Thank you for checking out the life groups and activities that are available this winter. These groups exist to help us connect with God, with each other, and with our community. It is our desire that this catalog will help you find ways to stay connected with your church family during the winter months and beyond.

Let's stay connected!


Men's Monday Morning Bible Study

meets weekly @ 7:00am

resumed January 6th

Facilitator: Robert Douglas

This is a time for men to gather together, read and discuss the Bible, and pray for personal needs as well as supporting others through prayer.

Location: OFCN Scott Conference Room

Prayer Study

meet weekly @ 6:30pm

resumes January 20th

Facilitators: Keith & Nancy Kolar

An open group for ALL! This study will follow the book "Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets"  by Andy Stanley. In the study you will discover five game changing questions to ask every time you make a major decision regarding your finances, relationships, career and more. There will be a focused time of prayer as well. Sorry, no childcare is provided.


Location: at the Smart home in Ontario

Community Builders

meets the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month @ 7:00pm

resumes January 20th

Facilitator: Phil Hendrickson

This group will focus on biblical history and truth.

Location: at the Hendrickson home in Fruitland


Men's Bible Study

meets weekly @ 6:30pm

resumes January 7th

Facilitator: Jim Skeesuck

This group will continue David Jeremiah's study on Ephesians "A Belief that Behaves."

Location: OFCN Scott Conference Room

Women's Tuesday Bible Study

meets weekly

begins February 11th


Mavis Skeesuck & Karyn Gray

Journey through the biblical stories of the early Christian movement, and see what kind of wild adventures await those who truly believe Jesus.

In this eight-session video Bible study, Lisa Harper launches into the book of Acts to discover how Jesus' command to spread the gospel changed the lives of those who believed and shaped the culture that surrounded the growing church. At the end of this journey together, not only will you have studied this wild, adventurous, risk-taking book, but you'll see how God supernaturally orchestrated the events in Scripture to bring about the message of salvation that the early believers preached.

Today, we are faced with the same risks. Will we believe the words of Jesus and allow them to transform every part of our lives?

Books are $11.50 and can be purchased at the first session.


Location & Times

9:00am OFCN Scott Conference room


6:30pm at the Skeesuck home

in Ontario


Children's Life Groups

meets weekly @ 6:45pm

resumed January 8th

Facilitator: Pastor Connie Blastock


We are excited to continue the fun we started in the fall! Our elementary age kids will continue learning all about the book of Acts and our younger kids will keep exploring the Bible Zoo series.

Location: OFCN Children's Wing

The Edge

meets weekly @ 6:45pm

resumed January 8th

Facilitator: Pastor Levi Lewis

During the school year, students meet in the Expedition Room for a high energy, exciting and fun night. Students participate in games, hear a message designed for their culture, and participate in small group discussions.

Location: OFCN Expedition Room

Coffee Talk

meets weekly @ 6:45pm

resumed January 8th

Facilitator: Kate Larson

Coffee talk will start the year going through “Undistracted” by Bob Goff, for the first 5 weeks, then we will go through “A Healing Body” by Henry Cloud for 4 weeks. All are welcome!


Location: OFCN Scott Conference Room

Gospel of John Study

meets weekly @ 6:45pm

began January 8th

Facilitators: David & Sharyl Holm

You are invited to join us for a 4-week study of the first three chapters of the book of John. This study will guide you into the deepest truths of God, life and faith. It shows how all the Bible works together to tell about Jesus Christ, the Messiah who saves people from their sins. Will you accept Jesus’ invitation to come and see?



Location: OFCN upstairs room 214

Community on Mission

meets every other week @ 6:45pm for onsite group gatherings,

then every other week off site to serve in the community

resumed January 8th

Facilitator: Pastor Loren

Community on Mission is a life group that intentionally gathers together to grow in faith and live out our faith through serving others. We believe in impacting lives through meaningful presence, authentic community, and meeting real needs. Whether you normally join us in-person or online, you are invited to join this Community on Mission.

Location: OFCN Sanner Center (when onsite)

Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

meets weekly @ 6:45pm

begins January 8th

Facilitators: Bryan & Michelle Hewett

This group will go over the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer. This study is perfect for anyone looking to de-stress and connect more. It is a roadmap to staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world.


Location: OFCN upstairs room 215

Discovery Class

meets weekly @ 6:45pm

begins February 19th

Facilitator: Pastor Tim Brewer

An 8-week small group that explores how God created us and the purpose He has for our lives.

