material. This instructional strategy not only assists students to see the larger context of the Latin poems and to delve into their poetics, but also illuminates how visual clues operate within Latin poetry.
JStore offers CAMWS members a 50% discount on a JPASS providing unlimited access to the JStor library. Go to

(password protected)

The 100th Anniversary Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South – Southern Section will be held Thursday-Saturday, November 12-14, 2020 in Waco, TX at the Hilton Waco, at the invitation of Baylor University. Proposals for workshops/panels and individual papers on any aspect of Graeco-Roman antiquity are now being accepted. Especially welcome are submissions likely to be of broad interest, including those concerned with pedagogy. Panels/workshops, especially those on pedagogical and performative topics, are especially welcome. Teachers and students at any level of instruction (K-12, college, or university) may submit proposals.

All proposals for workshops/panels and individual papers must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 15, 2020. All proposals for panels, workshops and individual papers will be judged anonymously by the Program Committee, chaired by CAMWS-SS Secretary-Treasurer David J. White.

An individual may deliver no more than one paper at the meeting and may submit no more than one abstract. A person is free to organize a panel in addition to presenting a paper (whether in his/her own panel or in another session). Anyone presenting on a panel or submitting a proposal for an individual paper at CAMWS-SS 2020 cannot also be a presenter in a panel/workshop.

All abstracts must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. Indent first lines of paragraphs; set a 1-inch margin on all sides; and center the title at the top of the page. Enter any non-Roman text using Unicode. Use abbreviated (author-date) citations; at the end of each abstract or panel description provide a list of works cited. The combined length of the abstract (or panel/workshop description) and its list of works cited must not exceed 800 words. Abstracts for workshops should describe the general goals of the workshop, the roles played by each presenter and expectations of the audience. Authors of abstracts and organizers of panels MUST not be identified by name anywhere in their proposals.

The maximum time allotted for an individual paper is 15 minutes. A workshop can be either sixty or ninety minutes in length. Requests for audio-visual equipment must be made at the time the abstract is submitted. Because LCD projectors are expensive to rent, please request them only when absolutely necessary. Individuals must provide their own laptop computers and adapter cables. Access to the internet IS AVAILABLE in the meeting rooms of the hotel, but backups on flashdrives/harddrives are recommend.

Please submit all proposals electronically at for individual papers and for workshop proposals at If, for some reason, electronic submission is not possible, please contact the CAMWS office at the address below.

All presenters and organizers are required to be members of CAMWS at the time they submit their abstracts. Membership dues may be paid at by credit card ($3.00 processing fee) or by mailing a check along with a membership form to CAMWS, Watson Memorial Parkway, 913 University Parkway, Room 313, Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA 71497 (office 318-357-4580; fax 318-357-5908; [email protected]). Please keep in mind that submission of an abstract is a commitment to present the paper in person in Waco.

RECEIPT DEADLINES: Monday, June 15, 2020 (panels and individuals).
CAMWS recognizes affiliated groups organized by membership status (student, contingent, retired, etc.) or by academic interest (drama, epic, history, art, etc.).
Only groups which advance the mission of the organization ( Mission Statement) can become affiliated with CAMWS. Members of the affiliated group are also expected to abide by the CAMWS Policy on Public Statements, Statement on CAMWS and Political Involvement, and Policy on Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct.
A group must request affiliated status from the CAMWS Executive Committee.
An affiliated group determines the members of its own managing committee. All members of the managing committee must be current CAMWS members, but regular members of an affiliated group are not required to be CAMWS members.
The affiliated group identifies a member of its managing committee to serve as its spokesperson (chair). This spokesperson submits annually to the Executive Committee a written report of committee activities. This spokesperson (or another representative from the group) gives an oral report at the annual CAMWS Business Meeting. Failure to make either of these reports for two years in a row will place the group in deactivated status and require the group to submit a new request for affiliation.
The affiliated group maintains its own social media, but can submit notices for posting on the CAMWS website or Facebook page and in the Newsletter.
An affiliated group is encouraged to submit to the CAMWS Program Committee proposals for panels, workshops, round-table discussions, and other events at the CAMWS Annual Meeting. Proposals for panels, workshops and round-table discussions must be submitted through the regular (anonymous) submission process, but these events, if approved, can be identified by affiliated sponsorship in the program.
The CAMWS Executive Committee reserves the right to cancel a group's affiliation for any reason. 
Current Affiliated Groups:
Approved by the CAMWS Executive Committee on February 10, 2020
Table-Reading of Sophocles’ Trachiniae
at CAMWS 2020

Sponsored by the Greek, Roman, and Classical Tradition Drama Working Group
Amy R. Cohen (Randolph College), organizer

