Happy New Year ~ Welcome to 2025!!!

"Follow your Dreams" - It's an encouraging phrase that implies achievement is as simple as following a magical blueprint. But as most of us quickly discover... there's no yellow brick road to lead us to success. We are the ones who must find a way and clear a path to our dreams. It might not be as easy as clicking our heels together, but it can be fun!

Take a class. Educate yourself on the people you admire. Build your toolbox. Surround yourself with a community that believes in you and wants to see you succeed. Get involved, and support other artists. You'll be ready for that golden opportunity when it presents itself.

Here at RG, we'll continue to offer creative space for all artists to work and grow -- where you can explore, rehearse, and even take classes taught by some of the most celebrated professionals in the business.

Let's inspire each other to LEAD our dreams this year - one creative step at a time.

See you at the studios. 

Graham McCarty ~ RG Creative Director

Welcome to the National Unified Auditions (January 25th - 26th)

We're happy to welcome all this year's participants to the World's Largest Rehearsal Studio and proud to be part of your artistic journey. Stop by the front desk to say "Hi" or book a warm-up studio to run lines, vocalize or work out some of those last minute audition jitters. Let us know how we can help.

Break legs, all!

Happy Anniversary to us!!! On January 27th 1987, Patricia Ripley & Butch Grier opened our first location at 131 W. 72nd Street in NYC. Since then we have grown to 4 Locations with 100 Studios, and have become a beacon for the arts & entertainment community, individual artists, and teachers from all over the world.

We're grateful for all of you who hold our studios near and dear to your hearts, and welcome those who have yet to visit.

Keep an eye on our social media over the next few weeks as we Celebrate our 38th Anniversary. We'll be sharing photos, fun anecdotes and stories about our legendary studios - and we're sure you have some RG stories of your own.

Tag us in your posts @RipleyGrierStudios

Experience the magic of the NYC Theatre Community!!! 

BroadwayCon is a 3-Day Broadway extravaganza, where the worlds of theatre and fandom collide! Rub elbows with your favorite stars, attend engaging panels, sing along to your favorite show tunes and celebrate some of the newest and most exciting shows on Broadway. While you're there - stop by the Ripley-Grier booth and enter our FREE RAFFLE TO WIN $200 OF STUDIO TIME (and other fabulous prizes)We'll also be doing some Broadway Trivia, introducing new RG Merch items, and chatting up attendees. Hope to see you there!!! 

Tickets still available at BroadwayCon.com

Help WCK provide FREE MEALS to those impacted by the Southern California Wild Fires.

World Central Kitchen (WCK) is currently working with LA food trucks and restaurants to provide hot meals to the first responders and families impacted by the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles CA.

If you are looking for a way to help, please give to WCK.

Ripley-Grier Studios provides ongoing contributions for WCK by selling merch and providing donation boxes at all 4 RG locations. Click the link below to donate directly to World Central Kitchen.

Donate Here!

Thank You for your Love and Support.

Stretch, Breathe & find your inner Zen at Ripley-Grier Studios.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned yogi, this class is perfect for all levels.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to unwind and connect with your mind, body, and soul.

Space is limited.

Reserve your spot now!



@ RG 520 8th Ave.

Reserve your spot 

RipleyGrierCommunity.com/classes for more information.

An exclusive collection of spaces for focused creative work.

Located @ RG Studios 520 8th Ave. 10th Floor

Professional Voice-Over / Podcast Suite & Soundproof Booth, and an On-Camera / "Self-Tape" Studio (professional lighting and multiple backdrops).

All size spaces for Private Lessons, Play Readings, Photo-shoots, Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, classes, etc.

Call (212)799-5433 for more info.


Episcopal Actors' Guild

For 100 years, the Episcopal Actors' Guild has been helping NYC's professional actors, singers, and dancers keep a roof over their head and put food on the table when times are tough. EAG's Emergency Aid & Relief Program can provide financial grants for rent, utilities, or medical bills. And their Actor's Pantry provides food assistance to performing artists experiencing hunger and food insecurity.

