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Winter Newsletter 2018

A Message From Your Chapter President
Dear ACHE of MA Members,

This month concludes my two-year term as President of ACHE of MA. I want to thank you for the honor of leading this vibrant professional association; it has been one of the highlights of my career to date. The position has afforded me the opportunity to meet and connect with so many of you - our members - and I've grown from hearing and learning about your professional, organizational, and personal challenges and accomplishments.

I want to thank the chapter's Board of Directors and committee members for their support, collaboration, and collegiality. Our chapter has 900 members, orchestrates about 2 large events a month, has 12 school and university relationships, and benefits from the support of 20 generous sponsors. It takes a strong team to keep the organization moving forward, and we are fortunate to have a team of such dedicated and thoughtful leaders. They give their time, expertise and wisdom - all on a volunteer basis, and all on top of other demanding professional responsibilities. I am especially proud of the new initiatives this group has completed over the past two years, including developing the Lynn Nicholas, FACHE Early Careerist Educational Travel Scholarship, creating an annual Volunteer Recognition Reception and focusing on our overall membership engagement, and articulating a strategic plan to strengthen the organization in the coming years. We will always have work to do to create indispensable member value, but we have made continued progress towards that goal.

I also want to thank our staff Administrator, Donna Powell. Many of you have met Donna at our conferences; she's the friendly face and the engine behind our organization and provides important continuity for all our ongoing events and other activities.

As I transition to Immediate Past President, John Fogarty, FACHE, President of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - Needham, will take over as President. Ironically, John was my mentor through the ACHE Mentorship Program many years ago; he's been a strong supporter of the ideals of ACHE throughout his career and will do an outstanding job leading and representing the chapter over the next two years.

In closing, I will say that I think it takes a very special person to work in healthcare leadership. You need to be resilient, empathic, and a pseudo-master of many trades (HR, finance, law, strategy, marketing, architecture, policy/politics and more). You need to be patient, and at the same time, an impatient agent for constant improvement and change. It's about as complex an industry as you can find; you could certainly find many easier occupations on which to dedicate your professional pursuits. And yet, you have seen through all this and still chosen to dedicate yourself to this profession. You are special and unique because of it. And while our differences provide strengths, I'd say that we all have much more in common than not. We have all chosen to tackle these challenges, believing deeply that our neighbors, friends, and family deserve to trust that there are experts who will care for them when they need that help. We share that common set of values and beliefs, and the more we can do to connect with one learn from and mentor one support and advance each other - the stronger our field and our underlying values become.

Committing your life's work to the service of others, you are a rare breed of leader. I hope ACHE continues to support you and unite you as leaders who care.

With gratitude and best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season,

Congratulations to Our
Service Award Recipients

(L-R) Richard Corder, FACHE, Karen Moore, FACHE,
Monique Porter, FACHE, John Fogarty, FACHE and Edward Browne, FACHE
ACHE's recognition program acknowledges contributions to healthcare management excellence through volunteer service to the chapter, ACHE and to the profession. At the ACHE of Massachusetts Annual Meeting on November 1, 2018 we recognized five MA Chapter Members.

Scholars Selected for the 2019 Thomas C. Dolan Executive Diversity Program 

Paul Myoung, FACHE, Senior Administrative Director
Massachusetts General Hospital

Six scholars from across the country have been selected for the Thomas C. Dolan Executive Diversity Program. The yearlong program will help further prepare these mid- and senior-level careerists to advance to higher leadership roles.  Congratulations Paul!

Educational Events

Coming Soon
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Shriners Hospital, Boston, MA
Sponsored by the ECN

Panelists include:
Elizabeth Boudreau, Executive Advisor, Amazon Web Services
Naomi Lenane, CIO, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Mark Sugrue, CNIO, UMASS Memorial
Cara Babachicos, CIO, South Shore Health System
Tim Mills, Portfolio Director, Lahey Health
Register Now

Recent Events
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Our Fall Conference on November 1st was well attended with 150 in attendance. One attendee commented that "Dr. Joe Kimura was a rock star, for 'pinch hitting' with little notice and providing a salient and insightful presentation!"

47 hearty New Englander's braved the winter storm to attend our AI Conference at Shriners Hospital in Springfield, MA on November 16th. They were not disappointed as we had six very interesting speakers. One attendee said it best, "An excellent education on AI."

