There is the path of service
Wisdom Journal Ezine
published by the Wisdom Retreat Center
Sept , 2016
Fall Issue
New Quote
Journal Articles,
Many more authors and articles.
The Wisdom Newsletter is an expression of many disciples serving the Aquarian Age.
As an eclectic group of seekers, researchers and Life Scientist we see that our spirituality requires further exploration and understanding.
With this in mind we passionately pursue the subtle yet practical side of Human evolution and it's focus on Life, Love and Service.
We seek to serve the Divine Plan for Humanity.
These times have been referred to as Age of the Forerunner and in it we see a promise of further enlightenment, harmony and freedom.
Our writers explore this in ways, sometimes direct and obvious, at other times in ways which are deeply esoteric.
This Journal is meant to be a hands-on expression and interpretation of what moves in the world today as a living spiritual force to bring and birth the new ideas of Synthesis and Brotherhood. It is sourced in the vision and inspiration of both its contributors and readers. We hope it inspires and guides us into wise and service-oriented action, assisting in some way the spiritual vitality of our culture so that the world can be remade according to that inherent design of the Creator's Divine Plan. May it empower the Incarnation of Humanity's Soul.
Please enjoy
'One of the things now occupying the attention of the Masters is the externalization of their ashrams on the outer plane. '
Discipleship in the New Age/ Alice Bailey -
OLUME II, p 521
Poetry and Free Verse;
"Poetry is the language of intensity.
Because we are going to die, an expression of intensity is justified."
- C.D. Wright
wild plains
i dreamed my body the size of colorado
mountains ranges and free open spaces
thirsty arroyos and slippery canyon walls
my lungs the wild breezes over the plains reincarnation nothing more than fresh flowers this spring and death the blaze of falling leaves
yes i will live here a thousand years barefoot and hungry wild and free roaming a wild country in my buffalo self in a pathless land
somethings will not change and remain fact always we are ashes of stellar death particles of infinity flowers on the range
adam defranco
Holding the sextant to the sky's horizon,
hoping for guidance from the stars,
I am well and truly lost,
amongst these humans.
Cast me back, Creator,
back, amongst the old ones.
Fangs and claws do not lie;
the protection of the pack
is ruthless but real.
Where is it written
in your cold constellations,
that I wanted to be
kim erickson
If we look on our planet from above, we will observe.......particular vortices of light and darkness.
....the importance of pure places are found in the Sacred Writings, in the Bible,
and in the Rig-Veda;
the Tao likewise contains knowledge of these treasure-places of Earth.
We rejoice when We notice the rise of
new Ashrams
for people so seldom think of the power of their spirits!
Fiery World I, p 664. Helena Roerich
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by Anna Sclar
Teleportation, used in ancient times, is very much a part of Man's Supreme Power for it deals with the power of the mind and only of the mind (to an advanced degree).
The word 'teleportation', in any layman's language, refers to an instant transference of a body or object from any given place - to another point of time or space without the use of a physical force of a visible tracement.
It is the process in which a body seems to dematerialize and reappear at some distant point. Teleportation is therefore a process that takes place within a billionth of a second and beyond that billionth of the second, the transferal is lost forever.
As an example worth remembering, the teleportation process, if delayed once it begins, could transfer one into a different time dimension or if the separation of atoms are used for entering a solid wall, such a hesitation of a split second could imprison one within that wall through all eternity.
The records indicate that regardless of any dematerialization process, whether it is accomplished by instrumentation by higher technologies or involving a spiritual transformation, it is only a matter that can be accomplished by a rearrangement of atom structures, whether it be in a human form or of a solid material.
Everything that exists in this universe, including solid forms, a living human or a spiritual soul - consists of an atom composite or an atom structure.
Our body and your soul are atoms but vary in their density and since atoms are matter, they can never be destroyed.
Atoms that are also the breath of all life (pranic emanations) can be changed from the invisible to solids. They can be a human one day and a spiritual soul the next; they can be split for the use of explosive power (atom bomb) or they can be separated for the use of perpetual energy.
. In the old system, energy was filtered through the chakra system. It was easy for the chakras to be influenced by exterior stimuli and they would need frequent realignments, or recalibration. It was easy to upset the balance in the system. It was easy to fall into ill health.
Now that the Earth has fired up the connections with the macrocosmic crystalline grids, there is energy pulsing directly to Gaia, through the golden crystal and out to all energy points on the Grid.
This results in a circuit of energy circulating back out to the Central Sun. This connects us directly to infinite love from Source. Everything is being effected down to the cellular structure.
Our bodies are also receiving High energy directly from the Central Sun. This is causing our bodies to transmutate. The energy from the Central Sun is causing a fission in our cells in our bodies.
This fission is a mini nuclear transmutation. What once was sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and others is switching from alkali metals to liquids, synthetics, such as halogens, and noble gases.
Our base substance is evolving elements. Our atoms, forming our bodies, are now made of other elements.
The Cosmic Rays bombarding our Planet and Bodies are also made up of these new elements. Everything in the Universe is in a reciprocal recombination.
New cellular pathways are being formed. It is this reforming of the cell that is changing the body over from being a dense metal to being liquid light. Liquid light does not carry disease. Liquid Light does not die, it is immortal. Liquid Light vibrates faster and exists in Higher Dimensions.
Those not ascending, by choice, move to an environment which can support their metallic based body structure. Those choosing ascension will experience the transmutation into a crystalline liquid light body structure.
The transference of the body into crystalline looks and acts differently than our old body template. Now there is a central shaft running from the crown opening at the top of the head, down to the opening at the bottom of the base chakra at the perineum. This shaft is a transducer. It receives and transmits light and love frequencies. It is like a rail system in the body.
