January 16, 2025

Dear Friends:

Happy New Year! I hope that each of you had a restful and rejuvenating holiday season filled with moments of joy and connection with family and friends.

As we begin this new year, I would like to invite you to several in-person events and educational webinars that we are hosting this winter. Please join us to hear from our experts and lived experience individuals, and get your mental health questions answered -- we look forward to having you!


Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year filled with new opportunities, success, and good health,

Stephan Taylor, M.D.

Interim Chair, Dept. of Psychiatry;

Albert J. Silverman, M.D., C.M., Research Professor of Psychiatric Disorders

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Anxiety in Adults and Kids: Tips for All Ages

Jan. 21, 7 - 8:30 pm. Plymouth, MI, District Library

Visit event page. Library interview with our presenters.

After Your Child's Suicide Attempt

Virtual Documentary Screening and Panel with speakers from Psychiatry and NAMI Washtenaw County

Feb. 6, 6 - 8 pm. RSVPs are required.

Mind Matters: Navigating Pregnancy and Substance Use with Care and Support

Feb. 18, 7 - 8:30 pm. RSVPs are required.

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U-M piloting statewide smartphone incentive program for residents with substance use disorders

Drs. Anne Fernandez and Lara Coughlin have received a grant from the NIH for this program

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8 ways couples can make resolutions that boost health and relationships

Dr. Courtney Polenick was interviewed for this American Heart Association news article

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Decreased Suicide Risk Among Veterans with PTSD Through Early Therapy Initiation: A Landmark VHA Study 

Drs. Kevin Saulnier and Rebecca Sripada's study has revealed that initiating evidence-based therapies significantly reduces the risk of suicide among Veterans newly diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

8 facts about addiction and recovery

With a recent rise in substance use disorders, experts provide key insights about addiction as well as treatment options In a recent webinar, experts from the University of Michigan Addiction Center break down facts about addiction and recovery.

Chair’s Discovery Fund

Great ideas sometimes languish for lack of even modest funding support. The Chair’s Discovery Fund is a resource for the chair to help innovative ideas get off the ground. Philanthropic support will allow faculty scientists to collect enough data to demonstrate the promise and potential of their work as a basis to seek larger levels of funding through foundations and federal grant mechanisms. Help support this work by making a gift today.

You have received this e-newsletter because you are a friend, alum or supporter of mental health programs at Michigan Medicine. Are you interested in supporting our work? Please reach out to our Mental Health Development Team: teammentalhealth@umich.edu