
Happy New Year!

On behalf of everyone at the Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, we wish you and your families a safe, happy, and healthy 2022!

We hope you are able to join us for the virtual workshops we have planned for you this winter. If there is a topic that you think would be helpful for grandparents and relative caregivers, please contact us. We want these workshops to be helpful, informative, and leaving you with having learned something new!

Contact Us Here


Vaccines and Boosters


9:30 a.m.

*Via Zoom

Join Dr. Linda Sagor, Medical Director at DCF and pediatrician, for an information session about the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. Many of you may still have questions about the vaccine for children under 18 years old. Dr. Sagor will be available to answer questions and concerns.

*When registering, please include the name of the workshop in the e-mail.

Register Here

Understanding SSI Child Benefits


7:30 p.m.

*Via Zoom

Ever wonder if your grandchild would qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? Join a team from Greater Boston Legal Services to learn about eligibility for SSI for children who have a physical or mental disability or is blind. Presenters will share general information about SSI for children and teenager.

*When registering, please include the name of the workshop in the e-mail.

Register Here

Planning for Your Grandchild's Legal Future


7:30 p.m.

*Via Zoom

This workshop will provide general information about how to plan for your grandchild's legal future. Presenters will discuss wills and estates as well as planning custody of your grandchild.

*Please note, presenters will not be able to provide legal advice or answer specific questions.

Registration Information Coming Soon


Education Planning and Organization

Date TBD

Ever attend an IEP meeting and felt completely overwhelmed and unorganized (despite your best efforts!)? Join the team from The Federation for Children with Special Needs to learn tips and strategies ro be better prepared for special education meetings on behalf of your grandchild.

Date and registration information coming soon.

Conversations with the Commission


Starting in 2022, The Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren will begin hosting virtual discussions with grandparents and relative caregivers throughout Massachusetts. The goal is to hear from you about issues that are important to you, learning about services and resources that work well and learning about services and resources that could improve. Some of these virtual discussion sessions will be guided on a specific topic in order to assist the Commission on advocacy projects. Other discussion meetings will be open.

*Information Coming Soon About the First

"Conversation with the Commission"