MC3 program newsletter header graphic

Winter 2024

In this newsletter: Advancing Healthy Births | New video: How do MC3 consultations work? | Clinical Pearls Video Series coming soon | Welcome to Dr. Alyssa Stevenson | Psychopharmacology Reference Cards & Perinatal Provider Toolkit | Synchronous learning opportunities | Asynchronous learning opportunities | Ongoing support for providers | In the media | Resources | Program pics | Videos: MC3 medical directors explain the program

Advancing Healthy Births

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is committed to addressing and identifying birth problems that residents face. Promoting community engagement, the state facilitated town halls to identify birth problems faced by residents. The Advancing Healthy Births strategic plan was created as a result of the town halls. One of the goals of this plan is to bring birth deaths and birth disparities down to zero.


The plan is to achieve this goal by addressing four areas until 2028: health across the reproductive span, full-term and healthy baby weights, safe sleeping for infants, and overall mental/behavioral health and well-being.


MC3 is in a unique position to support the Advancing Healthy Births plan. MC3’s mission is to provide no-cost psychiatry services to address the mental/behavioral health of children, adolescents, and perinatal women. We support providers by offering consultation and resources for their patients. Additionally, our Perinatal Patient Care program provides free, direct mental health support for pregnant and postpartum women.


Together, we can support the Advancing Healthy Births initiative. Let us support you and your patients. Anyone working with pregnant and postpartum families in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Genesee, Ingham, and Washtenaw Counties can refer to MC3 Perinatal Patient Care, including:

  • OB/GYN, General Medicine, and Family Medicine M.D.s, D.O.s, N.P.s, P.A.s, and C.N.M.s
  • midwives, doulas, and lactation consultants,
  • social workers,
  • and even pediatricians, who can refer mothers of babies up to 12 months old.

For more information on the MC3 Perinatal Patient Care program, visit its webpage or email us at

Maria Muzik, M.D., M.S.

MC3 Perinatal Medical Director

New video: How do MC3 consultations work?

If you are a prescriber and have never submitted a consult with MC3, or it's been a while since you've submitted one, watch this brief video that explains the process!

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Watch 2-minute video

Clinical Pearls Video Series coming soon

In late February, we'll start releasing brief videos focused on the following pediatric behavioral/mental health topics:

  • Suicide Prevention
  • Pediatric Psychopharmacology
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Trauma-Informed Care
  • Aggression and Behavioral Dysregulation

More information to come!

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Welcome to Dr. Alyssa Stevenson

We are pleased to introduce our newest consulting psychiatrist, Dr. Alyssa Stevenson.

We are thrilled to have Dr. Stevenson join the program and expand our team of perinatal psychiatrists!

photo of Dr. Alyssa Stevenson

Psychopharmacology Reference Cards & Perinatal Provider Toolkit

If you aren't already using them, make sure you check out these helpful resources:

Perinatal Psychopharmacology Reference Cards


Pediatric Psychopharmacology Reference Cards



Perinatal Provider Toolkit

View & download

Synchronous learning opportunities

We have many exciting live virtual and in-person educational opportunities planned for 2024. Explore the options we have scheduled over the next few months.

Learn more & register
graphic with an aqua background and a white laptop graphic, as well as text that reads "Learning Opportunities"

Asynchronous learning opportunities

Our website offers recorded learning modules for both perinatal and pediatric health professionals. Many of them have CMEs available.

Visit the Recorded Education Series portion of the Live & Recorded Education Series page on our website. You can use the search function to narrow down the type of content you are interested in.

Here are some of the recently added recordings:

"Psychopharmacology During the Perinatal Period," presented by Mahela Ashraf, M.D. and Alyssa Stevenson, M.D.

View recording

"Trauma Versus Teratogen: From Suffering to Buffering… And Primary Care Supports to Help Children Thrive," presented by Prachi Shah, M.D.

View recording

Ongoing support for providers

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Provider Café: We're here to listen. The MC3 Provider Café is an opportunity to check in and talk about how you're managing your stress and the stress of your patients.

Learn more
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Group Case Consultation: We're here to offer guidance. MC3 Group Case Consultations give primary care clinics and provider groups educational opportunities to discuss and review patients with one of our consulting psychiatrists.

Learn more

In the media

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HRSA awards new

grant to MC3

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A pill to treat postpartum depression? It's here

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Updates in Pediatric Boarding: A Review of National Pediatric Boarding Consensus Panel Recommendations



The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has many excellent resources and learning opportunities. Check these out: 

Substance use disorder consults: Whenever you would like a consult related to substance use disorder, you can submit a consult request to the Michigan Opioid Collaborative (MOC). 

Program pics

group photo from the HRSA round table event with Sen. Debbie Stabenow in Sep. 2023

A photo from Sen. Debbie Stabenow's tour of MSU Health Care Pediatrics Lansing in Sep. 2023. Pictured, L-R: HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson, MC3 Behavioral Health Consultant Mindy Evans, MC3 Consulting Psychiatrist Dr. Richard Dopp, Senator Stabenow, Dr. Lia Gaggino, and Dr. Yakov Sigal

a photo of MC3 Outreach Specialist, Jessica Jenkins, and Behavioral Health Consultant Karen Duczyminski a the MPCA conference in Traverse City in Sep. 2023

MC3 Outreach Specialist Jessica Jenkins (L) and Behavioral Health Consultant Karen Duczyminski (R) at the MPCA conference in Traverse City in Sep. 2023

Dr. Rena Menke (L), Lead Perinatal Behavioral Health Consultant for MC3's Perinatal Patient Care program, with Outreach Specialist Jessica Jenkins (R) at the Michigan Premier Public Health Conference in Bellaire in Oct. 2023

Videos: MC3 medical directors explain the program

Video still of Dr. Sheila Marcus in the "What is MC3 Pediatrics?" video

Video: MC3 pediatric services

Video still of Dr. Maria Muzik in the "What is MC3 Perinatal?" video

Video: MC3 perinatal services

MC3 is part of the Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry. It is funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) via general funds, Medicaid Administration funds, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) funds, and Flint Water Crisis funds.

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