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Augustinian E-news for January 15, 2015
Thank You for Your Prayerful Support

Happy New Year!  The Augustinians have much to be grateful for this upcoming year, as we will begin celebrating our 75-Year Diamond Jubilee Anniversary as the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.  We are also grateful to be celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life with the global Church!


Whether if you give to the Augustinians through prayer, by volunteering, or by donating, we want to thank you tremendously for your support.  You are an integral part of our Augustinian Family.


We would like to share with you an update on our advancement efforts.  You have helped the Augustinians tremendously, and we want to inform you about that growth over the past five years.  Click here to read more about our advancement progress to date.


Winter Issue of The Midwest Augustinian
Newsletter Winter 2015 issue with Bishop Prevost cover

It is with great pleasure that we release our Winter 2015 issue of The Midwest Augustinian quarterly newsletter.  The special feature of this issue covers the ordination of the Most Rev. Robert F. Prevost, O.S.A., as the fourth Bishop of Chiclayo, Peru.  This issue also includes:

What Do We Have to Say?

39 Augustinians and supporters were recently interviewed to answer questions like:

  • "How did you first meet the Augustinians?"
  • "Which Augustinians impacted your life?"
  • "What is the role of the Augustinian Order today?"
  • "Are the Augustinians Still Relevant?"

All of these interviews are still available to read or listen to on our Continuing Our Journey of Faith capital campaign website.  The campaign has a goal of $3.5 million to support the vocation, formation, and retirement needs of the Augustinians.


Below are six of these interviews.  Visit any of the links below to hear an interview, read it, and learn more about the Augustinian's role in today's society.


Fr. Dick McGrath, OSA Pat Ormsby
Fr. Richard McGrath, O.S.A.                   Pat Ormsby
Fr. Tom McCarthy, OSA Mike Zunica
  Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.                    Mike Zunica
Fr. Bill Sullivan, OSA Mark Hacker
Fr. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A.                      Mark Hacker

Thank you for your prayerful support of the Augustinians!

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Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel
5401 South Cornell Avenue � Chicago, Illinois 60615
phone: 773-595-4000 � fax: 773-595-4004