Welcome to "The Dirt" where we share what you can expect from us in the coming weeks,  what's new at NatureWorks, and some garden buzz.
Storm Patrol
After a big snow or wind event our account managers dispatch to your properties to check for damage. We're scouting for fallen trees, hanging branches, ice dams - anything precarious or in need of repair. So if you see one of us hiking through your yard - or maybe just our tracks in the snow - rest assured we'll be in touch if we find something that needs attention. 

Typical winter storm damage spied by our scouting account managers. 
Winter Decor Looking Under the Weather? 
There's just something about fresh cut greens peeking through a blanket of snow. If our warm start to the season has your winter décor looking a bit shabby, we'd love to come freshen things up for you - contact your account manager to schedule.

A before and after of a recent decor refresh.
Selling Your Home?
Here's your outdoors check list to maximize curb appeal: 
  • trim trees away from buildings and windows 
  • blow leaves, sand, and debris from hardscapes and lawns
  • refresh seasonal decor in containers and beds
  • fluff or top up mulch
  • clean gutters and downspouts
  • periodic winter clean ups 
We're happy to offer our drone to take elevated shots that capture the best angles for your listing too. Just reach out to your account manager to coordinate.  

Our drone provides dramatic overhead shots once everything is looking sharp. 
Project Profile: Massive Masonry
Down on the Cape, this lovely waterfront summer home had it all EXCEPT for convenient, safe access around the property and down to the water. Uneven stone risers along slopes made for extremely precarious passage, not to mention the visual mess that was a discordant mix of old and new mismatched stone. Guided by the client's passion for weighty old stone, we've reimagined the landscape with reclaimed granite and bluestone creating not only safe, but also gorgeous paths, steps, and patios.

Boulders and custom-cut granite slabs welcome guests; a kitchen area custom-designed to house the grill with a bluestone counter-top and stone veneer; more granite slabs and bluestone patios lead to this artisanal granite firepit overlooking the water. 
Client Surveys
We know your time is precious so we're incredibly grateful that so many of you took time to fill these out. Please know that we read every word, we take your feedback to heart, and we adjust wherever we can to accommodate your requests. As an example, you'll see a change to your invoices this year based on your feedback seeking clarity. These surveys will continue to drop quarterly - thanks in advance for your input!
In lieu of a dull survey graphic, enjoy this property eye candy - one of our faves in Weston. 
Client Profile: Living Her Best Life
Meet Laura Gassner Otting -  motivator, instigator, provocateur, and long-time NatureWorks client. Through her prolific writing and keynote speaking engagements, she helps you discover your consonance, which she defines as 'when the what you do matches the who you are (or want to be) .'  Catch her unvarnished POV in this TEDxMotivation without platitudes? Yes, please. 

Check out Laura's recent interview with Hoda & Kathy Lee on her Instagram, @heylgo

Avoiding the Bends 
Certain trees, such as birches, are extremely susceptible to damage from snow and ice weight - they either snap or simply bend so dramatically that they can't regain their upright stature. This happens to a rborvitaes, poplars, and cherries too, especially when the crowns are heavy. The solution? Regular pruning to thin out the crowns will reduce weight of limbs. Then cabling. Well-positioned cables are nearly invisible even in deciduous trees and simple arbor-tie works great to solidify arbs. 

Pliable birches and arborvitae suffer the worst damage in winter storms. 
Feeling Invaded this Winter? 
The Marmorated Stink Bug is a common house pest that was accidentally introduced to the US from Asia as early as '98, likely by tagging along in shipping crates. The population quickly grew, and by 2012, it had spread to 40 states. Fear not - they do not sting, bite or damage your home. In winter they enter buildings seeking warmth to hunker down and go dormant for a few months. Barring their entry is challenging as they can fit through surprisingly tiny cracks, but tightening up any obvious  access points will help. 
An adult Marmorated Stink Bug
"Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle...a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream." 
~Barbara Winkler