Are you a performer in need of assistance?

Or are you in a position to aid in EAG's efforts?

Visit ActorsGuild.org for more information.

Greetings & Happy New Year!

What a year 2024 was! Some say "good riddance!" Personally, it was an exhausting and hectic political year, but also busy and rewarding. It had all the social and financial challenges that make up every year, lately. Looking forward to 2025, (a number 9)* with anticipation, especially in relation to our political/social/economic experiences.

We've created a new branch of the Ripley-Grier group, which will be a more educational avenue in our creative RG organization. We are hosting activities/classes/seminars under the Ripley-Grier moniker. We are creating a learning, practicing and skill defining segment to them, as part our studios' group. We have not named this new part of RG (actually struggling with it), so if you have any ideas about a suitable name please send it to our PR Marketing Department at prmarketing@ripleygrier.com. It will be a gracious space for learning, creating, practicing and honing skills in areas of theater & performing arts, music, dance, acting, visual arts and writing. Also we will host health & fitness sessions and legal & managing monies). We will introduce tools needed for life planning in the artistic fields. More information will be forthcoming. We have started our health and fitness sessions with the fantastic Yoga with Blake Lee at our 520 location @ 12 noon on Wednesdays. In mid-January we hosted a free financial/tax seminar for performers, totally full. In 2025 we'll be interviewing, vetting and hiring independent and experienced instructors in the aforementioned fields as we endeavor to prepare, assist and uplift creative artists in their path forward. Informative classes, seminars and events will be designed for beginners and experienced artists. Look for more information in the coming months.

As we enter a New Year, we have personal projects to add in and experience to improve our lives in 2025. Set reasonable goals, perhaps some "resolutions". Avoid complacency or being discouraged if you stumble. Go forward into the fray and it will be bountiful. Bon Chance!

*2025 reduces to the number 9, a number that cannot be destroyed. (Do addition and multiples of 9 and see). It is one of the most important numbers today and in ancient philosophies. (The number 8 year, 2024, was a very changeable year, but an important year to learn from upheavals). 2025 is the Year of the Snake, a sign of wisdom in ancient Chinese astrology, also representing charm, elegance and transformation. People born in the Year of the Snake which begins with the new moon on January 29 were born in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025. In particular it is the year of the Wood Snake, which represents growth. So "Shed your skin". Create a clean organized home and workspace, the healthiest, most soul enhancing space you can. Also this is a year to create art for personal expression.

See you at the Studios. Better & better, Patricia

Please donate to World Central Kitchen (WCK) (our in-house benefits organization) who are providing meals to our West Coast friends and families suffering from the devastating fires. We have donation stations at all four locations and a % of merchandise sales will be sent to them.


I recently found out that Lynne transitioned out of this life. I had gone into mourning in December as I read Shaun's Facebook post and misunderstood his expression of "transitioning". I thought she was gone. I cried all night and spent two days unable to function clearly. Then, when realizing my mistake, I was grateful that I could still keep her in my heart for a little longer. Today I read Shaun's amazing, loving post about his Mom. Lynnie as I call her (and I don't know why, it's just her name when I think of her in my unprofessional life), has been a hero to me. We met professionally at Ripley-Grier Studios in the early 2000's. She became the Director / Choreographer for one of the several shows that Butch Grier and I were producing back then, a musical, "The Flamenco Poet" (formerly "Deep Song"). I witnessed her amazing skills at communicating with the cast and crew. So patient, respectful, and knowledgeable. She understood artists and it showed. She taught me so much about the special place theatre has in our lives. Since then we have supported several shows that she introduced us to as associates and currently "Distant Thunder".

Personally, we have enjoyed each other's company at our homes. We have been welcomed to her lovely home for celebrations and to swim in the very very cold pool at her house. She has been sweet to Jeannie, our daughter, and always asks about her. She was always gracious with a keen sense of humor and whimsy. She always spoke about Shaun with such pride and love.