This event is designed to involve attendees in the process of developing ideas for an upcoming production of Trachiniae and to demonstrate aspects of practical scholarship on ancient drama. Attendees will first voice the different roles in the play, which will give the director a clearer sense of the possibilities for the show itself. The second part of the event will be discussion, with attendees sharing their observations about what they’ve just seen and heard (whether or not they were one of the readers). 
Organizational Meeting for a CAMWS Drama Group
at CAMWS 2020 in Birmingham, Alabama

5:15-6:15 p.m. Berkshire Room
Thursday, March 26, 2020
of the Hyatt Regency Hotel Birmingham--The Wynfrey
Sponsored by the Greek, Roman, and Classical Tradition
Drama Working Group

All CAMWS members interested in the study and performance of Greek, Roman, and Classical Tradition drama are invited to come together to discuss the formation of a new working group that would present a staged reading of a Greek, Roman, or Classical Tradition play at each CAMWS annual meeting and perhaps sponsor an academic panel. All are welcome to come to help visualize the structure, operation, and goals of this new group. Contact Timothy Wutrich ( [email protected]) for further information.
Organizational Meeting for a CAMWS Contingent Faculty Group at CAMWS 2020
in Birmingham, Alabama

5:15-6:15 p.m. Wynfrey E
Thursday, March 26, 2020
of the Hyatt Regency Hotel Birmingham--The Wynfrey

CAMWS members interested in forming an affiliated group for support of contingent faculty (i.e. non-tenure stream, full or part time) are invited to attend this meeting. All are welcome to come to help visualize the structure, operation, and goals of this new group. Contact Timothy Heckenlively ( [email protected]) for further information.

President Anne Groton has formed a Task Force on Advertising. The charge for the task force is to design and propose to the Executive Committee, by May 1, 2020, a policy governing advertisements in CAMWS publications (CJ, TCL, Newsletter, the CAMWS Annual Meeting Program, the CAMWS website, etc.). 

Here is a list of the members of the task force: 

  • Laura McClure, Chair (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 
  • Benjamin Haller (Virginia Wesleyan University) 
  • Anise Strong (Western Michigan University) 
  • Yasuko Taoka (Wayne State College) 
  • Emma Vanderpool (Trickum Middle School) 
  • T. Davina McClain, CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer Elect (Louisiana Scholars' College at Northwestern State University) (ex officio, non-voting) 

The chair of the Task Force can be reached at [email protected].
All the members of the Task Force can be reached at [email protected].

Congratulations to the following undergraduates whose papers have been accepted for CAMWS 2020 in Birmingham:


A photographic exhibit entitled “Fourteen Black Classicists” and created by Professor Michele Ronnick of Wayne State University will be on display as part of the 116th annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) in Birmingham, Alabama, March 25-28, 2020. The exhibit, initially funded by two grants from the James Loeb Classical Library Foundation, features photographs of such distinguished Black educators as: William Sanders Scarborough, the first Black member of the Modern Language Association and author of a Greek textbook (1881); Wiley Lane, the first Black professor of Greek at Howard University; John Wesley Gilbert, the first Black to attend the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece; Lewis Baxter Moore, who earned the first doctorate awarded by the University of Pennsylvania to an African American for his work on the Greek tragedian Sophocles; and Helen Chesnutt, who taught Latin at Central High School in Cleveland and published a Latin textbook (1932).You can view some of these photos on line at Black Classicists | A Mural Mosaic and Twelve Black Classicists.

The exhibit is free and open to the public. It will be on display in the Essex Room of the Hyatt Regency Birmingham--The Wynfrey at the following times:

5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 25, 2020
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 26, 2020
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Friday, March 27, 2020
9:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Saturday, March 28, 2020

CAMWS is planning a display of recent books by CAMWS authors at the 2020 meeting in Birmingham. If you have had a book published in the last three years and would like your book included, you are welcome to bring along a copy to add to the display or have a copy mailed from the press in advance to the CAMWS office at the following address: CAMWS Author Book Display, c/o Monmouth College, 700 E. Broadway, Monmouth IL 61462. A list of those books received at least a month in advance of the meeting will also appear in the program as part of the advertisement for this display. You do not have to attend the meeting to have your book displayed.

The CAMWS Executive Committee has named the CAMWS Travel Grants for School Groups after Keely K. Lake who served as chair of the CAMWS Committee for the Promotion of Latin from 2016-2019. She taught Latin at Wayland Academy (WI) from 2002 until 2018 and received a CAMWS Ovatio in 2011. Please consider donating to the fund for this grant at camws,org/donate.
CAMWS Members
Save 25%
Oxford University Press is offering a 25% discount on its entire Classics list to all CAMWS members. Go to
(password protected)
Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
CAMWS members have full access to the Loeb Classical Library On-Line.
Go to (password protected)
Biduum Cornellianum

SALVI and the Department of Classics at Cornell University in Ithaca invite you to Biduum Cornellianum, three days of Latin immersion for all levels of experience.

