Volume 5, Issue 1

January 30, 2024

From Middleton to Dubai: Creation Care in Action

One of the places you will find young Christians living out their faith today is in public forums about the urgent work of caring for our planet and all of Creation. Heather Phelps, shown here, is a member at Middleton UCC and traveled to Dubai in December with other young faith leaders to push for progress at COP28.

Heather attended COP28 with the Christian Climate Observer Program. It brings young people to the UN climate summits to offer “a non-denominational Christian presence advocating for God’s creation.”

 “It was truly inspiring to see so many young people involved from around the world. Some spoke of the challenges of facing droughts in areas in which famines encourage families to marry their daughters off at young ages. An 11-year-old girl explained how she had already started two non-profits and organized the planting of hundreds of thousands of trees in her region of India. Meanwhile the President of Slovenia spoke about how she had implemented curriculum about climate change in all levels of education in Slovenia. … There were so many incredible people to hear from, and my single regret was that I didn’t have enough hours in a day to hear from all of them.” 

Read Heather’s report here.


Creation Care in Action: COP28

Join us to hear a firsthand perspective on the COP28 UN climate summit and learn what happens at these global climate summits beyond the headlines. Heather Phelps, a resource specialist for the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education in Stevens Point, recently journeyed to Dubai to witness COP28 with the Christian Climate Observer Program. This program brings young people to the UN climate summits to offer “a non-denominational Christian presence advocating for God’s creation.” Heather is a member of Middleton Community UCC. 

Time: 7 p.m.

Date: Thursday, Feb. 8


Upcoming Webinars

What Does It Mean to Fall in Love with the Natural World?

Presented by John Bates, author of biweekly column called "A Northwoods Almanac" for the Lakeland Times in Minocqua

March 14

Climate Change: Reimagining Our World

April 11

Invasive Plants - How to Control and Plant a Prairie

Presented by Cindy Halfen, Plymouth UCC, Eau Claire

May 9

Watch for more information on these presentations.

Reflection: Feeling “very close to the divine”

Lisa Lokken, vice moderator at Redeemer UCC in Sussex, shared this reflection:

“Our church is blessed to house a four-acre prairie containing over 50 varieties of native plants and grasses. The prairie provides a beautiful natural setting to be enjoyed in all seasons. It is a wonderful reminder of our call to be in right relationship with God, with each other, and with creation. (emphasis added)

“I have a personal testimonial of a time last year when the prairie was a personal ministry to me...."

Read the rest of the story here.

Action: Citizens' Climate Lobby

Congress made progress on clean energy permitting reform last year, but we need to move faster. We want to see a new, bipartisan permitting package get introduced and pushed over the finish line.

Ask Congress to enact further permitting reform legislation this year.

Without permitting reform, 80% of the potential carbon pollution reductions from the Inflation Reduction Act will be lost. We need Congress to work across the aisle and get this done!


Take action now by emailing your members of Congress by following this link. The more letters the better chance of passage.

Reflection: In Waukesha County, Lenten Creation Care is a Collaborative Effort

In Waukesha County, the county Green Team collaborates with local faith leaders through a special group: the Waukesha County Creation Care Network. The Network is designed to develop, support, mentor, and inspire Creation Care teams in Faith Communities through sharing resources, programs and ideas.

This year, the Waukesha County Creation Care Network is offering a new 2024 Lenten Program for individuals and faith communities. Participate in one component or all three. Check them out here.

Other Climate News and Events


Registration opens at camp properties. United Church Camps Inc. has shared the 2024 schedule of camps, retreats and events. Follow the links below to browse the list of events. With so many great options to chose from, you're sure to find the camp or event for you.

Cedar Valley

Moon Beach

Camp AweSum

Daycholah Center

Prairie Flowers for Pollinator Gardens, L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, 400 Eau Claire Street, Eau Claire, WI 54701. More information here.

Save the Date for this year's Earth Day Every Day Sustainability Fair: Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Middleton Community Church, 645 Schewe Road, Middleton.

UCC Launching into Climate Justice in 2024

The Vote for Climate Hope Art Contest

To give our children and youth a voice this election season, while also reminding adults of their responsibility for the next generation when they vote, the UCC will be conducting a Vote for Climate Hope Art Contest in 2024. From March 1 to April 16, art submissions will be accepted. An online award ceremony for finalists will be held on May 4. Participating churches should register now to receive important information and updates.

Climate Hope Summer Fellowship Grants

Grants of $2,500 are given to UCC churches, conferences, and associations as well as UCC-affiliated theological schools and non-profit organizations for the purposes of developing and furthering the work of youth and young adult leaders in the movement for climate justice. Grant applications are due March 1st.

See complete list here.

Photo of the Month

Botanical Awesomeness

Who dreams these things up?

This is just one of over hundreds of varieties of a single family of flowering plants – orchidaceae – that will be on view during February at the fifth annual Orchid Escape at Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison. (Photo by Joe Scarry)

(Do you have a photo that demonstrates the splendor of God's beautiful, but fragile, Creation? Send it to the Kairos Newsletter via sfwebb@tds.net and maybe we’ll consider for use in an upcoming edition!)


Here’s how you can get involved with Creation Care efforts within the Wisconsin Conference and beyond:

  • Participate in the conference’s Creation Care Team – contact one of the co-chairs, Bob Ullman or John Helt
  • Provide content for and/or help prepare the Kairos Newsletter – contact one of the editors, Susan Webb or Joe Scarry
  • Join in some of the many activities planned for 2024 by the Creation Justice Team at the UCC national setting. (See details and links under “Events” above.)


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