Barbara Hawkins
The Silva Method
Silva Classes - Seattle in May |
After almost a year, I'm delighted to announce the return of the 4-Day Immersion of Silva Life System & Silva Intuition System with me in Seattle May 17 - 20. I have received numerous requests over the past few months and May is the very best time for our Silva experience.
At this time, finding a venue is a challenge. Many of you know that often someone has invited us into their home. Everybody loves the comfortable setting... so conducive for questions and discussion.
Obviously, there's a lot involved in setting this up and I need your help. If you'd like to offer your home or office for the class, please let me know as soon as possible. (You can call or send an email.) If you have information about a suitable public venue, please let me know.
If you are interested in attending and/or have friends who are also interested, act now and claim your seat. This Seattle class will be a certainty when registration minimum is met before April 15.
Let's create an outstanding event together!
Four-Day Immersion
Silva Life System & Silva Intuition System
Take one or both!
in Seattle WA
May 17 - 20, 2018
New Student Tuition for each class $695
Graduate Sitting Fee $50
A Personal Message from Barbara
From Barbara ...
Last year was an eventful year for most of us!
Silva Website Was Re-Launched February 27th!
Take a look
Here and let me know what you think.
I'm already excited about the 2018 activities which include classes in Seattle WA and Sheridan WY. Perhaps others too!
In this newsletter you have an article "
Let's Make Every Day a Better and Better Day!"
You have a Book of Note
"Happiness Is A Choice" by Barry Neil Kaufman.
And, just for you Graduates, you have an opportunity to brush up on Caseworking.
Remember the 2 videos too.
Better & Better,
You can continue to use my old email address: Barbara.SilvaStars@gmail.com
Notice the new email address: Barbara@SilvaMethodNorthwest.com
Let's Make Every Day a Better and Better Day!
Let's make 2018 a terrific year... full of fun, good surprises, opportunities, and rewards ... all due to your great decisions and effective activities. You can enrich the quality of every day! Here are some easy tips to help you -- simple and practical ideas.
1. Relax. It's good for you!!! When you relax on a daily basis you can see/feel the difference in the quality of your day. You are calmer, more creative, more tolerant, more considerate and understanding. In general, you feel better about yourself and about the world that surrounds you. Relaxing 10-15 minutes a day is good, but if you can repeat the experience 2-3 times a day, it is much better.
2. Breathe deeply. If you are driving or in a place where you cannot take a long relaxation, breathing deeply for a few minutes will help you diminish that pressure or anxiety you are experiencing in a particular moment. Breathing deeply from your diaphragm and calmly, counting to 5 can help reduce the levels of stress from your body.
3. Listen to soft music. Using the right type of music is excellent to calm down. This is why instruments like piano or harp have been incorporated in waiting rooms in hospitals. Their effect has been proven to be therapeutic. In many operating rooms harps are played with a monotonous rhythm, that help the patient as well as the doctors to be relaxed. The effects after the operation is that the healing process is shorter.
4. Walk. Walking helps calm your irritations down, plus, helps you overcome negative concerns. If you can walk in an area where there are trees, like a park, it's even better because you are in touch with nature that gives you the opportunity to appreciate its beauty. This change of focus creates wonders with the way you feel.
5. Work on your GOALS on a daily basis. Your GOALS represent the direction you want to give to your life.
6. Surround yourself with positive people. People that understand your aspirations and the goals you would like to achieve in life; people who will encourage you to follow your dreams until they become a reality for you.
Largely taken from an article by Diana and Richard Oulahan
Four-Day Immersions Classes
in Sheridan Wyoming
March 4 - 7 & April 25 - 28
Silva Life System & Silva Intuition System
Take one or both!
New Student Tuition for each class $695
Graduate Sitting Fee $50
It's been a while since I included Caseworking in the newsletter.
Dr. Denice Moffat contacted me about reminding us all about this opportunity and I'm so glad she did. She's been continuing to use her healing skills for some years now and both enjoys it and has had some terrific successes.
We can assist ourselves and others as we practice with our Silva tools. If you feel that you need to brush up on Caseworking, get in touch with me. Perhaps we could have a conference call or Skype together.
If you'd like to do cases but don't know many people who are ill or injured, you can
to get some. (Your password is 'level'.)
You can send your cases to me at this email or to Dr. Moffat at drmoffat@naturalhealthtechniques.com
If you'd like me to include a case
- you, a family member, friend, co-worker - send the information to me
To send a case
, include:
1 - Name (initials will do)
2 - Sex
3 - City/State/Country
(not a street address)
4 - Age, at least approximate
5 - Short description of their physical challenge(s)
6 - Date you submit the case
Book of Note
While this isn't a 'new' book, it's important! It's one of my personal favorites...
"Happiness Is A Choice" by
Barry Neil Kaufman
"I have long admired the word of Barry and Suzi Kaufman. In this new book, Barry very explicitly reveals the options and choices we can all make to find the road to happiness."
Bernie Siegel, M.D. -
Barry Kaufman demonstrates clearly and dramatically, that the potential for happiness is inside each of us. He and his wife have observed that people who are most successful in finding happiness share certain traits. And he has used these traits to create six Shortcuts to Happiness that you can begin using immediately. Kaufman demonstrates clearly and dramatically how to make the choice by making love a viable, vital, useful force in our daily lives.
"The greatest discovery you'll ever make,
is the potential of your own mind."
José Silva, founder of The Silva Method
Manifesting with Confidence with Silva |
The Silva Centering Exercise |
"It's amazing what can be accomplished
when you ignore your limitations."
Pete Nelson
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Better & Better,
Barbara Hawkins
"I've used the Silva Method for many years. It has helped me overcome my own illnesses. I urge you to attend Mr. Silva's training sessions that are presented around the world." ~ Dr. Wayne Dwyer, author of 'Real Magic' (Harper Mass Market Paperbacks, 1993)
*Information for Silva Basic Graduates
Are you a Graduate of the Silva Basic Course? Following is information you may need to know.
Since the Silva Method Basic Course is no longer taught, as a Basic Graduate you are welcome to "repeat" the Silva Life System. We call it a repeat because there's only a little new information in that course. The Life System includes all the formula-type techniques as well as the Lab & Counselors plus a short healing technique.
Basic Grads pay only a sitting fee of $50.
Basic Grads are also welcome to "repeat" the Silva Intuition System. This course includes the Projection exercises and the Caseworking and about 40% new material. Because there is additional material, there is a tuition fee of $245.
Then, in the future when you repeat it, there is only a sitting fee of $50.
If you add the Life System and the Intuition System together, you have the Basic course plus about 40% new material.
Because class size is limited, New Student registrations are given priority. Graduates are put onto a waiting list and, about a week before the course date, I notify everyone about seat availability.
(This is according to Silva Intl. policy.)
When enrollment allows for larger venue, there is no wait list.
You can take a look at class descriptions on my website, too.
Certified Silva Method Instructor since 1994
Certified Healer Silva International Ecumenical Society 1994
Trained since 1993 under Jose Silva, Laura Silva and many other world famous Silva instructors.
BLS Graduate 1993 with numerous refreshers over the years
Ultimate Seminar with Jose Silva 1994 - Includes both the ULTRA and Graduate Seminars - and much more!