Cornell has teamed up with SALVI to offer an opportunity for Latinists and educators in the region and beyond to speak, hear, and practice Latin, as well as to learn about using oral Latin in the classroom at all levels. Both Latin and English will be in use at the event. Some activities will be entirely in Latin.

Instructional Staff: includes Justin Slocum Bailey, Anna Andresian, Dan Gallagher, Diane Anderson, and John Young.

Program Dates: May 1-3, 2020. (Arrival: Friday, May 1, between 3 and 6 p.m.; Departure: Sunday, May 3, between noon and 3 p.m.)

Eligibility: You are eligible to attend this workshop if you have already learned Latin on paper and are interested in developing active command of the spoken language, or if you are just curious about how it might be done. Please note that a Biduum is not an introductory Latin course and thus not for people who have no knowledge of the language. Typically, participants have completed, at a minimum, the equivalent of one year of traditional college Latin, covering all the fundamentals of grammar. It is not necessary to have previous experience speaking Latin.

Location: Klarman Hall and other locations on and around the Cornell campus.

Lodging: There are two hotels which which we are collaborating. Be sure to tell them you’ll be there for “the Latin event,” and you will receive the group rates listed below.

Hotel Ithaca
222 South Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 607-272-1000 x3220
Fax: 607-269-0406
$149.00 per night
Includes: Shuttle to Cornell (holds 11 people), On-site complimentary parking, and Wi-fi.
Best Western University Inn
1020 Ellis Hollow Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 607-272-6100
$149.00 per night
Includes: full breakfast, parking, shuttle, wi-fi

Cost: $50 per person, including meals on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Lodging and transportation to and from the university campus are not included (though SALVI will do its best to help arrange carpooling). After completing the registration form, you must pay the tuition either through PayPal using the “Buy Now” button below or by sending a check payable to SALVI to:

Edie Barry
SALVI Treasurer
3445 Hicks Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Let's Learn Latin at CAMWS 2020:
An Ascanius Workshop
LET’S LEARN LATIN will introduce elementary and middle school teachers to the world of Latin and the ancient Romans through a variety of engaging approaches.

Teachers get to play the role of students, learning the material through the same activities and lessons that they will be able to use in their own classrooms.

Participants will enjoy learning the basics of Latin, using a colorful, interesting, kid-friendly text called Minimus, supplemented by effective and innovative activities to practice the material. No previous experience with Latin is needed!

Participants will receive myriad classroom-ready materials on all topics studied. PD Certificates/Hours are available. For more information see

Registration, all workshop materials and resources, and light breakfast with coffee are all provided. Participants should bring their own lunch.

All participants must register online
via our website ( Deadline: March 16, 2020.
Fourth Annual May Lecture

March 12

Join Us for Food, Fun, and Contesting Muses!

Save the Date for the Fourth Annual James M. May Endowed Lecture in Classics at St. Olaf College on March 12.

Join St. Olaf classics alumni and friends for a festive dinner in the Kings' Dining Room and a lecture by John F. Miller, Arthur F. and Marian W. Stocker Professor of Classics at the University of Virginia, who will speak on "Contesting Muses."

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Buntrock Commons, St. Olaf College

Dinner | 5 p.m.
Kings' Dining Room - Trollhaugen

Lecture | 7 p.m.
Viking Theater

Stay tuned!

Registration information will be mailed in February. If you're unable to join us on campus, the lecture will be streamed live and archived.


Contact Laurel Brook, 507-786-3383 or [email protected].
Call for Papers October 9-10, 2020

The Power of Images
As recorded in Pliny’s Historia Naturalis, the Greek painter Zeuxis once painted grapes so realistically that birds would fly down to peck at them. Literature has been frequently said to “depict” or “imitate” reality, theater has been described as an imago mundi, and political writing for the instruction of rulers in Medieval and Renaissance literature was known as specula principum (mirrors of princes), where readers were encouraged to examine their own virtues and qualities, as one does in front of a mirror. We talk about “anamorphosis” and “ekphrasis” in literature. Fiction rests on imagination, or the cognitive capacity of creating images without any immediate input from the senses. At the end of 19th century, Louis and Auguste Lumière invented the cinématographe, making images even more accessible to an avid public eager to consume them. Moreover, the cinema industry has recently introduced us to 3D, holograms, and graphic effects that further blur the tenuous distinction between appearance and reality.

As the old adage asserts, “an image is worth a thousand words.” However, how much can we actually trust what we see? What is the relationship between images constructed in literature/painting/cinema and reality? How can images be deceitful? Are images dangerous? In his dystopian vision of image-based reality, the so-called father of postmodernism Jean Baudrillard posits that “seductive” simulacra transmitted through a plethora of digital screens are on the verge of eclipsing the real entirely. Recent political controversies revolving around the incessant dissemination of “alternative facts” for immediate mass consumption have led some theorists to speculate that we have entered into a “post-truth” era in which all semblance of meaning has been effaced by the ubiquity of contrived images linked to a hyperreal spectacle that has lost all connection to reality. In the words of the Baudrillard scholar Douglas Kellner, this phenomenon is the “carnival of mirrors” to which the maverick philosopher refers in his radical reworking of symbolic exchange.

