Dear ARBC Family,

As we prepare to begin our church programming for 2018, our goal remains to find the best ways to serve the needs of our congregation while always ensuring the best stewardship of our financial and volunteer resources. With that in mind, the ARBC Ministerial Staff, Coordinating Council, and Hospitality Team have been working to put together a schedule of events that will continue to develop our church fellowship, and that will help us to grow in the ways we need throughout this year.

Our Wednesday evening schedule has changed for the first half of the year. In January, February, and March, we will only meet one Wednesday evening a month. This is a similar plan to what we do during the summer. We believe it will ensure good stewardship of our finances, as well as the energy and efforts of our Hospitality Team, while also recognizing the fact that our regular Wednesday evening attendance wanes during the dark winter months.

There will, however, be numerous opportunities to gather with the family of faith to fellowship around the tables, and to grow together under the direction of God's Spirit. A list of scheduled opportunities is below. This list includes the scheduled opportunities for us to gather on Wednesday evenings.

  • January 17, Wednesday Fellowship Meal
  • January 21, ARBC Vision Conversation 2 and Chili Cook-off Missions Fundraiser
  • January 28, Church-wide Lunch Honoring our Newest Members
  • February 13, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and Fellowship Opportunity
  • February 14, Ash Wednesday Worship
  • February 18, Continental Breakfast to Kick Off Lenten Bible Study for All Ages
  • February 25, ARBC Vision Conversation 3
  • March 21, ARBC Spring Fling 
  • March 29, Maundy Thursday Meal and Worship
  • April 1, Easter Sunrise Worship, Breakfast, and Resurrection Worship

In the season following Easter, we will be scheduling 6 Wednesday opportunities for us to fellowship around the tables and worship together in the wake of the celebration of the resurrection. We will then return to our traditional summer schedule. A separate schedule is being developed for the Sanctuary Choir, Handbells, and the Wednesday Noon Bible Study. More details, including menus, will be available soon.

We are always grateful to be able to gather as a congregation to worship, fellowship, serve, and grow. Let's all plan to make these opportunities the best they can possibly be so that they can be to the greatest benefit of our church. May God's Spirit continue to be felt in all that we do.

