Dear Lower and Middle School families,

The previous conference email sent on Sunday, January 19, listed an incorrect date. Families with two or more students at MPA may sign up a day earlier, starting at noon on Wednesday, January 22, not January 27, as previously listed. Below is the corrected information from that original email. We apologize for the misinformation.

Your winter conferences will take place on campus on Thursday, February 6, from 3:30-8 PM and Friday, February 7, from 8 AM-5 PM. Lower and Middle School students do not have classes on February 7. All Lower and Middle School families may schedule to meet with up to four of their students' teachers.

Lower School Families

Lower School homeroom teachers will offer 25-minute conferences. Specialist conferences may be scheduled for 10 minutes per student. Families who would like to discuss more than one child with their specialist teacher(s) should set up separate conference times for each child. Families will have a chance to meet all specialists over the course of the fall and winter conferences. For these conferences, the following grades will meet with the following specialists:

  • PreK: Music and P.E.
  • K-1: World Languages, Drama, Technology
  • Grades 2-4: Music, P.E., and Art

Middle School Families

Middle School students participate in their conferences and are required to attend. Please check athletic and event schedules before signing up. If you need private time without the student in attendance, please indicate this at the beginning of the conference. All conferences should be scheduled during conference times slotted.

PreK-12 Registration Process

MPA will once again use Pick-A-Time for conference registration. The window to schedule your student's conferences is between noon on Thursday, January 23, and 8 PM on Friday, January 31. Families with two or more students at MPA may sign up a day earlier, starting at noon on Wednesday, January 22, to help you secure back-to-back conferences for your children.

When the window opens, you may follow the instructions below to create an account or log in.

  • Go to
  • Click “Login/Create Account.”
  • Returning families: Log in using your username and password that you previously created. If you forgot your password, use the “forgot password” button on the site. MPA does not have your password.
  • New families: Fill out the information to create an account. The password can be anythingthese are not preset.
  • Associate each of your students in PreK-12 with your account if you have not already done so.
  • Use the student's first and last name (legal name, not nickname)
  • Birthday: use the format of mm/dd/yyyy
  • Select a time slot(s).
  • You will see a list of your students’ teachers and their available conference slots. To schedule a time, simply click on the appropriate box. Repeat this step for up to four teachers.
  • Finally, you have the option to print or have your schedule emailed to you.

Contact Information/Support

Please reach out to the following people if you have questions or concerns.

Lower School: Jay Springer,, 651-748-5555

Middle School: Ashley Riihiluoma,, 651-748-5598


  • These conferences are for Lower and Middle School students only.
  • All MPA families may schedule to meet with up to four of their students' teachers.
  • Registration Opens for multi-student families on Wednesday, January 22, at 12 PM.
  • Registration Opens Thursday, January 23, 12 PM.
  • Registration Closes Friday, January 31, 8 PM.
  • Thursday, February 6: Evening Conferences (3:30 PM-8 PM)
  • Friday, February 7: All-Day Conferences (8 AM-5 PM)

Thank you for partnering with us. We look forward to seeing you at winter conferences!


Jennifer Le Varge, Lower School Director

Paul Errickson, Middle School Director

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