In this model disease no longer exists. In this model, bodies can no longer be controlled by implants, chemical mind control, or other means, as in the past. Surgeries will evolve to being Light Surgeries.
The body will be capable of more now. There will be fewer limitations on what we can do. We will have the adept abilities we have only dreamt of until now. Telekinesis, levitation, teleportation, resonate telepathy. All of this is on the level of light transference.
Every point on the grid, that which now acupuncturists access with needles, is an energy exchange point.
Healing now means accessing these light grids and keeping them flowing in harmony with everything else. Light healing techniques will be predominate.
Deity Surrounds us in a Cloak Spun from Ethereal Threads.
Steven Rosenstein
Born in Montreal in the early sixties, I became a student of the Ancient Wisdom at 18 and for the next 15 years studied many Philosophers and Psychologists, Freud and Jung in depth in particular, comparative Religions, Mysticism, and Metaphysics, as well as the complete works of Alice Bailey and Blavatsky and other Esoteric Philosophers
The field of clinical psychology has been trying to understand human behavior by reducing consciousness to merely an epiphenomenon of the workings of the human brain.
By associating certain regions or parts of the brain to various functions of the personality..from basic motor functions, intellectual pursuits, analytical reasoning, imagination, creative faculties, and intuition, scientists are working diligently to map out the human brain.
There is no way to understand human behavior through a scientific investigation of the above listed functions of the personality and mental states. Clinical Psychologists argue human consciousness is entirely untestable, unpredictable and highly subjective, from one human being to the next, that self awareness of one's personal identity simply is eventually destroyed along with the death of the body: because Consciousness is merely the mysterious unexplained effect or byproduct of our Brain Chemistry.
Drugs are often prescribed by Psychiatrists aiming to alter brain chemistry and help with trouble in someone's personal life, operating on the view that if the brain was working properly the individual would not have the trouble being reported to the therapist. Looking for answers by ordering MRI scans or an EEG when a patient comes forward with extreme symptoms implies the perception that we are reduced to Brain Chemistry. This has lead to widespread frequent use of prescription drugs and very little research being done on our actual consciousness because of the mainstream monopoly by Psychology Associations in North America and through the world, limiting significantly the funding on trans personal considerations.
How are regular human beings supposed to contend with attempting to comprehend their own nature and the nature of reality around them, while being bombarded with such materialism and the world view that we are all just physical machines? This view (Scientific Materialism) of Human beings has an across the board rippling effect through all of Humanity, impacting every field of knowledge and every human institution, conditioning Humanity with the mindset that Materialism is a simple fact of life. As Science is telling us nothingness awaits once the physical structure that supports the brain activity disintegrates, a riveting passionate obsession follows with Human Beings trying to stay alive at all costs, fearing death of the body. In the process our inner lives get thrust aside, even if it is mainly unconscious, in the pursuit of an outer focus on success in business, or an occupation leading to amassing enough wealth to retire at some time in life.
The Field of Esoteric Psychology is not bound by such restrictions. There is a presumption of the existence of an Essential Self operating at the core of personality
This Essential Self is something science is currently incapable of understanding or even considering, though to the transpersonal Psychologist, it is the heart of Power, Love and Intelligence of a human being.
From the time one comes into the world this Essential Self begins to supply energy to emerging sub personalities that begin orbiting the center( in reference to Roberto Assagioli's work in Psychosynthesis) which is how one's identity is formed with the emergence of the mental unit
and its core of sub personality blend of identifications, understanding itself as a physical body, an emotional response vehicle and a mental faculty; inspired by this essential Self animating the personality in time and space.
The mental unit makes choices and directs the mind's attention to subjects relating to the interests and considerations of a blended combination of multiple sub personality identifications operating concurrently at the core of one's personality.
Think about Deity as The Creator. Our consciousness is our creator, or Deity, .and our mental unit is at the tiller of a tiny boat on an open ocean. In the average person the mental unit has only 5% of the brain's capacity at its disposal. The other 95% is up for grabs and in my view depends on the expansion of consciousness of the mental unit as a result of working toward transformation, eventually leading to the release of the soul consciousness from the prison of matter and the resulting progress that follows.
Merging with the one life may require a sacrifice of my identity, same way a caterpillar lets go of walking on many legs for flying in the air as a butterfly.
But this doesn't happen overnight.
It takes takes, building a cocoon....
A caterpillar produces silk from glands close to its mouth to make this happen...Perhaps it's a sign a similar process is possible for humans and this is connected to the throat chakra. That is yet to be determined..but seems a reasonable intuitive leap...
In the caterpillars case it is part of its nature..automatically happening over time, but in the case of man he has to wake up first, understand his condition and the nature of reality and then make a clear decision to transform.
Maybe we are caterpillars meant to be butterflies..but we don't create the cocoon. We yearn to fly like the birds but resist and deny and avoid all the directions and guidance to get there. It s our sense of ourselves, our view of the world too around us and the way we construct an answer for what all of this means in our lives as our selves, our identifications, our memories, our families, our religious, cultural and social affiliations. Materialism has a tight grip on many of us. This yoke needs to be broken.
But first one needs to wake up
The Essential self is will love and intelligence and has no name...and it is patiently waiting for reunion with the personal I ... for the re connection, once the I at center is able to expand to include the Essential self's entire circular circumference and surpass it...
The I at center needs to become aware of the distracting fragments of one's essential self torn out of one's heart ..set into orbit many years ago, as satellites around the centre because of the conflict between oneself and the environment. The personal I needs to let go of attachment to the identifications with its Sub personalities, allowing the Essential self to reabsorb the energy back to its center, and let the fragments go, like dust in the wind, becoming animated with all that extra energy not being drained away anymore. It's been such a long time...