Attendees at the AI Conference on 11/16/18

Member Spotlight
Brian McKenna, FACHE

About Brian
Brian is the Director of Specialties, Ancillaries & Real Estate for Compass Medical, P.C., an affiliate of the Steward Health Care System. He  oversees the Cardiovascular and Behavioral Health service lines, a high complexity Laboratory processing 1.1 million tests annually, four Radiology Centers providing 60,000 studies, twelve specialty providers and more than 200,000 sq. ft. of medical space in eight locations throughout Southeastern Massachusetts.

ACHE Testimonial 
I became involved with ACHE back in 1991 to attend high quality educational sessions within the Chapter as well as to have access to up-to-date information on a myriad of healthcare issues. I chose to become Board Certified to challenge myself and demonstrate my commitment to the field of healthcare management. Being a member of this world-class organization has provided me with access to great resources and wonderful opportunities to network with colleagues and peers within the industry, both locally and nationally. I have thoroughly enjoyed my relationship with ACHE these past 27 years as it's provided me with many of the resources needed in today's fast-paced and ever changing field of healthcare. I encourage all of my students to become Student Members in ACHE to begin a lifelong relationship with the premier organization for healthcare management.

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Early Careerist Network (ECN) 

Our next panel series will be held January 15, 2019. The topic is "The Top 5 Career Paths in Healthcare That Don't Exist...YET." Panelists include:
  • Elizabeth Boudreau, Executive Advisor, Amazon Web Services
  • Naomi Lenane, CIO, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
  • Mark Sugrue, CNIO, UMASS Memorial
  • Cara Babachicos, CIO, South Shore Health System
  • Tim Mills, Portfolio Director, Lahey Health
Continued growth in the ECN led to the creation of a new ECN Membership Committee this fall. The new committee focuses on supporting/aligning ECN activity with overall ACHE of MA chapter member engagement and growth. The team completed a number of initiatives including updating/disseminating our 1-page ACHE handout to all non-members who attended recent ECN events. The team is also exploring better membership reporting to support our committees and new ways to improve our overall member value proposition (including a new podcast initiative focused on expanding member access to content).

New Annual Sponsor

Welcome to our newest sponsor!

Learn more about becoming a sponsor.

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Carmen Kenrich has been appointed as Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee. Carmen brings over 20 years of healthcare leadership experience to the Leaders For Today organization as Vice President of Business Development. She has a diverse background in healthcare, having worked in managed care, healthcare planning, and development.

The position of the Vice Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee is open. Please send names of nominees to our Chapter Administrator at The committee seeks leaders and members of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities.
Our current committee members include: Sorayo Kanakis, Carmen Kenrich, Linda Leung, Paul Myoung, Karen Moore, Amit Powar and Alex Schwarzer.

Chapter Regent Quarterly Letter
"Leaders DO Care"

Dear ACHE Colleagues,

September 13th was like any day at the Lawrence General Hospital with meetings, planning, and interactions that advance our vision and patient care mission everyday but, at around 4:30pm my assistant interrupted a meeting I was wrapping up to say "There's been an emergency and hospital leaders have been notified to gather here immediately." There had been a number of explosions and fires that had erupted in Lawrence. As Senior Vice President of Operations and Chief nursing Officer I assumed the incident command as we executed on disaster preparations we have practiced so well. 

The whole organization came together quickly and knew what to do. We did not know for several hours when the explosions would stop or how many casualties would present in the Emergency Center yet we used the time to anticipate the worst, calling all staff back to the hospital who had just left a change of shift and immediately moving the patients out of the Emergency center into the hospital who had been waiting for hospital beds. The hospital command center carried on for the next 36 hours with many not leaving the building in order to care for the medical and emotional needs of patients, families and staff, many of whom their own homes and families had been effected throughout the Merrimack Valley.

Welcome New ACHE of MA Members
and Fellows

In 2018 we had 147 new members and 3 members earned the FACHE designation.

New Fellows
Bruce Bertrand, MD, FACHE
Elizabeth Brady, MD, FACHE
Christopher MacFadyen, FACHE

New Members

ACHE Congress: Registration is Open

ACHE's Congress on Healthcare Leadership 
gathers more than 4,000 members from the healthcare leadership community for this annual premier education and networking event. Congress offers each attendee countless opportunities to innovate, collaborate, grow and transform by having access to top thought leaders on a variety of hot topics and networking events to share perspectives and insights with the diverse array of interprofessional leaders. Save your spot today!

March 4-7, 2019
Hilton Chicago/Palmer House Hilton
Chicago, IL