School District of Wisconsin Dells
December 2021 | 2021-9
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Teachers playing pickleball
What happens on early release days?
By Brian Grove
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
As most of you know, the School District of Wisconsin Dells dismisses students at 12:30 in each of our schools twice per month (only once in September and December). So, what happens on these days when students attend for a half day, commonly referred to as “Early Release ...READ MORE
Michelle Schmitz mentors 1st year teacher Aaron Mleziva
Teacher learning is a key to student learning
By Felipe Armijo, LDES Principal
In 2020, district administrators, teachers, support staff, and community partners revised our district strategic plan. Our district mission, Connect, Inspire, Achieve. Everyone, Every day, is embedded into daily announcements, posted on classroom walls, and prominently displayed in our high school commons area. In addition to this powerful mission that we live and strive for each day, there is also ...READ MORE
Picture of a cellphone
Hiding in plain sight
By Jenny Kurtz, WDMS Associate Principal
Allowing your child to carry a Smartphone is a great way to stay connected when they can’t be with you. However, are you aware of the dangers potentially hidden on their phone? Do you have rules about phone use? Some rules to think about: the amount of time they may use their phone, where they use their phone, which apps they may use, and how often you will check their ...READ MORE
2020-21 school and district report cards released
On November 16, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) issued report cards for every publicly funded school and district in Wisconsin. These report cards are issued annually as part of the state accountability system and are required by state statute. The report cards are intended to help schools and districts use performance data to celebrate successes and to create goals for areas where improvement is needed. Each school and district receive ratings based on four different Priority Areas: Achievement, Growth, Target Group Outcomes, and On-Track to Graduation and then receives a rating of 1-5 Stars. Overall, the SDWD received its highest rating to date and is Exceeding Expectations, while each of our schools are Meeting, Exceeding, or Significantly Exceeding Expectations. ...READ MORE
Student using a heavy equipment simulator
Career and technical education highlights at WDHS
By Hugh Gaston, WDHS Principal
The students at Wisconsin Dells High School, specifically, those in our technical education courses, have been fortunate to take part in several opportunities this fall with careers and hobbies related to the field. The first was a visit on September 17, Wo-Zha-Wa Friday, by the Badgerland F-100’s Truck Club during their Dash to the Dells event. We captured their visit with some drone footage and the ...READ MORE
Hello written in different languages
Access testing for English language learners
By Dawn Sine, Director of Pupil Services
School districts across Wisconsin and the U.S. engage several state and locally mandated assessments to measure students' academic growth and overall achievement in a variety of subjects. One mandated assessment that many within our state and community are not aware of is called the ACCESS test for English Language Learners (ELL).  The assessment ...READ MORE
Vitamin C foods forming the shape of a C
Food Focus: Vitamin C
When it comes to Vitamin C,
it's easy to "see" the benefits!
Vitamin C is an antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables. Maybe you've heard of the phrase "free radicals?" These are cell-damaging molecules we're exposed to in our daily lives. Unfortunately, free radicals are unavoidable - but antioxidants like Vitamin C protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. ...READ MORE
Annual Notices
School districts are required by law to post annual notices. Individual notices have their own requirements for how they are to be distributed. This edition includes newsletter notification for Youth Suicide Prevention Resources, School Wellness Policy, Student Privacy, School & School District Performance Report, Human Growth & Development Instruction, Asbestos Management Plan, Educational Options & Special Needs Scholarship Program, Parent & Family Member Engagement in Title I Programs and National School Lunch & Breakfast Programs. These and other annual notices are also posted on our website.