The mental unit
the I at the center of the circle- self conscious, associated with a personal identity with roots stretching back to the earliest memory of being oneself in the world till the present.
This mental unit is subject to the activity of the inner's at the whim and sway of strong internal emotional reactions and interacts with the physical world and outer environment through the five senses..this mental unit is also aware of the paradox of mortality and the inevitable death awaiting at some undetermined time in the future, yet at the same time trying to understand how to exist and find meaning not knowing whether its own identity will survive the death of the body and what's going to happen
The death of the Ego while the Body is still alive may lead to Immortality for the Conscious Essential Self within once the Body dies.
The core fear of the ego is to lose one's personal identity. The death of the ego while the body still remains alive is really the acceptance by the mental unit that death is inevitable and if there is any chance at all of living forever, it's in giving up one's personal holding on to being in the driver's seat before that takes place. It must open up to the vastness and let go, becoming the whole Universe.
The mental unit is at the tiller of a tiny boat in the middle of a Great Ocean
If the mental unit is the one at the tiller..though on a tiny boat in the midst of a great needs to be the one that is at point when the inner work takes place as it takes itself out of the eway as subject replaced by the entire universe
Standing at the tiller is a bundle of identifications together representing an individuality..but in reality the truth is that this point at the center of the circle, is really the entire circle and beyond the circle rather than only the point at the center of the circle. Meditation allows the point at the center of the circle to open the door, free the channel and begin to broaden the focus the point begins the journey to expanding out and eventually spreading its own awareness through the entire circle's circumference. |While the mind is busy the soul is imprisoned. When the mind is still the soul spreads its wings and soars toward the heavens, taking our personal identity along for the ride.
Meditation immediately aligns the threefold personality and the Egoic Ray using the mental unit as a focusing lense and the etheric vehicle as a filter stepping down the radiance of the Angel of the presence...
The key is to find a way to help the mental unit become a willing participant in the alignment of the threefold personality with the Egoic Life.
True to the occult method, utilize the will..
Focus the mental unit on a particular intent: call in the solar angel, like bringing a kite down from the sky..using the mind ..creating a rapport and making the request of connection....asking for it..seeking its contact,.,aspiring to be at one ...using the mind as a tool .focusing thought towards the singular purpose of soul contact...between the threefold self and the angel within..
If you don't request an alignment, a connection with your own immortal life won't ever have an opportunity to consciously experience such a reunion
It's not that the soul isn't there because we aren't able to locate it or connect to's that we don't prepare ourselves to increase the vibration of our own awareness...which is a prerequisite to making soul personality contact possible..the mind must still itself..and become like a reflective film surface..and then allow itself to rise up like a hot air order to reach a high enough frequency to tune into the vibration of the quality of the angelic light presence face to face..
Death and Dying
Death and dying are not the same. The noun is not the verb. Anyone who doesn't die in a flat second does experience his dying. Some dying are painful and long, others are peaceful and short. I have been enjoying my dying for
some years now. It's a nice leisurely walk toward the unknown. Once dead, we all get bury in a common grave. There is absolutely no individuality in death. Obliterated by the same unknowing were Buddha, Christ, Genghis Kahn, and Joan of Arc.
Pete Sierra
The Toxic Attraction Between An Empath And A Narcissist
George Freeman
We know that "narcissist" has become a bit of a buzzword recently, and some folks are quick to apply it to an ex-lover or family member or friend. While awareness of this concept is healthy, so is remembering that it is, in a mental health context, a serious condition that shouldn't be applied to someone you're mad at because they stole your mirror. ~ Eds.
I am an empath. I discovered I was an empath after I got involved in a very deep and highly destructive relationship with a narcissist.
I am writing this article from the perspective of an empath, however, would love to read the view from the opposite side if there are any narcissists that would like to offer their perception on this.
Through writing about the empath personality type I have connected with many other people who class themselves as an empath and time and again I have heard people tell me how they have also attracted relationships with narcissists. There is a link. So, I decided to explore it further.
This is my theory...
From my own experience and studies on the narcissist personality type, there is always one core trait: A narcissist is wounded.
Something, somewhere along the line, usually stemming from childhood causes a person to feel worthless and unvalued and, due to this, they will constantly and very desperately seek validation.
Here comes the empath, the healer. An empath has the ability to sense and absorb other people's pain and often takes it on as though it were their own. If an empath is not consciously aware of boundaries and does not understand how to protect themselves, they will very easily and very quickly bond with the narcissist in order to try to fix and repair any damage and attempt to eradicate all their pain.
What the empath fails to realise is that the narcissist is a taker. An energy sucker, a vampire so to speak. They will draw the life and soul out of anyone they come into contact with, given the chance. This is so that they can build up their own reserves and, in doing so, they can use the imbalance to their advantage.
This dynamic will confuse and debilitate an empath, as if they do not have a full understanding of their own or other people's capabilities, they will fail to see that not everyone is like them. An empath will always put themselves into other people's shoes and experience the feelings, thoughts and emotions of others, while forgetting that other people may have an agenda very different to their own and that not everyone is sincere.
The narcissist's agenda is one of manipulation, it is imperative they are in a position whereby they can rise above others and be in control. The empath's agenda is to love, heal and care. There is no balance and it is extremely unlikely there ever will be one. The more love and care an empath offers, the more powerful and in control a narcissist will become.
The more powerful the narcissist becomes, the more likely the empath will retreat into a victim status. Then, there is a very big change-the empath will take on narcissistic traits as they too become wounded and are constantly triggered by the damage being in the company with a narcissist creates. Before long, an extremely vicious circle has begun to swirl.
