August 18, 2017
Shabbat Shalom
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Darkness of hatred eclipsed our nation last weekend and to add insult to injury, we have a President who isn't fulfilling the root word of his title.  According to Merriam-Webster, our POTUS is lacking in his role to preside: to exercise guidance, direction, or control.  In fact, since his early racist birther days, he seems more concerned to only guide, direct and control his hateful base. Yes, Disgraceful POTUS #45, there ARE two sides to the conflict: Hate and Love. The Hate Side injured 19 people and killed an innocent soul who lost her life while working to perpetuate the Love Side. H eather Heyer was a beloved 32 year-old who worked as a paralegal in Charlottesville. Her brave attendance at the anti-rally demonstrated strength in the face of injustice, bigotry and evil.  Her efforts have inspired more people to fight for the basic principle of this country.  If you'd like to paid tribute to her life and continue her agenda, you can do so through the essential and historic work (established 1971) of the Southern Poverty Law Center    Bravo to  Apple's CEO Tim Cook, who pledge $1 Million to both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.  I hope others will follow suit.
(RIP) Heather D. Heyer, age 32 

"I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there is mercy and generosity. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."
Nelson Mandela
These words, from a true leader who paid the price for his convictions, should be emblazoned on our US consciousness to help combat the (always present but now emboldened) racist elements of our society.  Slowly and surely, despondent POTUS business partners saw the light of his darkness and dropped off his advisory council. From Elon Musk and Disney's Bob Iger, because of the Paris Accord to the CEOs of Merck, Under Armour, Intel, Alliance for American Manufacturing and the AFL-CIO after this week's transgression. By mid-week, several more threatened to jump ship so to jump the gun, Trump dismantled the group altogether. Here is a list of who was on the council and their responses to Trump's pandering.   
On a positive note... Twitter confirmed that Obama 's tweet of the above Mandela quote in response to Charlottesville now holds the record of the "most liked" tweets in Twitter history.  

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma  Gandhi
Hate groups have always slithered beneath our society.  During our past, they were more visible and accepted but as we evolved and progressed, most Americans have denounced their racist agenda...that is until we elected this current imposter leader.  He, with his BS bullhorn, has given legitimacy and power to those who want to divide our country.  Some are even concerned of a modern day Civil War.  While most people are good and decent, hate continues to be taught throughout pockets of our country and world. Here is a map of hate groups in the US.  We have 28 of them in Michigan.  You can type in your own State to view your list. Each group has their own enemy (Blacks, Gays, Jews, Muslim) but they seem to unit at the violent intersection of White and Alt-Right.

"We are a nation of communities... a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky." 
George H. W. Bush
Some say these Hate Groups crave the attention and we should just ignore them, but ignoring them won't make them disappear. We need to stand strong against their evil messages because as Elie Wiesel wisely states,  "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."   Here is an interesting article from a Jewish Virginian who witnessed last Saturday hateful display:

"No one can make you inferior without your consent." 
Eleanor Roosevelt
Yes, to help combat the Hate, more Marches, Conventions and Dialogues promoting peace and justice could help.  But, sometimes the leaders of left-leaning efforts can conflict with issues of great importance to us.  Take the upcoming Detroit Women's March Convention lead by Linda Sarsour scheduled for Oct. 27-29. Linda has espoused serious anti-Israel/anti-semitic remarks and supports the BDS movement.  As a proud progressive, I'm dismayed by the tolerance of Zionist and Jews when anti-Israel and anti-semitism seeps into liberal movement's agendas.  It happened with Black Lives Matter and also with the Women's March.  I will not be supporting or attending the upcoming Detroit Women's March Convention.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." Buddha
But the celestial news of the week is the  Total Eclipse of the Sun which will strike a daytime shadow on our country that hasn't occurred in 99 years.  The path will start near Eugene, OR around 9am (Pacific time) and end near Charleston, SC.  Many towns in the path have stocked up on extra toilet paper and boasted their cell towers in preparation for the unslot of viewers.  Astronauts on the International Space Station will get 3 viewings of the eclipse. Those in the path of totality will experience a 360 degree sunset effect, so don't just look up but also look at the horizon.  There will also be a dip in temperature that could be as extreme as 20 degrees. Of course, PBS and Nova will be on top of this week's Eclipse.  Lastly on this topic, did you know that the Moon is drifting away from the Earth about an inch a year. But don't worry, this won't have major affects on us Earthlings for millions of years. 
Eclipse Path of Totality
"The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers." Deepak Chopra
This week's musical selection is in honor of the the Total Eclipse. Grammy awarded Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler recorded this song back in 1983.  Hope you enjoy:

Wishing you and your family a 
Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom.



