Winter 2022

Mayor: Katy Kinney Harris


Stephan Lagerholm

Carl Scandella

Chuck Porter

Andy Valaas

Kathy Smith

Planning Commission

Carl Hellings - Chairman

David Feller

Chuck Hirsch

Jeffrey Shiu

Lee Sims

Carl Scandella Ex officio member

Park Board

John McGlenn - Chairman

Krista Fleming

Doug Waddell

Dicker Cahill

Carolyn Whittlesey

Robert Afzal

Kathy Smith - Ex officio member


  • Holiday lights celebration at Town Hall November 30th
  • Movie Night!
  • Bellevue Fire Chief visited Council
  • Owl attacks on 11/4
  • Sharing Bench in Sally's Alley
  • Holiday Giving Tree
  • Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Holiday Lights Celebration at Town Hall November 30th

The giant Sequoia tree is lit again this year! We extend our sincere gratitude to residents Mike and Janet Lawler who so graciously supply the tree with power and residents Siddharth Mehta and Smita Behera who host the tree on their property. We ushered in the season and celebrated the lights of the Season at Town Hall November 30th together.

We also thank residents John and Ronni McGlenn who provided the beautiful Holly pots at the celebration as a decorative way to commemorate the Town's history as a Holly farm.

Movie Night!

We give a big "THANK YOU" to volunteers Councilmember Stephan Lagerholm, Samantha Vanover, Avinash Belur, Jonathan and Lizie Piazza who put on the September 10 Movie Night! We look forward to next year!

Bellevue Fire Department Presentation at November 8 Regular Council Meeting

Bellevue Fire Chief Jay Hagen and his associates Eric Lee and Dave Beste gave a presentation on new technology such as electric fire trucks and two new fire stations. Bellevue Fire Department serves the Points area and we are grateful for their care.

Owl Attacks on 11/4

On 11/4, we heard of multiple reports of an aggressive owl pestering people walking on the SR520 trail. Please keep your hats on and keep your eyes open!

Sharing Bench in Sally's Alley

Take a look at this Beautiful Bounty on the Sharing Bench in Sally's Alley! Thank you to all the residents who are contributing! A special Shout Out to Jim and Laurie Bugbee for maintaining the area and for supplying the Sharing Bench with their prolific Garden’s produce; Steve Fleming generously shares and educates neighbors about his many garlic varieties... did you know he was a garlic farmer in Georgia in a previous life?

Holiday Giving Tree

Town Public Works Coordinator Istvan Lovas standing by the Giving Tree.

Candle Celebration In Memory of Lenore Lyle

The tree lighting was in memory of Yarrow Point resident Lenore Lyle "Carnival Queen", December 4, 1927 - November 19, 2022.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

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