When a narcissist sees that an empath is wounded they will play on this and the main intention will be to keep the empath down. The lower down an empath becomes, the higher a narcissist will feel. An empath will begin to frantically seek love, validation, confirmation and acceptance from a narcissist and each cry for help as such will affirm to the narcissist what they are desperate to feel inside-worthy. A bitter battle can ensue.
As an empath focuses solely on their pain, trauma and the destruction of their lives, they become self-obsessed and fail to see where the damage is coming from. Instead of looking outwards and seeing what is causing it, the empath will turn everything inward and blame themselves.
An empath at this stage must realise the situation they are in and wake up to it, as anyone who is deeply in pain and has been hurt can then become a narcissist themselves as they turn their focus onto their own pain and look for others to make them feel okay again.
Any attempt to communicate authentically with the narcissist will be futile as they will certainly not be looking to soothe and heal anyone else. Not only this, they are extremely charismatic and manipulative and have a powerful way of turning everything away from themselves and onto others. A narcissist will blame their own pain on an empath, plus they will also make sure the empath feels responsible for the pain they too are suffering.
An empath will know that they are in a destructive relationship by this stage and will feel so insecure, unloved and unworthy and it can be easy to blame all of their destruction onto the narcissist.
However, an empath should not be looking to blame anyone else. An empath has a choice, to remain the victim, a pawn in the narcissists game or to garner all strength they can muster and find a way out.
Emotionally exhausted, lost, depleted and debilitated an empath will struggle to understand what has happened to the once loving, attentive and charismatic person they were attracted to.
However we allow ourselves to be treated is a result of our own choices. If an empath chooses to stay in a relationship with a narcissist and refuses to take responsibility for the dynamic, they are choosing at some level what they believe they are worth on the inside. An empath cannot let their self-worth be determined by a narcissist. It is imperative they trust and believe in themselves enough to recognise that they are not deserving of the words and actions the narcissist delivers and to look for an escape.
In an empath's eyes, all they searched and looked for was someone to take care of and love and to ultimately fix." That is where the trouble began and that is the most profound part of this that an empath must realize.
We are not here to fix anyone. We cannot fix anyone. Everyone is responsible for and capable of fixing themselves, but only if they so choose to.
The more an empath can learn about the personality of a narcissist the sooner they will spot one and the less chance they have of developing a relationship with one. If a relationship is already underway, it is never too late to seek help, seek understanding and knowledge and to dig deep into one's soul and recognize our own strengths and capabilities and do everything we can to build the courage and confidence to see it for what it is and walk away-for good.
The chance of a narcissist changing is highly unlikely, so we shouldn't stick around waiting for it to happen. If a narcissist wants to change, then great, but it should never happen at the expense of anyone else. They are not consciously aware of their behavior and the damage it causes and in their game they will sacrifice anyone and anything for their own gain-regardless of what pretty lies and sweet nothings they try to whisper.
An empath is authentic and is desperate to live true to their soul's purpose and will very likely find the whole relationship a huge lesson, a dodged bullet and painfully awakening.
A narcissist will struggle to have any connection to their authentic self and will likely walk away from the relationship very easily once they realize they have lost their ability to control the empath. The game is no longer pleasurable if they are not having their ego constantly stroked, so they will seek out their next victim.
The ability for these two types to bond is quite simply impossible. The narcissist's heart is closed, an empath's is open-it is nothing short of a recipe for a huge disaster, and not a beautiful one.
Knowledge of the internal existential life of the Sun ~ a great Solar being ~ can only be garnered by members of the Hierarchical Kingdom whose capabilities and sensibilities extend into the supermundane reality.
How is it possible to garner knowledge of the internal structure of a Star, and the activity of its thermonuclear furnaces ~ how is it possible to acquiesce to visions of the supermundane? The teacher DK explains; "A solar Logos uses for His energy centers the planetary schemes, each of which embodies a peculiar type of energy, and each of which, therefore, vibrates to the key of the logoic solar Angel, of which the human solar Angel is a dim reflection. It is interesting here to note that as the human solar Angel is a unity, manifesting through three tiers of petals, the logoic correspondence is even more interesting, for that great cosmic Entity demonstrates on the cosmic mental plane as a triple flame working through seven tiers of petals, and it is the energy from these seven circles of energy which pulsates through the medium of any scheme. All this is hidden in the mystery of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID, and it is not possible for men to solve it, - the truth being obscure to even the highest Dhyan Chohan of our system. (TCF1161)Treatise of cosmic Fire, AA Bailey
temporary Inhabitants
From one point of light to another
We travel as temporary inhabitants
Fleeting lifetimes blip on the screen of eternity
Awareness grows, expands and weaves its threads.
Feminine or Masculine bodies are our vessels
for temporary residence
As we shine and grow in each lifetime.
The outer edges of our container experience
The buffeting of worlds past, present and future
Senses of thoughts, feelings and emotions
Are experienced through our sight, touch, hearing, aromas
And other sensual play in eternal relationships.
The edges of our container are veiled or cleared... by the personality within.
In this world of contrast and duality some veils remain thin
Some darken to the point of extreme pain and separation.
Do we turn aside to ignore that darkness of opportunity?
That depth that does not separate but offers
A teddy bear of comfort to the screaming personality.
The light of compassionate understanding
is visible in the distance if we just move toward it.
As we move... we recognize it has always been a part of us
So we re-polish our container for temporary residence
and take another trip when we're ready.
