The Cultivator - July 2019

Wisconsin Oysters - Monthly Tool Giveaway!
The CobraHead Newsletter

We don't go on food foraging expeditions, but hey, if it's in your own yard, why not? Noel found these beautiful and delicious golden oyster mushrooms on a log near the house.

We're giving away a CobraHead "'mini' and an Original CobraHead this month! To enter just reply to this email and mention the contest. We will do a random drawing of all responses received by Monday July 22nd to select a winner.
Our winner of the July giveaway was LaVonne from Iowa, who received a CobraHead Long Handle. We had less than 200 entries, so good odds to those who played. It's easy pickings so why not take a shot at a free tool. We thank you!
Price Increase. Effective September 1, 2019, we are raising our prices. Our prices have remained the same for over 15 years and we have absorbed all supplier increases in that time. Our new retail prices will be CobraHead 'mini' $24.95, Original CobraHead $27.95, Long Handle 48" and 54" $64.95, 60" $67.95. We truly regret having to do this, and we hope all our customers understand.
Please forward this announcement and our newsletter to your gardening friends.

Questions? Please let us know.