From all of us at SMPDC, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season. Read on for project highlights, meet our new senior planner, and check out the media coverage about our recent work.
Regional Coastal Resilience Planning Project:
Website is now live!
"Climate Ready Coast - Southern Maine" is a two-year regional project led by SMPDC. The project will assess impacts of climate change on our coasts, address regional resilience needs, and develop specific adaptation strategies and nature-based solutions for the state’s 10 southernmost communities. The project kick-off meeting was held in October and a recording of the workshop and presentation materials are available here.
You can now share your input on coastal resilience issues through the new website!
The website is now live and offers opportunities to stay informed and share your local coastal vulnerabilities, and what you would like to see included in the regional coastal resilience plan. Get engaged!
Reminder: Collecting Ideas for Local Projects
As the federal and state government continue to roll out new recovery funding and programs, we are doing our best to keep track of what towns are prioritizing.

Last week, SMPDC sent out a survey to our member towns, in hopes of compiling a list of community projects. If you received a link and have not responded yet, please do!

Through this process, we will connect towns to funding resources, and facilitate collaboration where a regional approach is appropriate.
Governor Announces New Resilience Grant
The Governor's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future has announced the Community Resilience Partnership, a new grant opportunity.

The program will provide $4.75 million over two years of local and regional planning grants to assist Maine communities in preparing for climate change effects, reducing carbon emissions, and transitioning to renewable energy.

Please reach out to SMPDC for assistance with developing project ideas and drafting proposals.
Economic Impacts of Regional Recreation Trail
As part of our ongoing Outdoor Recreation Economic Impact Study, our consultant Camoin Associates, produced an economic impact analysis of the Eastern Trail. This case study can serve as an example of the wide reaching impacts of expanding and supporting large scale recreation in our region.
Please Welcome Our New Senior Planner!
Dean Williams will be starting at SMPDC in January 2022 and taking on the responsibilities of our former Transportation and Land Use Planner, Eric Sanderson.

Best wishes to Eric in his new position at the Town of Scarborough!

Welcome, Dean!
Grants for Communities
Grants that support projects and organizations focused on making communities stronger. Max award $10,000. Applications due Feb 15.

Community Broadband Start-Up and Planning Grants: Start-Up grants are intended to prepare communities for planning for the expansion of broadband service, including needs assessments, inventory of infrastructure, gap analysis or other identification of needs. Planning grants should get communities ready to pursue future opportunities for broadband expansion, by committing to firm milestones to expand broadband in a way that reflects the community’s vision and goals.

Provider Expansion Projects and Community-Driven Broadband Projects: Funded projects are intended to support investments in expanding the availability of broadband service. Currently, preference is given to projects that propose the greatest relative improvement to existing internet service in unserved areas only.

For more information and announcements about the next funding rounds, attend the ConnectMaine monthly meetings, or contact ConnectMaine staff.
Assists federal, state and local governments in the acquisition and/or development of public outdoor recreation facilities. The 2022 application period opened on June 1, 2021. 
SMPDC In the News
Remember to follow us on social media for more frequent news and updates, or reach out to learn more. Enjoy the holiday season!
Southern Maine Planning & Development Commission | Website