January 31,2024

Friday Night!

Our Annual Winter Campmeeting starts this Friday night at 7:30pm (this is one of our big Outreach Events) and will last until February 25. There is be many anointed guest speakers. We will have a prayer meeting (9am-10am) and 2 sessions daily(11am and 7:30pm), with 2 meals and lodging all free. Make plans to attend.

Dr Charles Karuku

Will be our opening speaker. He and His wife Lindsey are the steward of Unity Revival and have been instruments God has used to encourage the churched and unchurched, saved and unsaved to receive from the Lord not only personal reviving but to be apart of the Revival God is having in this generation as He pours our and brings transformation to cities across America.

This Weeks Ministry Opportunities

Throughout the Week

Start each day with us in Prayer meeting and Bible Reading; Monday through Friday 9am - 10:30pm.

Wednesday Bible Study

In order to have a Biblical Worldview, one must read the Bible from cover to cover (which we do each morning) but also have an understanding of the Basic Content. Wednesday night Bible Study is a Survey of each of the 66 Books focusing on history, narrative, revealing the attributes of God and Christ and showing the source of doctrine. Tonight will be our last Bible Study, (will not be conducted during Winter Camp) we will resume Wednesday, February 28.

Youth Class

On Wednesday, we also offer a youth class for our children. This is an environment to cultivate in them a personal connection with the Almighty. Here they will not only learn the need to press into God but tackle Biblically the issues they are engaged in in their generation. They will learn to stand (like the Hebrew Boys in the book of Daniel), when everyone else is bowing. They will learn the benefits of not eating from the world's table and how to be faithful in prayer no matter what persecutions arise. This class is led by our youth ministers Victor and Markita Taylor.

Giving Helps Living

If you would like to be a part of God funding all that is being done through Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle, there are several ways in which you may give.

CashApp/ $CalPenTab


or click the Partner Services Giving button below.

We are grateful for your participation as one of the many means of God's provision.

Partner Services Giving

Join us live-stream

Can't make it? Well, we are blessed to have an APP and you can watch us live. We have upgraded our equipment and mixing capacities to meet the demands in a media generation. Come and join the CalPenTab streaming community.

Visit our website:

www.calvarycampground.org and click on the Vimeo icon to watch previous services.

Social Media Pages

On our social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) we have a large gallery of photos from all our events and we invite you to browse through them. Get a glimpse of the amazing life transformations and happenings here at CalPenTab.

If you find one of yourself or family feel free to save the photo for your own use. We want these cherished moments to be kept, so we give you permission to save your photo to print and frame as our youth photographers do an outstanding job taking pictures for us. Click icons at bottom of this email.

Recently Uploaded Books for Free Download

Ruth Ward Heflin, Wallace Heflin Jr and Dr William A Ward books are now available as free downloads on the ministry website (PDF format for your computers, phones or readers). These books together are more than a $150 value offered to you free as a gift, so please enjoy.

While you are on the website be sure to sign up for this e-newsletter. Get all the ministry updates and more each week.


Watchmen On The Walls

March 4 -13 we will be returning to the Holy Land. It will be a prophetic assignment as Watchmen on the Walls. Our focus will be to intercede for Israel and everyone affected by the demonic attacks of October 7, 2023. Each day we will visit Holy sights receiving instruction from our Christian guide Jarir Rabadi, there we will also have readings from each of the group members as well as ministry and teachings from your tour hosts and other ministers in the group.

"Thanks for all the special things you did to make a great trip even more memorable." Diane T

"My life changed on this trip...I have new revelation, new ideas, new opportunities, the blessings are still flowing"

Donna L

"I thank God for taking us into and walking us through the Holy Land. I thank Him for the exemplary leadership, it would not have been successful without their shepherding. It was remarkable and unforgetful"

Laverne N

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