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Winter 2023

Hello to all!

This newsletter brings a few updates as we embrace this new year. MC3 is known nationally as being among the first psychiatry access programs offering services to both pregnant and postpartum women and young children. One area of specialization is the knowledge of early childhood and assessment of caregiver/child dyads.

The first five years of life are among the most critical for a child’s social-emotional development. Helping children develop a healthy attachment relationship to their parents offers lifelong advantages including better self-regulation, lessening risks associated with mood and anxiety disorders, and better capacities to develop intimate relationships. Intervening early pays dividends in setting a child up for a healthy developmental trajectory.

Our team here at MC3 is attentive to this and will frequently inquire about the parent/child relationship and whether a caregiver with very young children might benefit from infant mental health services. Selma Fraiberg, often seen as the “grandmother” of infant mental health, trained in Ann Arbor in the 1970s and her legacy lives on. 

Different name, same program: Given this concentration on both caregivers and children, we are changing what MC3's name stands for but will continue to be known statewide as MC3. The program formerly known as Michigan Child Collaborative Care is now Michigan Clinical Consultation & Care. Most who interact with our program (PCPs, advocates, partners, faculty/staff) primarily know the program as MC3, and this change will not affect any day-to-day operations of the program. But this name change will better capture the fact that we serve both caregivers and pregnant women as well as children.

Piloting services in schools: We are very excited that this year with additional Health Resources and Services Administration funds, we will have the opportunity to expand MC3 to select intermediate school districts in Michigan. This pilot will support individual and group case consultations to licensed school mental health professionals. Our hope is to expand this service to more school districts in the future. 

We hope that you are all doing well! I hope 2023 is bringing good health and many blessings to all.

Photo of Dr. Sheila Marcus

Sheila Marcus, M.D.

MC3 Pediatrics Medical Director

Progress update

MC3 has grown tremendously since its start in 2012. Here are some quick program stats:

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3,300+ Primary Care Providers Enrolled

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870+ Clinics in Michigan

42,000+ Services Provided

4,600+ Providers Educated

95% of providers agreed that psychiatric consultation reduced immediate need for higher level of patient care

To our provider network: Thank you for partnering with us to improve mental health access and treatment for women and children.

To learn more about our progress to date, view our new Progress Infographic document.

Upcoming learning opportunities

MC3 ECHO: Behavioral Health

Web-based tele-mentoring that combines a brief didactic presentation with interactive case-based presentations. Six virtual sessions, twice a month, 12:15-1:15 p.m. ET. March 8-May 24.


Download MC3 ECHO: Behavioral Health info to share

Pediatric + Perinatal Behavioral Health Webinar Series

Web-based virtual training each 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12-1 p.m. ET.

March 15: Balancing Emotional Wellness, Sleep, and Breastfeeding in Postpartum


Download March 15 webinar info to share

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April 19: Perinatal Mood Disorders


Download April 19 webinar info to share

Youth Suicide Prevention in the Primary Care Setting Training

Web-based virtual training offered quarterly in 2023.

  • May 23, 7-9 a.m. ET
  • September 14, 12-2 p.m. ET
  • December 7, 12-2 p.m. ET

Register for May 23 session

Download May 23 session info to share

Psychopharmacology Reference Cards & Perinatal Provider Toolkit

If you aren't already using them, make sure you check out these helpful resources:

Download Pediatric Psychopharmacology Reference Cards

Download Perinatal Psychopharmacology Reference Cards

View Perinatal Perinatal Provider Toolkit

Training modules with CMEs available online
We offer a broad range of educational videos for perinatal and pediatric health professionals on our website. Many of them have CMEs available.

Visit the Recorded Education Series portion of the Educational Presentations page on our website to check out our recorded educational offerings. You can use the search function to narrow down the type of content you are interested in.
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Ongoing support for providers

Provider Café: We're here to listen. The MC3 Provider Café is an opportunity to check in and talk about how you're managing your stress and the stress of your patients. We can discuss strategies and offer resources that might be helpful during challenging times. Private and group check-ins are available. Learn more about Provider Café.

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Group Case Consultation: We're here to offer guidance. MC3 Group Case Consultations give primary care clinics and provider groups educational opportunities to discuss and review patients with one of our consulting psychiatrists. Providers can present patient cases for review and recommendations or bring up general questions about behavioral health treatment for discussion. One-time or recurring scheduling options are available. Learn more about Group Case Consultation.

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Black pioneers in mental health

Black Americans' contributions to the field of mental health have long been overlooked. Check out this collection of trailblazers compiled by Mental Health America.

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In the media
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"University of Michigan expert explains how to address school shootings with kids, teens": All About Ann Arbor article featuring quotes and guidance from MC3 Consulting Psychiatrist Joanna Quigley, M.D.

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"Somatic Disorders and Medical Child Abuse AKA Munchausen by Proxy: Guidance for Physicians": Pediatric Meltdown podcast episode with MC3 Consulting Psychiatrist Nasuh Malas, M.D., M.P.H.

Program pics
photo of MC3 Program Team celebrating Anne Kramer receiving an award

Members of the MC3 program team celebrate Program Manager Anne Kramer, center, receiving the Michigan Medicine Dept. of Psychiatry's inaugural Values Award for Inclusion


Attend: Upcoming perinatal-focused webinars from the Michigan Opioid Collaborative:

Sign up: Zero to Thrive trainings 

Listen: Breaking Down Mental Health podcast

Read: Article by the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, "The Duxbury Tragedy Highlights the Maternal Mental Health Crisis in the U.S."

Download: Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy Toolkit, from the Michigan Opioid Collaborative

View: Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention, from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Listen: Pediatric Meltdown Podcast, hosted by Dr. Lia Gaggino, Consulting Pediatrician for MC3

Share: Maternal Mental Health Hotline, from the Health Resources & Services Administration

Get support: Physician Support Line, a free and confidential support line (888-409-0141) staffed by psychiatrists helping physician colleagues and medical students navigate the many intersections of personal and professional lives

Videos: MC3 medical directors explain the program

Video still of Dr. Sheila Marcus in the "What is MC3 Pediatrics?" video

Video: MC3 pediatrics services

Video still of Dr. Maria Muzik in the "What is MC3 Perinatal?" video

Video: MC3 perinatal services

MC3 is part of the Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry

It is supported by funds from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry logo