Annual Accessioning Report
The Historical Collection Committee gained a new member this year, Janette Hermanson, who will also be the liaison from the Westport Historical Preservation Commission. Two members retired: Rosemarie Hodulik and Bob Forbess. We worked on exhibits in the granary, advised on the mural in the Center, and discussed opening the house and granary for tours this summer, once a month.
2021 Artifact donations
Thank you to the following donors for their donations:
- Bow saw - Jack Barbian family by Nancy Gulyas
- Hand gardening tools - Nancy Laubmeier Huismann
- Watkins Cookbook, 1930 - Leona Grubb
- A.T. Ferrell fanning mill - George Andler
- Meat grinder, potato masher - Janet McKellar (Photo above is the potato masher, credit B. Johanninmeier)
- Hand hay rake - Edward Godec
Additional non-artifact donations included photography prints by Steve Roffler from Betsy Tuttle and a quilt from Carol Bliefield.
Special thanks to John Butters, AZ, a member of the Marcella Schumacher Pendall Board of Trustees and a personal friend of Marcella for his generous time spent on
compiling a Schumacher and Busby family genealogy. This will be available for viewing on the Schumacher Farm Park website in the near future.
Historical Committee wish list items:
Machinery from early 1900’s: buck rake, cultipacker, manure spreader, silo filler, stone-boat, single disc harrow.
Household items: pie safe, toys, clothing, Christmas ornaments.
-Barb Johanningmeier, Co-Chair, Accessioning Committee
Annual Garage Sale
The Annual Garage Sale/Plant Sale to help fund the historic collection will be held again this year. Co-chairs, Rosa Ropers and Carol Geick, invite you to donate your slightly used items to this project. The sale will coincide with Waunakee Garage Sale Days on May 5th and 6th. This has always been a successful project due to the participation of our members.
Note: This year we are asking that you please not donate electronic items as they are difficult to dispose of if they do not sell.
Thank you for all your efforts in supporting the sale and please call the farm office at 849-4559 or Ropers at 260-5335 if you have questions regarding the sale.
-Rosa Ropers, Co-Chair Accessioning Committee
Tree and Brush Removal Workday
Winter is a great time to remove invasive and weedy brush and trees crowding out our woodlands and oak savannas. Work on the northern wooded slope at Schumacher Farm Park has been focused on creating openings for more sunlight to reach the ground, which will promote the growth of native savanna tree species and woodland wildflowers. Areas of previous years' restoration work have revealed populations of wild trout lily, bloodroot and shooting star flowers that were waiting for their time in the spring sunshine. Our efforts are making a difference!
On January 14th, Dane County Parks staff, Lars Higdon (pictured above) and Shane Otto and Friends' volunteers continued work along the slope by removing invasive brush, non-native trees, and other undesirable woody species. A skid steer loader was used to move the larger pieces of brush to burn piles. Take a stroll along the lower prairie trail to check out the progress.
Brush removal photos: Sue Manske
2021 Volunteer Summary Report
This is just a snapshot of what we have in the books for volunteers of 2021. No doubt, there are definitely numerous other hours not submitted by people that do all sorts of behind-the-scene tasks; short-notice errands, overlooked farmyard or garden maintenance, and spontaneous program support that are not accounted for here. We appreciate all volunteer contributions, whether on the record or incognito mode!
-Amy Jo Dusick, Park Administrator
Membership Renewal Reminder
A quick reminder that Friends' memberships expired on Dec. 31st. If you haven't already, please renew your membership for 2022 to continue your support for Schumacher Farm Park programs and events. You can renew online through the website portal or send a paper application to the park office. Please contact Amy Jo or Amanda with questions.
Photo: Jim Ableidinger, former Friends' board member and long-time volunteer, driving tractor for Halloween hayrides in 2021. (Credit: Sue Manske)
StoryWalk is back! Each month we try to place a new story along the trails so children can walk through the prairie and see how the story unfolds! It's the perfect way to combine literacy, exercise, and the great outdoors. December's book was Waiting for Snow by Marsha Diane Arnold and the story started at the trailhead near the kiosk. January's book is When It Starts To Snow by Phillis Gershator. The story starts at the windmill and is laid out within the farmyard area.
Photo credit: Amanda Sherer
Program & Event Sponsorship Opportunities
One of the many lessons this pandemic has taught us is the true value of community resources. Schumacher Farm Park offers outdoor recreation and community programming that provides a glimpse into the past, making it distinct among the county parks.
Given the pandemic challenges of this past year, we were still able to offer many outdoor activities and workshops. Music Fest drew in 200 people, Heritage Fest almost 300 and over 1,200 people enjoyed an old-fashioned family Halloween this year. We grew sweet corn and a pumpkin patch, and added yoga and archery classes to our ever-growing catalog of educational workshops.
Photo below: Sean Watson, exhibitor at Heritage Fest, shows a guest how to use simple woodworking tools. (Rona Neri)
Future plans are to restore more land to native prairie by over 80 acres and add more hiking trails! We have farm machinery displays and signage throughout the park to connect visitors to Dane County’s cultural roots.
The Friends' group manages the park, which includes all functions of programs, events and workshops, paying for all the overhead and managing restorations. We are asking you to make a contribution to the Friends of Schumacher Farm, Inc. to keep community and historical education opportunities going strong.
Please consider sponsorship of our events and/or workshops to keep Dane County’s rural heritage alive in our community.
Thank you!
-Dennis Petzke, Treasurer
Photo of a goose taken from a small section of the full-wall mural painting. Credit: AJ Dusick
The mural in the Prairie Room of the Center for Rural History is finished! We also had lighting installed that really showcases all the details of this beautiful depiction of rural Waunakee.
We plan to hold a dedication ceremony later in the spring to celebrate this grand achievement and acknowledge the generosity of our donors.
-Sue Manske, Board Member
*A recent donation was made in honor of John Powles by Janice Levy.*
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wed., February 23rd at 6:30 pm.
With the meeting date approaching soon, it will be held via the virtual Zoom platform. Please RSVP to if you'd like to attend and we'll send you the link.
The Friends of Schumacher Farm Park Board is seeking candidates to fill board positions for those whose term will expire at the Park's annual meeting on February 23. The five-member board sets direction and creates plans that support the Friend's mission and purpose in conjunction with Dane County Parks. Two board positions are available. The board is responsible for the organizational programs and financial matters. The term of service for the board position is three years, with an option to re-new.
If you would like to be a candidate for a board position, send a letter of intent to Schumacher Farm Park, Attn. "Nominating Co-Chairs Rosa Ropers or Carol Bleifield" by February 12, 2022. If you have questions, please contact the Schumacher office at 608-849-4559.Text Li
All photos, except where credited to others, provided by