Location: OFCN upstairs room 212

Welcome Party!

February 12th @ 6:45pm

Facilitator: Pastor Tim Brewer

Are you new to Ontario Nazarene Church? You're invited for a time of fun, food and fellowship! Come and meet a pastor, learn about our church, and make some new friends!

Location: OFCN Atrium


Senior Adult Life Group

meets the 3rd Thursday of the month @ 11:00am


Facilitators: Pastor Rod Tegethoff & Pastor Lois Knight

Come at 11:00am for a time of fellowship, a Word of encouragement, and hymns. Please bring something to add to our meal together.


Location: OFCN Scott Conference Room

Celebrate Recovery

meets weekly from 5:30-8:30pm


Facilitator: Christian Life Fellowship

The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to encourage fellowship and to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives as we work our way along the road to recovery. We are changed as we share our experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace and forgiveness in solving our life’s problems. By working through the principles, we grow spiritually, and we are freed from hurts, hang-ups and habits. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with others and our personal, loving, and forgiving Higher Power, Jesus Christ.

For questions, contact the CLF church office at 541-889-7264.

Location: Christian Life Fellowship 366 SE 5th St. in Ontario


Meeting with Jesus

meets weekly @ 7:30am


Facilitator: Pastor Eddie Wheeler

Come and practice meeting with Jesus by personalizing scripture and journaling our dialogue with the Lord.


Location: different area coffee shops

(text Eddie to find out the location of the week)


Men's Breakfast

meets the 3rd Saturday of the month @ 7:30am

(meets 1/11, NO February, 3/15)


Facilitator: Bryan Hewett

This group gets together monthly, typically over breakfast, to fellowship and dive into God's Word. Come join us to be challenged and have some great times together!


Location: OFCN Scott Conference Room


Sunday Morning Worship

every Sunday @ 9:30 & 11:00am

Worship Onsite

9:00am Pre-Service Prayer (Shalom Prayer Room)

9:30am/11:00am Morning Worship Services


Are you connecting online?

Watch live here:

9:30am (MST) YouTube

11:00am (MST) Facebook

Pre-Service Prayer

meets weekly @ 9:00am


Facilitator: Marvin Newell

Come to church early for pre-service prayer to lift up the pastoral staff and Sunday’s service.


Location: Shalom Prayer Room

Children's Church

weekly on Sundays @ 9:30am & 11:00am


Facilitator: Pastor Connie Blastock

For those ages 4 through grade 5. Children are dismissed during each worship service to hear a message at their level.


Location: OFCN Children's Worship Center


weekly on Sundays @ 9:30am & 11:00am


Facilitator: Pastor Levi Lewis

For those in grades 6-8. Students worship with their families and are dismissed partway through each service to go to the Expedition Room for some fun, fellowship and teaching.


Location: OFCN Expedition Room


weekly on Sundays @ 11:00am

begins January 12th

Facilitator: Kala Craig Smith

What is DivorceCare? DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. At this point, DivorceCare is for women only.

No registration fees, just purchase the $20 workbook.

Location: OFCN Scott Conference Room

Wheeler Family Life Group

meets weekly @ 5:30pm


Facilitators: Pastor Eddie & Robin Wheeler

Meet for food, conversation, worship, and prayer! This will be a family-style life group, so it may be loud and chaotic at times, but gives a chance to focus on Jesus and families. Open to families with kids. Kids will be included in what we do!


Location: at the Wheeler home in Ontario

High School Life Group

meets weekly @ 6:00pm

resumes January 12th

Facilitator: Pastor Levi Lewis

The high school life group meets most Sundays throughout the school year. The first hour is fellowship and fun, they then transition into topical discussions relevant to their culture.


Location: the Poe home in New Plymouth

Rivers Edge Life Group

meets weekly @ 6:00pm

resumed January 5th

Facilitators: Pastor Tim & Nancy Brewer

This life group meets weekly to discuss the sermon, encourage and pray for one another.


Location: the Brewer home in Fruitland

Stepping Out Life Group

meets the 1st & 3rd Sunday's of the month @ 6:00pm

resumes January 19th

Facilitator: Joy Saunders

This life group will be continuing with the series "the Chosen."


Location: the Gray home in Ontario

Events to Watch for!

Upward Games

Night of Worship - 1/19

Pastor Appreciation Month

Sunday Morning Worship

9:30am - On site/YouTube Live

11am - On site/Facebook Live

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