A few possible subtopics for this theme include: ekphrasis in literature, anamorphosis in literature and painting, perspective, film studies, visions and apparitions in literature, scientific observation, imagination and fiction, mirrors in literature / painting / film, literature / painting / film as mirror of reality, appearance and deception, blurring of the limits between image and reality, simulacrum, spectacle, the advent of hyperreality, the inception of the post-truth era, the evolution of pedagogical techniques in the ubiquitous realm of simulation.

Abstract Submission

All Individual Proposals must be submitted through the Submission link on this website:

Deadline: June 1, 2020

  • Paper title
  • Name, institutional affiliation, position or title and contact information of the presenter including e-mail address and phone number.
  • Abstract for an individual paper: up to 300 words for a single paper
  • Brief (2-4 sentence) scholarly or professional biography of the presenter.
  • Indication of any audiovisual needs or special accommodations.

To submit a Panel Proposal, each presenter must submit an Individual Proposal, and note the name of the Panel Chair on the appropriate box of the application.

Note: Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes.

Publication of Peer-Reviewed Selected Proceedings

After the conference, all presenters will be eligible to submit their papers for publication consideration.


Early registration by June 22nd (11:59 PM – US Central Time):

  • $125.00 U.S. academics (faculty)
  • $100.00 foreign academics
  • $75.00 U.S. graduate students

Late registration fee (after June 22nd):

  • $150.00 U.S. academics (faculty)
  • $125.00 foreign academics
  • $100.00 U.S. graduate students

If you have any questions, please contact Keith Moser at [email protected].

In addition to existing concentrations in philology, archaeology, and history, the Classics at the University of Arizona. now has a new emphasis in Ancient Religion. Students will pursue an interdisciplinary approach to the religions of the Mediterranean which, depending on individual interests, may include coursework and research in areas such as the archaeology of ritual and sanctuaries or the literatures of ancient Judaism and early Christianity. A link is to the webpage and application is here The application deadline for all emphases in the Classics M.A. program is Feb. 15.

Most students admitted to the program receive generous funding awards, including full tuition waivers, with stipends ranging from $7,688–16,200 per year, and options for health insurance. The program provides graduate candidates with teaching experience at an early stage in their professional careers. Grant and award funding is also available to assist students participating in conferences, colloquia, archaeology fieldwork and UA’s extensive Study Abroad program.

The department now also offer intensive summer language courses in both Greek and Latin so that students admitted into the program with language deficiencies can make those up prior to matriculating in the fall semester.

For more information, contact
Courtney Friesen
Assistant Professor of Classics
Director of Graduate Studies

The Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Kent State University is accepting applications for its new, 100% online Master of Arts in Latin Literature. Students may enroll with full-time, part-time or guest student status. This rigorous 2-year program has no residency requirement and no class meetings. Contact Prof. Jennifer Larson: [email protected].
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
Baylor Postbac Program
For additional information and application instructions visit

As Humanities Advocacy Day approaches, the National Humanities Alliance (of which CAMWS is a member) is seeking organizational representatives from from a key states to attend the NHA Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day (March 8-10, 2020, in Washington, DC). Without a constituent from the states listed below, NHA will not be able to secure meetings with the Members of Congress who serve on committees that fund humanities programs.

As an incentive, NHA is offering a limited number of free registrations to the members from these key states:

North Dakota

If you are a CAMWS member willing to participate, please contact [email protected] in order to confirm whether NHA still has free registration available for that state.

Thanks for considering this. Should you have any questions, including how NHA has chosen the states on this list, please contact:

Beatrice D. Gurwitz, Ph.D. l Deputy Director
21 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
202 296 4994 x 150 office l 510 418 0351 cell

Finally, if you have not yet registered for the event, please take a minute to do so with the member discount code, Member2020. Early registration ends Tuesday, January 14th.

An NEH Summer Seminar for Pre-Collegiate Teachers (July 13-31, 2020) 
In the summer of 2020 (July 13-31), there will be an NEH Summer Seminar for pre-collegiate teachers (K-12) on the topic of Roman Daily Life. This seminar is an opportunity to read Petronius and graffiti in Latin and look at Pompeian archaeology for various topics of Roman daily life. The Petronius reading forms a central core of the seminar, and thus an intermediate level of Latin proficiency (1 year of college level Latin) is required. The seminar will be held in St. Peter, Minnesota (1 hour from Minneapolis) on the campus of Gustavus Adolphus College. The NEH pays each person $2700 to participate, which will more than cover the living and food expenses (approximately $1500) – each participant is responsible for their own travel expenses. The seminar has been organized by Matthew Panciera (Gustavus Adolphus) and will be co-taught by him, Beth Severy-Hoven (Macalester), Jeremy Hartnett (Wabash), and Rebecca Benefiel (Washington and Lee).

