A Message From Your Chapter President
Dear Colleagues,
is difficult to believe that another entire year has passed and we are on the cusp of 2020, but with this publication of the December newsletter we salute another successful year at ACHE of Massachusetts. As always, I’d like to express my thanks to our hard working board, committee members, students and all of our volunteers who have done such a great job of keeping our organization fresh and moving forward. It was inspiring to see this in evidence at our volunteer appreciation event on December 3rd. Thanks to all who attended.
It would be impossible to adequately list all our 2019 achievements, but we look forward to continued advancements in our Diversity & Inclusion efforts of 2019 and our
NEW Podcast Series, which launched on December 5th. Also check out our
NEW website!
Finally, in a bittersweet personnel note, we will be bidding farewell and best wishes to Donna Powell our Chapter Administrator who will be retiring from her position in May of 2020. I can’t express enough thanks to Donna for all her work not just this year, but in the past 15 years with ACHE of MA. We have begun an active search for a worthy successor.
All the best to you and your families on a healthy, happy holiday season!
John M. Fogarty, FACHE
ACHE of MA Chapter President
Our redesigned website has a new layout, logo and is now mobile friendly. Take a look and tell us what you think.
Fun Time at the Volunteer Appreciation Night
On Tuesday, December 3rd we held our 3rd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Night at the Boston Four Seasons Hotel. Everyone who volunteered during 2019 and our 2019 sponsors were invited to join the reception. Delicious food, interesting conversations, and great music that was provided by Ben and Andy from Acentech, one of our yearly sponsors.
Thank you very much volunteers for the time you donate to our chapter. All of you have helped to make the Massachusetts Chapter one of the best ACHE chapters in the country.
Karen Moore, FACHE, our Massachusetts Regent, nominated the MA chapter for the Regents-at-Large Award for the chapter's work in Diversity & Inclusion. The Massachusetts chapter was presented the award at ACHE’s annual chapter leader's conference in Chicago on September 24th.
Shown in the picture are: Joanne Carrocino, FACHE President & CEO, Cape Regional Health System, Carmen Kenrich, Chair of the Massachusetts Chapter Diversity & Inclusion Committee, and Heather Rohan, FACHE, HCA TriStar Division President and Chairman of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
ACHE of MA Student Career Navigation Event
The MA Chapter will hold our 1st Student Career Navigation Event at Suffolk University on February 12, 2020 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
We are looking for:
- Employers to participate in a FREE opportunity to recruit talented graduates from some of the best master’s programs in healthcare leadership in Massachusetts. Healthcare employers interested in having a table can register here.
- Volunteers to do Resume Critiquing and or Mock Interviews with students in attendance.
- Students majoring in a healthcare program that would like to attend. Registration opens January 10th.
If you are interested, please email our Administrator Donna Powell
Fall Conference - Social Determinants of Health
Our Fall Conference was held on November 1st. If you were unable to attend you missed two outstanding Keynote Speakers:
Sandro Galea, MD, Dean of the Boston University School of Public Health and
Douglas Brown, President, UMass Memorial Community Hospitals and Chief Administrative Officer, UMass Memorial Health Care System and a great panel.
This is what a few of our 161 attendees had to say:
Dr. Galea was absolutely amazing! I would like him to become our Nation's Surgeon General.
Dr. Galea's presentation was the best I have ever seen regarding SDOH.
Doug Brown's talk was excellent. Very exciting what UMASS is doing to impact SDOH.
Doug's presentation was very inspiring and I wish all hospitals would allocate a percentage to caring for the poverty in the community.
The content of this conference was a wake up call. Excellent content and offered practical strategies others could put to use. Let's do more like this.
Watch for our 2020 events and mark your calendar for our Spring Conference to be held on May 1, 2020.
Early Careerist Network (ECN)
Thank you to Chris MacFadyen, FACHE for leading the ECN for the past two years. Chris' two-year term ends in December and Kerri-Lynne Kellam will be taking over Vice Chair role. The ECN is looking for volunteers to be part of their team. If you are interested, please fill out a form at
The ECN held a
Winter Social: Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch on Wednesday, December 4th. Congratulations to the three winners of this friendly competition:
1st Place: Shannon Reilly
2nd Place: Brendan Jackson
3rd Place: Jon Flood
Massachusetts Regent's Message
Dear Colleagues,
Happy holiday season! I have a few updates and new thoughts to share about the importance of ACHE involvement at the national as well as local level. First of all, the outreach to our Higher Education Network (HEN) program directors has been very successful in helping us rethink approaches to engaging students. Our program deans and directors appreciate the importance of ACHE and helping us to think of different ways to structure and entice student membership.
Nominations for the Diversity and Inclusion Leader Award
The ACHE of MA Diversity and Inclusion Committee is
accepting nominations for the 2nd Annual Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award and hope you will consider nominating your organization. Nominations must be made by an ACHE of MA member. Please email the attached
nomination form to
info@massache.org by March 20, 2020.
The award will be given at our Spring Conference on May 1, 2020.
We would like to share with you an article Kirby Bates Associations, one of our chapter sponsors, wrote entitled
Overcoming Leadership Challenges in Healthcare.
RFP for Chapter Administrator
We are taking applications for the position of Administrator for the MA Chapter of ACHE. As noted in John Fogarty's message at the beginning of the newsletter, Donna Powell will be stepping down from this role as of May 2020.
Welcome New ACHE of MA Members
Take a look at our
new members who joined in the 4th quarter of 2019.
Looking for an Opportunity to Give Your Company Exposure?
Become a 2020 yearly ACHE of MA sponsor. For only $3,000 per year, your company name and logo will be seen by thousands of people throughout the year.
Congress Registration is Open & Fellowship
ACHE’s Congress on Healthcare Leadership to be held on March 23-26, 2020 in Chicago gathers more than 4,200 leaders from the healthcare leadership community for this annual premier education and networking event.
Those chapter members who meet the application requirements should apply now for Fellowship. Applicants who successfully meet all requirements needed to attain their FACHE credential by Dec. 31, 2019, including passing the Board of Governors Exam, will be eligible to participate in the 2020 Convocation Ceremony at the Congress on Healthcare Leadership, where they will receive formal recognition by ACHE leadership and their colleagues.
Members can apply for Fellow conveniently and learn more about the steps and requirements needed to advance at