Lynnie, so lovely, kind, talented, respected and so very purposeful, a powerful force of commitment and perseverance.

I love you and always will - Patricia Ripley

Hi everyone!

I've had a bit of a slow January as far as events go, but I'm starting off February strong with BroadwayCon! Ripley-Grier will have a booth once again for all 3 days this year and we're so excited to see everybody that comes by.

This past month I saw Sal Vulcano from the show Impractical Jokers on his new comedy tour with my friend, Lauren. I had seen him before including his set at my college earlier last year, but I was excited to see his new material. His set was hilarious and we were so happy to learn about his newborn son!

I'm also planning to go to more concerts in February. I'm going to see Jack White at the Brooklyn Paramount, and I want to see Hippo Campus, Hans Zimmer, Wallows, and Foster the People next month as well. I saw Jack White in 2015 but I haven't seen the rest of those groups so I'm hoping to get tickets!

Until next month, Jeannie

RG Outreach Program

RG is proud to support many wonderful organizations.

Broadway Cares - Make-A-Wish - Plan USA

Timothy Hill Ranch - The Actor's Fund - Smile Train - Wounded Warrior - North Shore Animal League - World Central Kitchen - Braking AIDS

Join us in supporting these and other helpful organizations. Contact our Marketing Dept. at (212)799-5433 Ex. 214 for more info.

"Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better."

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Follow Us


February is Black History Month. Take this opportunity to learn more about the amazing black teachers, performers and creators in our community and celebrate their incredible contributions to the arts.


Look for Special Sales and Discounts!


T-Shirts (Adult & Youth Sizes), Baseball Shirts and Hoodies

Available at all RG locations.

RG Black-Box Theatre @ RG 305 W. 38th St.

Perfect for your staged reading, recital, or small performance.

Retractable audience seating, professional lighting & sound available upon request. 

(Comfortably seats 75 people)

Call (212)799-5433 for info.

Introducing our new RG 72nd Street Location Supervisor - DJ Gagan!!!

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear...

Tony Young (1/10)

Charles Sanchez (1/23)

Kelsey Lee Jones (1/28)

Stas Iavorski (2/7)

Henry Read (2/19)

Happy Birthday to you.



or $17 with a Credit Card.

(Subject to availability of specific studios)





(Advanced Bookings Only)


Call (212)799-5433 for info.

Celebrate January

International Creativity Month

National Mentoring Month

National Thank You Month

Poverty Awareness Month

New Year's Day (1/1)

Science Fiction Day (1/2)

Mind-Body Wellness Day (1/3)

National Screenwriters Day (1/5)

Int. Choreographers Day (1/9)

Customer Service Day (1/17)

Martin Luther King Jr Day (1/20)

Inauguration Day - Donald Trump (1/20)

Thank Your Mentor Day (1/21)

Chinese New Year (1/29)

Storytelling Week (1/30-2/7)

Celebrate February

Black History Month

Human Relations Month

National Arts Month

Abolition of Slavery Day (2/2)

Groundhog Day (2/2)

USO Day (2/4)

Ballet Day (2/7)

Opera Day (2/8)

Super Bowl Sunday (2/9)

National Guitar Day (2/11)

Valentine's Day (2/14)

Email Gmccarty@ripleygrier.com for more info about advertising


Collect 5 "stamps" and receive $5 OFF your next studio rental.

Get the "STAMP ME" APP today, and receive one FREE stamp.

For more information, visit the reception desk at any RG location.

Want to work at the world's greatest rehearsal studios?

RG is always looking for energetic, experienced candidates for our customer service and facilities management team. Send your resume to ripleygrierjobs@gmail.com

"Broadway Begins Here!"TM

4 Locations - 100 Studios in Manhattan

Woman & Veteran Owned Small Business

Call (212) 799-5433 for reservations.

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