The application deadline is March 1. More information and directions on applying can be found at the seminar website

Note that this is the LAST time that we will be offering this seminar, so if you are interested, please apply.

If you have any questions, write me (Matthew Panciera), the director of the seminar, at [email protected].
Please join us for the 37th
Classical Association of New England Summer Institute
On the theme “The Empire and the Individual”
July 13-18, 2020 / Brown University, Providence, RI
graduate credit available
The organizers of the CANE Summer Institute invite you to join us for a weeklong examination of peoples and cultures that comprised the Classical Greek and Roman worlds. We will consider what it meant to be (but) an individual amid the greater whole of an empire and what that can tell us about living in today’s world.

Whether you are a high school or college teacher of Latin and/or Greek, History, English, the Arts, or other related disciplines, an undergraduate or graduate student, or a devoted lifelong learner, you will enjoy a thoughtful and enriching experience that includes a wide variety of mini-courses, lectures, workshops, reading groups, and special events while also offering many opportunities for conversation and collegial interaction among participants.

This summer’s 5-day mini-courses include:

  • He Longed for the Desert: Turning Your Back on Rome, John Higgins, Smith College
  • Romans and Italians: Empire-Making before the Social War, Sailakshmi Ramgopal, Columbia University
  • Milton’s Lycidas and Pastoral Elegy, Willam Morse, College of the Holy Cross
  • Vote Catiline!, Joanna Kenty, Radboud University
  • Affect and Matter in the Roman Empire, Sasha-Mae Eccleston, Brown University
  • Pindar's Victory Odes: Songs and Contexts, Hanne Eisenfeld, Boston College
  • Tragedy’s Empire: Individual Agency in Antiquity and Beyond, Aaron Seider, College of the Holy Cross
  • Problems in Roman Slavery: Texts and Contexts, Roberta Stewart, Dartmouth College
  • Dido, Hannibal, Carthage: ‘Necessary’ Victims of Rome’s Imperial Destiny?, Jeri DeBrohun, Brown University
  • What Happens When A Ruler is Replaced? The Problem of Succession in Antiquity, Peter Machinist, Harvard University
This summer’s lecture line-up will feature a series of three lectures by Elizabeth Vandiver of Whitman College as well as lectures by Kathleen Coleman (Harvard University), Kurt Raaflaub (Brown University), Deborah Boedecker (Brown University), Dan-el Padilla Peralta (Princeton University), Sasha-Mae Eccleston (Brown Universty), Sailakshmi Ramgopal (Columbia University), and Aaron Seider (College of the Holy Cross).
The CANE Summer Institute is grateful to the Classical Association of New England, the Department of Classics at Brown University, and the Onassis Foundation USA for their support.
For more information and registration details, go to

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens was founded in 1881 to provide American graduate students and scholars a base for their studies in the history and civilization of the Greek world. Today it is still a teaching institution, providing graduate students a unique opportunity to study firsthand the sites and monuments of Greece. The School is also a superb resource for students and senior scholars pursuing research in many fields ranging from prehistoric to modern Greece, thanks to its internationally renowned libraries, the Blegen, focusing on all aspects of Greece from its earliest prehistory to late antiquity, and the Gennadius, which concentrates on the medieval to modern Greek world, as well as the Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Sciences.

2020 Vergilian Society Study Tours,
Workshops, and Scholarships

Would you like to travel abroad? And have help paying for it? The Vergilian Society is offering exciting study tours in summer 2020 including:

These programs are specifically designed to benefit and appeal to teachers and students at all levels by providing them the opportunity to experience a rich variety of ancient sites to support their own understanding and teaching of the ancient world. See the full descriptions on the Vergilian Society website at

Almost $100,000 in scholarship money is also available:

Planning to travel to Italy with your own students? The Vergilian Society can help! We have funds to offset the cost of teacher and student group travel as well as experienced directors to help plan your trip:
Monmouth-Roseville High School - Monmouth, IL

Monmouth-Roseville High School is seeking a full-time Latin I & II/Dual Credit English teacher. Applicants must hold an Illinois Professional Educator License (PEL) with Latin and English endorsement. For complete job description and application requirements, visit
The following Latin teachers (listed alphabetically) are being honored by the donor to the CAMWS Latin Teacher Training Initiative indicated in parentheses. Please note that any contributor of $100 or more to the Initiative is invited to honor a teacher.

