Hello Wisconsin FBLA! Wow, it’s hard to believe that it’s already December. Time sure does fly!

It’s not too late for you and your chapter to complete your Business Achievement Awards, Community Service Awards, and the Outstanding Chapter Award. Registration for these programs is available on the National FBLA Website

Our state officer team and the Wisconsin FBLA-PBL Foundation are working hard to provide opportunities for chapters to grow their membership, deepen their involvement, and stay informed. Show your support by using Amazon Smile when you shop online and talk to FBLA alumni about becoming a Friend of Wisconsin FBLA-PBL . Your chapter can also seek out community members who may be interested in sponsoring the WI FBLA State Leadership Conference, and direct them to the sponsorship information online .

The first stop on your chapter’s journey to the State Conference and Nationals are the Regional Leadership Conferences held on February 1. For middle-level members, the middle-level Western conference will be held on February 8 and the middle-level Eastern conference will be held on February 15. Make sure that the members in your chapter are looking into what competitive events they plan to do in order to have ample to prepare. Also, check your Regional Vice President’s Website for updates on your region’s conference. The schedule, speaker information, workshop descriptions, and registration information will be available on these websites.

If your chapter has any questions or concerns at all throughout the year, do not hesitate to email me at [email protected] .