Hello There!
Welcome to Week 9! This week's bag features a hearty pork roast for the chilly winter nights that are still ahead of us. There are several tasty recipe links below from our family company, Fresh Fork Market. Also included in the bag is a jam-packed jar of sauerkraut that will pair nicely with the roast. The sauerkraut is a living, fermented product that needs to be stored in the refrigerator. Because it is a fermented product, you may see some bubbles in the jar, the lid may look under pressure or you may hear a pop when you open the jar. This is a completely normal and expected!
This time of year, there is so much going on. The greenhouse is bursting with seeds and sprouts. The farrowing barn is full of little piglets (each sow has at least 8, and there are 8-10 sows in the barn at any given time). Little baby peeps are filling the peep shack. Once the piglets and peeps get bigger and the weather gets warmer, they will move to the outdoors to graze on pasture. The maple woods are flowing with sap and the Keim family has been working all night in the sugar shack boiling the sap into maple syrup.
Just 2 weeks ago we were talking about all the seeds we had planted in the greenhouse. Since then, the greenhouse has become completely filled with tomatoes, broccoli, kale, peppers, celery, herbs and more! The sun and heat over this past weekend really gave a jolt to the sprouts. We keep wishing for more sunshine and warmer weather now that spring is officially here! The cool nights and clear skies keep us on our toes overnight, as we have to make sure the greenhouse temps don't drop too low and cause any shock to the baby plants.
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