  • Frances L. Baird of the Friends School in Wilmington DE (Ward Briggs)
  • Mary Casson of the Radford School in El Paso TX (Patrick Abel)
  • Carolyn Dewald of Bard College NY (Ruth Scodel)
  • Generosa Dunn of the University of Chicago Lab School in Chicago IL (Owen Cramer)
  • Lucile Davis Ford of Amarillo High School TX (Susan Wiltshire)
  • Will Freiert of Gustavus Adolphus College MN (John Miller
  • ​​​Ruth Grace of Saddle River Country Day School NJ (Peter Knox)
  • Alan N. Houghton of Pine Point School, in Stonington CT (Mary T. Boatwright)
  • Ronald J. Karrenbauer of the John F. Kennedy High School in Warren OH (James May)
  • Theresa M. Kleinheinz of Madison West High School WI (Theodore A. Tarkow)
  • Eleanor Little of Dubuque Senior High School in Dubuque, Iowa (James Sandrock)
  • David E. Oberlin of Washington H.S. in Massillon OH (Niall W. Slater)
  • Marian W. Stocker of St. Catherine’s School in Richmond VA (Jon Mikalson)
  • Gerald J. Sullivan of St. Paul’s School in Concord NH (David Tandy)
  • Michael Wigodsky of Stanford University CA (Marilyn Skinner)
  • Steven Wright of Montwood H.S. in El Paso TX (Patrick Abel)
  • William Ziobro of The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester MA, (Thomas J. Sienkewicz)
Through February 27, 2020
Awards & Scholarships

Caroline Bishop
John Breuker, Jr.
Fanny L. Dolansky
Edward Gaffney
Katherine A. Geffcken
Rebecca R. Harrison
Liane Houghtalin
Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr.
Eddie R. Lowry, Jr.
Alice N. Mulberry
Jacob E. Nyenhuis
Margaret M. Toscano
Osman S. Umurhan
Christina M. Vester
Heather L. Vincent

Benario Fund

Lynne McClendon

Bolchazy Fund

Stephen Pilewski
Margaret M. Toscano

Excavation / Field School Fund

Deborah Beck
Fanny L. Dolansky
Laura Gawlinski
David H. Sick
Margaret M. Toscano

General Fund

Emily E. Baragwanath
John Birchall
E. Del Chrol
Jenny Strauss Clay
Ann Raia Colaneri
James H. Dee
Kristopher F. B. Fletcher
Nicolas P. Gross
Anne H. Groton
Rebecca R. Harrison
Georgia L. Irby 
Sharon L. James
Andromache Karanika
James G. Keenan
Kenneth J. Reckford
Sophie Mills
Christopher Nappa
Jacob E. Nyenhuis
Christine G. Perkell
Richard G. Peterson
Wolfgang Polleichtner
Stephanie M. Pope
Stephanie J. Quinn
Robert J. Rabel
John L. Robinson
Susan C. Salay
James P. Sandrock
Niall W. Slater
Yasuko Taoka
Theodore A. Tarkow
Margaret M. Toscano
Osman S. Umurhan
Christina M. Vester

Keely Lake Fund

Jean Alvares
Emily P. Austin
Adriana Brook
Christopher P. Craig
Monica S. Cyrino
Kristopher F. B. Fletcher
Jevanie A. Gillen
Anne H. Groton
Judith P. Hallett
Julie D. Hejduk
Garrett A. Jacobsen
Andromache Karanika
Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr.
Peter E. Knox
T. Davina McClain
Laura K. McClure
John F. Miller
Jacob E. Nyenhuis
Teresa R. Ramsby
David J. Schenker
Ruth Scodel
Anne W. Sienkewicz
Thomas J. Sienkewicz
Robert H. Simmons
Kathryn A. Simonsen
Niall W. Slater
Svetla E. Slaveva-Griffin
Alden Smith
Christopher V. Trinacty
Rocki T. Wentzel
Phinney Greek Prize