Barb McCombs
maybe we should redefine the human body
this fleeting flash of existence
into something more manageable
possibly use an oracle from a lost tongue
or something children can grab
even the physical fact of your face stubble of rough beard its really an undiscovered haven of wilderness preserves or some flashing blue temple of luminous fibers
you are a cloud capped tower the souls fiery predilection untamable fire a great globe a gorgeous palace melting into thin air
this coat of you garment of flesh and blood a miracle of armor protecting us from dust and plague a kaleidoscope moving at the speed of light provoking an epiphany of star poems
law me down a border on the edge of this constellation so I can escape an ejected primordial comet of revolutionary escapades before too long let us each and all reclaim human regeneration and so welcome the clean space to become perfected art
you - this blinding flash of condensed atoms breast arms and legs turmoil totally unmanageable welcome me into this new undefinable rouge ecstasy like a galloping red bird of infinity before the dark void swallows me whole into a veritable contradiction of neo-forms
A. D.
my father was the dragon of his tribe
mostly sicilian by birth
but his jet black hair tall frame and intense hazel eyes
set him apart
brooklyn was hard back then
the depression
his race his tribe the italians wrought with so much prejidigious
he fought everyday after school
as a wanton warrior to keep honor to save face
as a father of four sons
he was a brilliant surveyor of our idiosyncrasies and fears
judged us as fair as solomon or better
planted in us such heart and vision
his rebellious sons were all a handful
toke us hunting fishing wandering swimming endlessly
amazed us with his feats of strength
kept us on a disciplined march when he could
mom said we were uncontrollable savages the way we fought
her 3 brothers always so calm and loving
swore we had dad's dna with our reckless warring intensity
he and I fought the longest and hardest
as in chinese mythology I a tiger he the dragon
we jousted tirelessly
once I didn't talk to him for an unbearable week
toke all my strength
wished he would go on a long trip which he did
loved him so
couldn't wait till he got back
our daily ritual only he could think of
four proud sons almost as tall as he
lined up everyday at the front door when he got home from work
he a foreman supervisor for the new york city transit authority
we all laid a quick kiss on the cheek
he hugged us ferociously
us four swore silently our girlfriends will never see this
later we all as tall as he
eyes all fire
our ripped tensed olympian muscles
thru him hearts beating as one
he revealed the strength of kindness
the power of wisdom
the gift of our hard earned freedom
"Kundalini", the awesome power, that brings liberation to Yogis but bondage to fools.
''The Mysteries are revealed, not primarily by the reception of information anent them and their processes, but by the action of certain processes, carried out within the etheric body of the disciple; these enable him to know that which is hidden; they put him in possession of a mechanism of revelation and make him aware of certain radiatory and magnetic powers or energies within himself which constitute channels of activity and modes whereby he may acquire that which it is the privilege of the initiate to own and to use.''
Rays and Initiations, Alice Bailey, p 337
you are no ordinary beauty
you are pure stunning magic
a cathedral
of flesh and blood
the flash of vastness
10,000 incarnations long we cannot feel or see the beginning or the end . draped in gold your body is fire and escaping light the widest circumference imaginable touching so many lives . this body is a revolution of transcendence every thought a clean fire a great force with wings . the world you see an instantaneous expression a complete exposure of all you have ever been the souls you have touched are touching you their eyes of blinding flashing light a transference of fire and life radiant explosive essence reaching out . yes this is the darshan between all souls the blinding light most intimate communion a tremendous embracing love a transference of fire 10,000 incarnations long
adam defranco
Opening the Third Eye
Opening the third eye is something that happens over a period of lifetimes yet it can also be opened through regular, intense meditation. The opening of this eye is likened to an oyster shell being pried open. During meditation when the eyes are closed the inner lids will open as you place your awareness on a focus within your 'mind'. As meditation progresses the third eye opens and your two eyes will begin to merge into one great one. If you meditate consistently and with great determination (focus) your pituitary and pineal area will hurt beyond belief. This is because the energy seldom traverses backwards at this stage. During meditation, as energy moves into the head with force generated by your focus, it will move back up to the pituitary (the female essence which feeds the body through the glandular system) in the opposite direction. If the force is strong enough then 'she' will release it to the pituitary area. Here, if the force is strong enough, it will push the door of the pineal gland open in the opposite direction and you will connect to the light.
As you continue in advanced meditation the pain does not lessen but becomes like the dull ache of an old wound being opened. Then one day, after months of continued, regular intense meditation, this eye may suddenly be ripped open, your mind shattered into a thousand pieces, while your body floods with bright light and your three eyes merge into one.
However, the eye does not stay open if it is not regularly exercised with meditation. It, like an oyster, begins to close again over time. The reason for wanting to keep the eye open is so that energy can flow faster through the head, pituitary and pineal to connect to source energy which results in rejuvenation, happiness and communion with higher intelligence as the flow of energy connects back creating a cycle.
When the third eye is opened and you connect to the light the cord emanating from you to the light can be anywhere from 4 to 6 inches in diameter. This cord is pure strength coming from your center to another center somewhere in the cosmos where your vibration meets their vibration. This is the father principle yet within his center and yours exists the mother principle and her deep compassionate vibration is so strong it cannot be seen - the vibrations are too fast and therefore too small yet this is what exists in the core of everything and it has a great weight beyond our miniscule ideas of weight.
As you re-enter meditation, and after many illuminations - whether it is the kundalini, ladder of light or any other fantastic light experiences, you will re-enter into a new zone. In this new arena you are presented with veils of your psyche that are fearful. You are to understand that confronting these areas are nothing but confronting a mirage and that you are to pass through them in order to garner strength. You must be brave enough to "die" by fully surrendering to your fear by merging with it. For example, if you have a fear of ants then you must fall into a vast pit of crawling ants but as you do the pit will disappear and you will find yourself suddenly alone. Your source always knows your greatest fear and usually will work you up to that point. As you merge with your fear it will dissolve and then you move on to the next veil or stage of your evolution. Usually one must be brave enough to die in order to pass through these veils of fear and generally there are no exceptions to this rule.
