Hi Everyone!

I had a very joyful and love filled holiday season. I hope you did too. Even though I enjoy my work immensely I found it hard to get back into the swing of things at first this year. I’m sure I’ve said it before, but 2024 just flew by for me. I’m thinking from the way things look to me that 2025 will be the same in that regard. It’s going to be a very progressive year, full of change for all of us. If we can embrace that, all will be well. If we resist change, things are going to feel intense sometimes. I suggest that we all set our intentions and stay focused on them, try not to allow ourselves to be diverted from what’s important to us. There will be a lot of external influences that could be quite distracting.

I really enjoyed hosting my virtual class Manifesting for 2025 on January 15, where I talked more on the subject of what to expect in 2025 and how to manifest in a focused, effective way. If you weren't able to make the class but would like help setting your intentions for the year, the recording of the class is available for purchase on my website here.

At the end of this newsletter, I've also included an important message I received from Archangel Michael in our Words of Light series. He talks about setting intentions and keeping our determination to live the life we intend. I hope that you will enjoy it!

I’m so excited about our Spirit School line up of classes this year, and I think you will be too. I’ve got the calendar up on the website with short descriptions of all the classes for now, I will be filling in more of the details over these next couple weeks. Two of the virtual series start in February, so please have a look to see what we are presenting this year. We will be doing more in-person events too, because although I appreciate the convenience and ease of virtual classes, I’ve missed the connection we create in person. So, I’m planning on enjoying both this year! You can see all of the upcoming events for this year on my website here.

I was dismayed to hear that many people weren’t receiving my emails, they’ve been ending up in their Spam or Trash folders. So frustrating! I hope you will check your Spam folder with some regularity to ensure you don’t miss out on hearing from me. I send out monthly messages regularly, always attaching relevant teachings or a message from an Angel to them. The fliers for February’s classes will go out soon as well.

I wish you a happy, healthy and joy filled 2025!

Many Blessings,


Message from Archangel Michael

There are so many ways that you can manifest in your life and become a Creator in your life, just by paying attention to the energy that you are emanating and the energy that you are inviting on a daily basis. No number of manifesting techniques can take the place of that daily determination. 

When you start determining on a daily basis the reality that you are willing to experience, thereby setting aside realities that you're not willing to experience, you're creating a shift in your life. Your life will be affected greatly in positive ways by your sense of Empowerment that comes about for you by making this determination on a daily basis. If you're halfway through the day and you think, “Some of these experiences do not match up with or line up with what I had determined for myself this morning,” just set up a new determination.

Know that when you set these determinations, e.g., the determination to be open to prosperity, the determination to be open to harmonious communication, you're raising your frequency, which is extremely important. You're also making sure that you're no longer a match for anything that's contrary to what you've determined. 

So, if you have chosen harmonious relationships or harmonious interactions on a particular day, and you have an interaction that is the opposite of that, know that you lost your determination. Something caused you to lapse into a momentary forgetfulness, so that you lost that determination. You lost that calibration of your energy field. Don't think, “What have I done wrong here?” It's not about what you have done wrong. You lapsed into an old familiar pattern, a much more passive way of relating to the world. You can recalibrate and come back to your original intentions. Set that intention again and go on your merry way. You will have some of those lapses until being empowered and determining your life experience feels more and more natural to you.

Upcoming Events:


Online Series begins

February 5

Join us for an interactive circle with deep healing processes


Online Series begins

March 5

As a group, we will explore the dimension of Heaven together.

Click here to Register or Learn More about these Events
Schedule a Zoom Appointment
Schedule an in-person session in Sperryville
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About Christen

Christen McCormack is the creator & founder of Spirit School of the Intuitive Arts and has been widely known for her classes and Intuitive Guidance work since 1981. Providing unique insight and wisdom through her connection to Spirit, Christen is a gifted teacher whose teachings have helped many to access their own intuitive knowing and form a direct relationship with higher guidance for themselves.

In Spirit School, she teaches intuitive skills, alternative healing methods, and other spiritual principles. She also channels a number of Archangels and Ascended Masters, and has 2 books in the works on the teachings of Archangel Michael. An e-book channel from Archangel Michael is currently available for a donation of any amount at her website here.  

Click here to contact Christen

Christen McCormack



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