Antonios C. Augoustakis

Ruebel Fund

Victor Castellani
T. Davina McClain
Thomas J. Sienkewicz

Teacher Training Initiative

Aileen Ajootian
Chabli Balcom
Emily E. Batinski
Caroline Bishop
Ruth R. Caston
Howard W. Chang
Kerry A. Christensen
Jenny Strauss Clay
Virginia M. Closs
Christopher P. Craig
James H. Crozier
Paolo Custodi
Bradyn M. Debysingh
Katrina M. Dickson
Peter M. Dodington
Fanny L. Dolansky
Kenneth M. Draper
William S. Duffy
Kelly P. Dugan
Lisa Ellison
Christelle Fischer-Bovet
Elizabeth A. Fisher
Edward Gaffney
Lorenzo F. Garcia, Jr.
Charles A. George
Edward V. George
Luke A. Gorton
Benjamin S. Haller
Charles T. Ham
Rebecca R. Harrison
Barbara A. Hill
Liane Houghtalin
Samuel J. Huskey
Garrett A. Jacobsen
Dennis P. Kehoe
Nathan M. Kish
Donald E. Lavigne
Ellen Lee
Kevin S. Lee
William H. Lee
Amy K. Leonard
Sherwin D. Little
William I. Manton
T. Davina McClain
John F. Miller
Sarah J. Miller
Kathleen B. Muniz
Margaret W. Musgrove
Elizabeth T. Neely
Carole E. Newlands
Robert B. Patrick, Jr.
Martha J. Payne
Mary L. Pendergraft
Stephen Pilewski
Kurt A. Raaflaub
Teresa R. Ramsby
Daniel N. Ristin
John W. Roth
Nathalie R. Roy
Sydnor Roy
Stephen A. Sansom
David J. Schenker
Vanessa Schmitz-Siebertz
Ruth Scodel
Abigail Serfass
Adam Serfass 
Susanna M. Shelton
Thomas J. Sienkewicz
Kathryn A. Simonsen
Diane Arnson Svarlien
John Svarlien 
Renée Szostek
David W. Tandy
Daniel W. Turkeltaub
Robert W. Ulery, Jr.
Aleydis Van de Moortel
Heather L. Vincent
Barbara B. Williams
Mark F. Williams
Harriet O. Windsor
James L. Zainaldin

Total Donation Amount: $15,414.50
Individual Memberships
Individual membership in CAMWS for the fiscal year July 1 through June 30 may be purchased for $65 ($30 for student, retiree, first-time teacher, or new CAMWS member; $45 for contingent faculty). Joint spouse/partner membership is available for $90, retired spouse/partner membership for $50 Life memberships are also available for individual or for joint spouse/partner. 

A membership includes a one-year subscription to The Classical Journal as well as on-line access to the Loeb Classical Library. Please indicate on the membership form whether you would prefer to receive CJ electronically (via JSTOR) or in print. For an extra $5 you may receive the journal in both formats. Please note that membership in CAMWS provides electronic subscription only to the current volume of CJ. CAMWS members wishing to have access to back issues of the journal can do so at a special rate through JStor. Please contact Tom Sienkewicz at [email protected] for additional information.

The CAMWS Newsletter is sent electronically to all members with e-mail addresses. If you would like to receive a print version in addition, you may indicate that on the membership form.

As part of your CAMWS membership, you are automatically subscribed to Classical Journal On-Line from which you will received frequent reviews of new books in the classical field, unless you indicate on the membership form that you opt out of this subscription.

Membership in CAMWS also includes on-line access to the Loeb Classical Library. (Please note that it may take two or more weeks following payment to process this on-line access.) CAMWS members can also request a complimentary subscription to Greek Keys.

Individual membership in CAMWS makes one eligible to submit an abstract for a CAMWS meeting and to apply for various CAMWS awards and scholarships.

Please note: Individual memberships or subscriptions to CJ sent to an address outside the United States or Canada are subject to a $20 postage surcharge. Individual subscriptions automatically include membership in CAMWS.

You may use the CAMWS membership form to join ACL or SALVI, subscribe to any of eight other scholarly journals, order a copy of Herbert Benario’s CAMWS: A History of the First Eighty Years, purchase various CAMWS merchandise (including 6-inch ‘Roman’ rulers, a CAMWS YoYo, shot glasses or koozies) and/or make a tax-deductible contribution to CAMWS.

An individual must be a current member of CAMWS in order to 1.) submit panel, workshop or individual paper proposals for the annual meeting, 2.) register for the annual meeting; 3.) apply for any CAMWS awards or scholarships, including CPL awards; or 4.) hold a CAMWS office or serve on a CAMWS committee.

If you are already a CAMWS member and wish to order CAMWS memorabilia or subscribe to other journals, please use this Miscellaneous Order Form.

How to Join or Renew Your Membership

Please use this electronic membership form. Payment by credit card is possible through the CAMWS web site (A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.) or you can print out this membership form and mail it to CAMWS with a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank or a bank that uses U.S. routing codes to:

Monmouth College
700 E. Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462
Institutional Membership
Benefits of Institutional Membership

If your institution or organization becomes a member of CAMWS, it receives the following benefits:

  • One CAMWS award for an outstanding student to be chosen by your institution. The student receives a congratulatory certificate stating that your school has designated the student as a recipient of a CAMWS Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Classical Studies for the current academic year, plus a free membership in CAMWS for the following academic year. As CAMWS members, these students would have full access to the on-line Loeb Classical Library. To designate your student honoree(s), please complete the on-line award designation form and submit it no later than May 1st for each academic year. For a list of previous recipients, see CAMWS Award For Outstanding Accomplishment in Classical Studies.
  • The option to choose additional student award recipients ($30 each). Payment required by May 1st of each academic year.
  • A certificate stating your institution’s support of CAMWS.
  • Eligibility for your students to compete in the CAMWS Sight Translation Contests (required for colleges and universities).
  • Eligibility for your students to apply for Semple, Grant and Benario Travel Awards (required only for colleges and universities outside the CAMWS region).
  • Publication of institutional announcements free of charge in the CAMWS Newsletter and on the CAMWS website.
  • 20% discount on ads in the annual meeting program and in The Classical Journal.
  • For K-12 Institutional Members, one complimentary registration at the CAMWS Annual Meeting (not including the banquet).
  • Inclusion on the list of CAMWS Member Institutions, which will be
  • printed in the program of the CAMWS Annual Meeting (if membership is received prior to the printing of the meeting program)
  • printed in the CAMWS Newsletter (if membership is received by May 1st)
  • posted on the CAMWS Website (with hotlinks to the websites of institutional members)