The earthly world we live in is a mirage, born to us through light to stabilizes us as we grow. It is a compilation of dust that consciousness is born into and emerges from the void and grows through stages of being until it reaches humanhood then one learns to control the mind. Through our life we learn and confront fears and as we do our life improves and our bodies become strong. So too is it this way in the cosmos but more. In the cosmos life is brilliant, and beautiful and it is pure consciousness waiting for you to merge with it in your own time.
Kel Rae
Author of Love, Healing and the Zodiac Code
'We have to learn to use intuition because the Master's ashram is not on the mental plane. The plane on which we shall some day eventually work is not the mental plane. One of the things we have to learn to do in this new era is to get off the mental plane with all the knowledge and detail and technicalities that we have so painstakingly acquired and begin to develop that something that we call the intuition, which is the source of illumination...'
March 5, 1943, Friday Evening Address by Alice Bailey
MYSTERY and LANGUAGE of COLOR, by Kurt Abraham
This slim, beautifully illustrated book contains enough material for several lifetimes of contemplation and practice. Kurt writes with his head among the constellations but his feet are firmly planted on Earth. This is not a book on color healing or color therapy but about the function of colour as a vibratory frequency, a cosmic law in the creative and on-going processes of the universe. Kurt begins with the writings on Colour by H.P. Blavatsky, Charles W. Leadbeater, Alice A. Bailey and Rudolf Steiner and adds his own findings on the subject.
In Alice A. Bailey's, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, the Tibetan Master, D.K. mentions the three major Cosmic Laws as The Law of Synthesis, The Law of Attraction and The Law of Economy. These three major laws come under the Law of Periodicity, which has to do with cycles of manifestation. Different laws apply or hold prominence among different stages of manifestation. The Law of Colour is one of the eleven subsidiary laws of the Law of Attraction. This leads to a discussion of the three solar systems (our being the second in time) the rounds, globes, the various root races.
"Colour", says A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, "serves a twofold purpose. It acts as a veil for that which lies behind, and is therefore attracted to the central spark; it demonstrates the attractive quality of the central life.
All colours, therefore, are centers of attraction, are complementaries, or are antipathetic to each other."
"Behind Colour", writes Kurt Abraham, "is the mystery of the Seven, the Three, and One. Behind Colour (and Sound) great Purposes are hidden and revealed. Man, eventually, begins to appreciate the Ways of God.
The twofold purpose of colour has to do, we are told, with both attracting and veiling.
Attraction kindles interest and therefore consciousness. Attraction draws one in.
Attraction relates to beauty. The veil, on the other hand, is also a protection.
It is, a concealing or hiding. The central spark is related to the pure spirit. It is not something that can be easily or readily revealed. It stands behind manifestation but is understood or cognized only when the form aspect and the consciousness aspect are adequately and rightly developed." The book discusses the esoteric aspects of various colours, colour dynamics, the higher and lower mind and the bridge (antahkarana) to be built between them. Extremely beneficial are the three chapters on images.
The main technique used in receiving images is the technique described in the Agni Yoga books as the diamond consciousness. This technique has been described in Kurt's earlier book, Planetary Energies as Stepping Stones to Cosmos and has to do with being conscious of both the Mundane World and the Subtle World at the same time. This is the moment between sleep and waking. Each human being has the power to experience this moment that connects the two worlds, but for this one must develop a subtle awareness. All recollections of the Subtle World are extremely useful for human evolution says Master M. in the book Supermundane One. The technique, writes Kurt, basically has to do with having a clear question in mind before going to sleep. One thinks of a clear question (a good question, an intelligent question) and then forgets about it. One doesn't try to keep thinking as one falls asleep. Upon awakening one might find oneself in both worlds simultaneously - both the Subtle World and the Mundane World. This is generally a very brief moment. The clear image, if there is one, should be well noted... Stay with the image as long as you can. The image may move or change. Observe it; don't try to interpret it, just observe. When the image fades and you wake up, then write down and draw the image as thoroughly as you can. Kurt has reproduced in his book many such images, in glorious color with explanatory notes. The subjects vary from Service, Leadership, Ajna Centre to The Hierophant, The Human Pentacle, Duality of Manas and Intuitive Man. The image of Anger is an illuminating one. "Anger", writes Kurt, "is fiery and generates some force. As such, a kind of friction, some consciousness is stimulated. Others, for their own safety, are forced to pay attention. Anger, however, puts one into a black cave. Anger seals one off from understanding. There is a force that leads nowhere and manages only to close oneself off from others. Nothing positive is accomplished. Anger generates fear. The outcome is a negative one, a loss."
The chapter on the Antahkarana makes clear a difficult but important aspect of the Higher Occultism. He also quotes a very helpful meditation on the subject from Discipleship in the New Age Vol. I by Alice A. Bailey (pg. 358-9). Reading and rereading the books of Kurt Abraham put me in mind of a sentence of Kierkegaard who wrote, "purity of heart is to will one thing, and that is to will the good."
