Keep your Home Clean and Cozy this Winter
There are certain things to attend during winter to keep your home clean and healthy
Not sure where to begin?

Using a room checklist will help you to remember when to spot clean.

Here are some tips to help you get started...
Clean Curtains and Blinds

Curtains hold dust, pollen and traffic fumes.
Clean your curtains twice a year in your washing machine. Hang curtains to dry to avoid crinkling. Close blinds for easy cleaning using a cloth or a Swiffer Duster to absorb the dust. This will keep from becoming airborne.

Remove Dust from Carpets

Vacuum your carpets once a week in high traffic areas to keep clean from dirt and debris. Rugs should be shaken outside twice or four times a year. Remember to clean vacuum bags and filters regularly.
Deep Clean Upholstery

Upholstery and sofas are a magnet for dust, spills and food debris. Before cleaning, check cleaning requirements for delicate fabric. With each cleaning you will have a fresh aroma scent in the air.
Bedroom Cleaning

Cleaning your sheets frequently can prevent breakouts and decrease the need to clean your mattress. Wash comforters four times a year to prevent dirt and skin cells from building up.
Message from Wilda...
Our goal is to give you the customer satisfaction you deserve, with the cleaning service we offer at a comfortable price.

Our customers are pleased with the work we do and we are happy to give you references to assure our professionalism and our quality of service we offer.
We can design "Custom Cleaning Plans" to meet your needs and Budget!
Wilda Lopez, Owner
