Now is the time to take preventive measures before skunk mating season begins.

What's that smell? That's a common question as December turns to January when skunks typically begin their mating dance. Once the skunks have mated, the female skunk will hunker down in a protected area until the young skunks are born, typically in late spring and summer.

The challenge for Contra Costa County residents is that protected area where the female skunk will spend her time awaiting the arrival of her offspring can be under your deck, shed, or house. That's why now is the time to take preventative measures before skunk mating season begins.

What can County residents do to reduce the risk that a skunk will visit or make a den on their property? Here are some simple tips:

Block places where a skunk can spend its gestational period

  • Replace or reinforce vent screens around the home
  • Secure outside crawl space doors near ground level
  • Install ½ inch galvanized hardware cloth around decks, sheds, and home foundations
  • Store firewood 18 inches above ground.
  • Prevent skunks from entering compost piles
  • Keep all pet doors secure at night or evening hours
  • Thin or remove dense vegetation.
  • Remove debris piles or clutter so skunks can't burrow beneath and establish dens

Remove food sources for skunks

  • Keep garbage cans tightly secured leaving no exposed garbage
  • Discontinue or remove bird feeders on ground level and remove excess spillage
  • Remove all fruit off the ground when in season
  • Treat lawn areas to eliminate grubs
  • Store animal feed in secure metal containers or bins
  • Secure the base of birdhouses or coops using sheet metal or ½ inch-galvanized hardware cloth
  • Remove pet food and water dishes

The District's Rabies Risk Reduction Service

The District provides exterior property inspections and assistance to reduce the likelihood that humans come in contact with skunks because they are a vector of rabies. Upon the first visit, the technician will inspect the property to determine if a skunk has taken up residence. County residents may submit a request for the District's skunk service by phone at 925-685-9301 or online.

More information on things you can do to reduce the risk of skunks and rabies can be found here.

What Contra Costa County residents have said

Here's a sample of what County residents have said about the District's skunk service:

  • "Joe was very knowledgeable and informative. He put me at ease with the skunk issue and checked around the outside of the house. I would definitely call again."
  • "The technician that helped me with my skunk problem was very thorough and very nice."
  • "Your staff are very knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you!"
  • "The Vector Control staff exceeded my expectations."

Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control District, an independent special district and public health agency, is located at 155 Mason Circle in Concord. Contact the District to report mosquito and vector problems online or at (925) 685-9301.

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