Rusi Daruwala, Mumbai Rosicrucian Pronaos Newsletter Jul-Sep 2015
Excerpt from MYSTERY and LANGUAGE of COLOR
Chapter Three - The Images I
The main technique used in receiving images is the technique described in the Agni Yoga books as the diamond consciousness. This technique was described at some length in my book Planetary Energies as Stepping Stones to Cosmos. Briefly it is as follows:
The "diamond consciousness" has to do with being conscious of both the Mundane World and the Subtle World at the same time. This is the moment between sleep and waking. "If people perceived such conditions consciously, they would grasp more easily the idea of psychic energy." It is called a "sacred moment", which everybody has the opportunity of experiencing. "We intensify and deepen these diamond moments through a clear understanding of their significance. Indeed, they are so brief that no effort is required. Prolonged communication with the Subtle World can be achieved, but simultaneous awareness of the two worlds is momentary.... Each human being has the power to experience this moment that connects the two worlds, but for this one must develop a subtle awareness. All recollections of the Subtle World are extremely useful for human evolution..." (Supermundane Book One, 120, Agni Yoga series of books.)
The technique basically has to do with having a clear question in mind before going to sleep. One thinks of a clear question (a good question, an intelligent question), and then one forgets about it. One doesn't try to keep thinking as one falls asleep.
Upon awakening one might find oneself in the in-between state of being conscious in both worlds simultaneously-both the Subtle World and the Mundane World. This is generally a very brief moment. The clear image, if there is one, should be well noted. Being conscious in both worlds simultaneously carries the thought that there is something significant occurring. It is not just a familiar type of dream. Stay with the image as long as you can. The image may move and change. Observe it; don't try to interpret it, just observe. When the image fades and you wake up, then write down and draw the image as thoroughly as you can. Often the first sensation is that the image makes no sense. The image might not seem to relate to your question. As you get up and go about your daily life and as you quietly recall the image, the meaning and sense of it all might suddenly occur to you. Color and forms are a language that one has to learn. As one learns it, one might very well discover how brilliant the language is. So much can be said in a very brief image. But you generally will not see-hear the answer if you have no thoughtful clear question.
"The entire process [registering Soul impressions] is greatly facilitated if the 'shadow,' or the man, pursues regular meditation, cultivates the habit of a daily and hourly recollectedness of the higher Self, and before retiring at night endeavors to 'hold the thought' of bringing through at the time of awakening as much as possible of any egoic impress." (Cosmic Fire 970)
The Buddha emphasized right effort-with "right" being always a balance, not too much, not too little, and certainly always with love, with heart, with the service motive, which includes a blessing to others and a being mindful of the good of the whole.
Generally speaking, people tend to be engrossed in the "world of appearances." The vitally important world of qualitative energies, however, stands behind the activity of appearances. The developed, awakening, and insightful person clearly sees that the inner quality (the subjective life) conditions, controls, and directs the outer activity. "The awakening aspirant begins to sense some of the beauties that lie unrevealed behind all forms; the awakened disciple lays the focus of his attention upon the emerging world of qualities, and becomes steadily aware of color, of new ranges of sound, of an inner evolving and newer response apparatus which is beginning to enable him to contact the unseen, the intangible, and the unrevealed."
(Esoteric Psychology I, 1960)
Lampus Press,
email: website
The Location of The Overshadowing Spiritual Soul
Like our previous discussion on the Rays, this topic also involves graphics-in this case several charts that appear in the works of D.K./A.A.B.
Those charts clearly indicate the locations, within the seven planes, of the monadic triad, spiritual triad, and persona instrument (I would cite the pages but my Bailey books are still in storage, with the majority of my library).
In essence, in past discussions with Bailey students, I have sometimes heard the R/Cedercrans materials criticized because they place the Overshadowing Spiritual Soul on the Buddhic Plane, while the Bailey charts place...
The Atmic Permanent Atom on the first sub-plane of the Atmic Plane.
The Buddhic Permanent Atom on the first sub-plane of the Buddhic Plane.
The Manasic Permanent Atom on the first sub-plane of the Manasic Plane.
Now, although I have read all of the Bailey books, that was well over thirty years ago and I was never what one could call an expert on their contents. However, in discussions with Bailey students, when the location of the Spiritual Soul came up, those charts were used to indicate where each of the three aspects of the Soul was located.
From that perspective, the R/C statement that the overshadowing Spiritual Soul was located on the Buddhic Plane was seen as not only inadequate but mostly wrong.
Now, the problem with this dismissal is that it is based on a misunderstanding of the R/Cedercrans statement.
As we've discussed before, while the DK/AAB materials are primarily Second Ray, the R/C materials are primarily Seventh Ray, and therefore take a primarily Ceremonial Magic approach to The Wisdom. More specifically, the R/C materials are manuals on the practice of the Magic of Consciousness.
Thus, when the R/C materials discuss the location of the Spiritual Soul, they are referring to the location of the Consciousness, not of its form or permanent atoms. More specifically, the Buddhic Plane is the location of the overshadowing Spiritual Soul within the Ashram of Synthesis (which is presumed to be the Ashram of the students of the R/C works).
Thus, from the R/C perspective, the location of the Spiritual Soul is the Ashram (where it lives and performs its creative work), and the locations of the permanent atoms are not direct indicators of the location of the Spiritual Soul.
Now I realize that the above leaves a great deal out of the DK/AAB perspective, but I hope that it includes the essence of the two viewpoints, without suggesting that either one of them is somehow better or more correct than the other.
Facebook Pages to Stay in Touch and dialogue with the International community of co-working Disciples
Esoteric Arts and Beauty - Wisdom Retreat Center
Esoteric Astrology - Wisdom Retreat Center
This group is for having an ongoing and open discussion amongst peers of the growing Wisdom community among a Planetary Group of World servers. Its global contributors share what would be most helpful in exploring and understanding the subtle yet practical side of Human evolution and psycho-spiritual transfiguration. There are many creative aspects of this endeavor as Humanities Soul takes incarnation. Everyone is welcome to share information, knowledge and wisdom here. Promoting websites, products and services is not allowed (even if they are free). Please let the name of the group be a guide for what you post and share. Thank you for your participation.