Institutional membership also supports CAMWS awards and scholarships and efforts to promotion Classics in the CAMWS region.

For further information, please contact [email protected].

Becoming an Institutional Member
Any educational institution or organization can become a member of CAMWS by paying an annual fee of either $60 (for a K-12 school or a college or university offering a B.A. in Classics), $75 (for a college or university offering a M.A. only in Classics) or $110 (for a university offering a Ph.D. in Classics). Please note that institutional memberships are for the fiscal year beginning July 1st through June 30th. Please submit your membership application and payment as soon as possible in the fiscal year. The cost of additional student honorees is $30 per student.

To become an institutional member (and/or to order up to two additional student honorees), you can use this on-line form institutionform.php. Payment can be made by check via groundmail or online by credit card or Paypal account A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.

Please send your payment by a check or money order to:

Monmouth College
700 E. Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462

To designate your student honoree(s), please complete the on-line award designation form and submit it no later than May 1st for each academic year.

If your institution requires an invoice to pay by check, please send an email to [email protected] to request an invoice.
CAMWS recognizes Andromache Karanika of the University of Calfornia Irvine as recipient of a 2019 CAMWS Ovatio. Listen to her ovatio here.
CAMWS recognizes Mark Haynes of Creighton Preparatory School (NE) as recipient of a 2019 CAMWS Ovatio. Listen to his ovatio here.
CAMWS recognizes Linda Montross of the National Latin Exam as recipient of a 2019 CAMWS Ovatio. Listen to her ovatio here.
CAMWS recogizes Rebecca Gaborek of William & Mary as a recipient of a 2018-2019 CAMWS Excavation/Fieldwork Award. You can read her award report here.
CAMWS recognizes Jeanne Neumann of Davidson College (NC) as a recipient of a 2019 College Teaching Award from the Society of Classical Studies. 
CAMWS recognizes Amy Sommer Rosevear of Cherry Creek High School in Greenwood Village CO as recipient of a 2019 SCS Award for Excellence in Teaching at the Precollegiate Level.
CAMWS recognizes William Lee of Tom C. Clark High School in San Antonio TX as recipient of a 2019 SCS Award for Excellence in Teaching at the Precollegiate Level.
CAMWS recognizes David Sick as recipient of a Service in Higher Education Award by the Tennessee Foreign Language Teachers Association.
CAMWS welcomes Sam Kindick of the University of Colorado Boulder as its first offical podcaster. To listen to some of Sam's podcasts go to
Do you have news to share? Let us know! We welcome news of note from both individual and institutional members: [email protected].
February: 2500-Year-Old Submerged-Grape Greek Wine Recreated

Researchers have recreated a 2,500-year-old ancient Greek winemaking technique that uses submerged grapes in the process. Viticulture has existed in Greece since the late Neolithic period and the domestic cultivation of grapes expanded through...

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January: Nero's Golden Palace Reopens to the Public

After Nero's death, his successors sought to distance themselves from such opulence. The lake was filled in and the Colosseum constructed in its place: a venue for public entertainment replacing a palace of private pleasures.

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December: Mycenaenan Royal Tombs Discovered

A team of American archaeologists has discovered two large ancient Greek royal tombs dating back some 3,500 years near the site of the ancient city of Pylos in southern Greece. The findings cast a new light on the role of the ancient city -...

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November: 3 ancient shipwrecks discovered off Kasos

ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Greece's Culture Ministry says three shipwrecks from ancient and mediaeval times and large sections of their cargoes have been discovered off the small Aegean island of Kasos. A statement Monday said an underwater survey...

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Abierunt ad Maiores

Listed here are those individuals whose deaths have come to the attention of CAMWS since the last Business Meeting. A full listing of deceased members may be found on our  Necrology of CAMWS Members page . You are invited to leave comments, anecdotes, and other loving remembrances of these CAMWS members on the  CAMWS Necrology Blog .
The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring/summer. The deadline for the fall edition will be  May 15, 2020 . Send submissions by email: [email protected] or [email protected] . Send submissions by regular mail to:

Dr. Timothy Heckenlively
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classics
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97352
Waco, TX 76798

If you have questions, email or call 254-710-1399.