February 2019
Today is Chinese New Year, the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar. Parades and celebrations are being held all around the world, including Australia, Canada, and the United States. We wish everyone joy, happiness, and luck!
Climate change science warns that the Earth is in trouble and needs to regain its natural balance. The idea of restoring balance is an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine. Learn how the principles of yin and yang shed light on helping the Earth.

At the start of 2019, Netflix released a series starring organizing wizard Marie Kondo. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo has spurred a new movement to declutter and find joy in a more minimalist way of life.
Hailey Niad of Cambridge Education, one of Planet Aid's Food for Knowledge partners, was recently honored for her work on the early grade reading component of Planet Aid's project in Mozambique.
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