The Wisdom Retreat Center
Esoteric Psychology and Human Energetics- Wisdom Retreat Center
Contemporary Psychology is expanding It's parameters to include new dynamic and yet subtle aspects of our Human Totality. The Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul once mentioned that the 'quintessence of the human sciences' would emerge in the 21st Century and so it is. This newly forming group invites you to come, share and explore with us a new form of human embodiment inclusive of its transcendent and transpersonal aspects.
"For us to perceive those other realms, not only do we have to covet them but we need to have sufficient energy to seize them. Their existence is constant and independent of our awareness, but their inaccessibility is entirely a consequence of our energetic conditioning. In other words, simply and solely because of that conditioning, we are compelled to assume that the world of daily life is the one and only possible world.
Believing that our energetic conditioning is correctable, sorcerers of ancient times developed a set of practices designed to recondition our energetic capabilities to perceive. They called this set of practices the art of dreaming. It's the gateway to infinity." The Art of Dreaming / CC
Death and Dying Workgroup of the Wisdom Retreat and Teaching Center
Death is an experience we all must face. It is a transition from one state to another. This grou
p is an exploratory and research group. It is our hope and intent that one day we have a 'Departure Lounge' upon the grounds of the Wisdom Retreat and Teaching Center or some affliated center. The newer research indicates that we are capable of making a 'Conscious Transition'. This is a new thoughtform applicable to the emerging age of Aquarius. Practices from around the world which also teach and assist and acknowledge a Conscious Death experience will also be referenced. In the Aquarian mode we make this a group work and relie on the New Consciousness to manifest such.
Esoteric Cosmology and Science - The Wisdom Retreat Center
s Page is a shared group experience on the new emerging paradigm of a Conscious Universe. There are many creative aspects of this Multi-dimensional Universe. We as a group are not limited in our researches and seek far and wide to hear from many world wide. We do ask that you do not come here solely to just advertise or post your own work or religious views and not join this community of thinkers and seers in their on going dialogue. thank you
GARDEN - Wisdom Teaching and Retreat Center - Nth Ca
This garden currently exists on the subjective and we are trying to create an appearance for it
in the physical plane. It will require lots of physical input once it in manifesting mode. We welcome both subjective and objective input - that is, your thoughts and your actions.
The Center belongs to all who OWN it in their hearts. let us hear from you!
Concsious Death and Dying Study
Health and Well Being of the Wisdom Retreat Center
Wisdom Group
Wisdom Students
The Wisdom Retreat Center (WRC)
Hello Friends and Co-Workers,
The Wisdom Retreat and Teaching Center has received it's Non-Profit status and up dating its membership. Thanks kindly to Jerry Salem, Damon DeCrow, Heidi Smith and so many others who are working with us to manifest this endeavor and many new ones coming on board.
In the mountains of Northern California,
200-acre parcel
destined to become a non-profit Center of Synthesis - A Community Retreat and Teaching Center is slowly blossoming. Located in a peaceful, secluded area within extensive forest, it overlooks wide views of the Sierras.
Besides the main House, there are two cabins in stages of completion, however, despite our best efforts and intentions, especially due to shortfalls in funds, we have sadly had to turn away those requesting accommodation.
A camping area has been cleared which can cater for about 10 tents, and 4 RV's. Due to our 'off-grid' location alternative methods of utilities are required. Further buildings/structures, and the large fruit and vegetable garden area, will be manifested as funds, and need, emerge.
A special thank you also to the Wisdom Group who subjectively hold this endeavor within the Ashramic Group Life
See our Facebook Page and befriend us:
Article Guidelines for the Wisdom Journal
1. A variety of topics is appreciated and requested - articles, poetry, photography, paintings, etc., that contribute in some form to the emerging 'Wisdom' of this New Age. The healing of the planet, psychology, science, economy or any department of human living is appreciated. This gives our writers great leeway for creative exploration and expression. Kindly send your article in the body of an email without attachments, if possible.
Read an older Wisdom Newsletter to get some basic familiarity of the content we seek which is wide, varied and extensive.
2. Distribution is currently quarterly at the equinoxes and solstices. Submissions generally close three, sometimes, two weeks prior to each particular issue.
3. We prefer articles in Verdana - 11. Best size for articles is 2-3 pages. Supply websites and links if available.
Attachments can be helpful. It is also desirable to have the text of the article submission within the body of the email if possible, if not, at least some intro which explains what we are opening, and gives us some basic idea of your submission.
4. All material submitted is to expose and express our own unique contributions to the spread of intelligent goodwill and Esoteric Knowledge. We offer no monetary reward for your inspired submissions. This is between you and the laws of universal abundance.
We do applaud however.
5. We also ask for a short bio of your life and service work, 2-3 sentences and include contact info such as your email, etc. If possible send a small picture of yourself so that together they can be placed at the end of your article or art piece in acknowledgement. Pictures, including art are to be jpg.
6. Book reviews: your own book or another's. We try to get one or more per issue. See examples in previous issues.
8. All material sent is considered by all members of our team; Articles to be submitted to at least two of our co-editor team - see above.
We cannot guarantee everything will be inserted into the Newsletter, although we will strive to place them into a subsequent issue. Space constraints may also mean we save your article or creative project (unless time specific) for a future issue.
Our Journal is a response to requests from humanity. Please keep your articles, poetry, prose, book reviews, and art coming in. This is a group project.
Adam DeFranco & the Wisdom Journal team