Condolences to the family and friends of Israel Kristal z"l from Haifa Israel who passed away this week at the ripe old age of 113 which garnered him The Oldest Man honor from Guinness world records. Israel was born in Poland in 1903 as he survived both WWI (when he was orphaned), WWII and most impressively, Auschwitz. May his life be a blessing unto our world. 

Condolences to the Sierra Leone victims of Monday's mud slides that took the lives of over 335 men, women and children on the outskirts of their capital, Freetown.  More rain and hillside cracks on an adjacent hill have many concerned of more mudslides. 

Condolences to the people of Barcelona, Spain after Thursday's terrorist van attack which rammed into a pedestrian area of the city killing 13 people (and counting) and injuring over 80 innocent souls.

In honor of this week's Woodward Dream Cruise

Aug. 18th
Alexandra Mark
Danny Greenberg

 Aug. 19th
Ishai Ross
Phillip Fisher
POTUS Bill Clinton
Aug. 20th
Lisa Wozniak
Susan Cassel Kamin
Lisette Binyamin
Peggy Daitch

Aug. 21st
Adam Berg
Darryl Rogers
Beth Gordon Holmes

Aug. 22nd
Lillian Schostak
Jacob Fine
Uri Segal (Happy 75th)
Aug. 23rd
Robert Bloomberg
Aug. 24th
Karen Sachse
Risa Sollins Levinson
Marcella Levie
Carol Weintraub Fogel

I'm prone to mistakes, so if I missed your birthday 
or got the wrong date, please let me know.

Community Events...

August 18   (Friday)
Forgotten Harvest Woodward Dream Cruise Event
Cruisin' To Drive Out Hunger
Westborn Market
27659 Woodward Ave.
Berkley, MI
Featuring:  a dozen iconic restaurants, Motown band, and silent auction benefits Forgotten Harvest and our community's commitment to relieve hunger in southeast Michigan. 
Casual and fun. Bring your family and friends! 
For tickets:
For more info on FH:

August 20  (Sunday)
J-Cycle 7: Bicycle Tour of Historic Jewish Detroit
This year's route begins at Northwest Activities Center (former Meyers & Curtis JCC) and heads north
Registration opens mid-June.

August 20 (Sunday)
Back 2 School Store
Help Detroit students attain their school needs from clothing, backpacks, supplies and personal care items.

August 27 (Sunday)
The 2nd Annual Michigan Jewish Food Festival
Eastern Market

September 6 (Wednesday)
Annual Meeting and Recognition Event
Great Lake Culinary Center
Southfield, MI

September 7 (Thursday)
Hadassah's Opening Meeting
Shaarey Zedek
Guest Speaker: Rita Rudner

September 9 (Saturday) 
Lake Toba Concert 
Intimate folk concert by our daughter Liat Tova Lis and her partner Kyle McGonegle.
West Bloomfield Yoga Shelter at Orchard Mall 
6337 Orchard Lake Rd
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
$10 per person, pay at door
8:00pm Doors open
8:30-10:00pm Concert
Space limited, please RSVP

September 13 (Wednesday)
Jewish Women's Foundation
Women Lighting the Way
18th year anniversary
Featuring Cabaret Performer, Liz Callaway
Max and Marjorie Fisher Music Center

September 14 (Thursday) 
Duvdevan Foundation Event
Dinner and presentation by elite commandos of Israel Defense Forces special unit.
Our home
RSVP to me to receive address

September 18 (Monday)
The Jewish Ensemble Theatre (JET)
29th Annual Gala
The Capitol Steps
Temple Israel

September 23 (Saturday)
Camp Sea-Gull Reunion
Camp Ticonderoga 
5725 Rochester Rd, Troy, MI 48085 
Please RSVP at this site:

September 23  (Saturday) 
Cabaret 313
An Evening with Tony Award Nominee Carmen Cusack
The Players Clubhouse
3321 East Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI 48207
Two shows: 7:00pm and 9:30pm
$55 Dinner Package at the Rattlesnake Club prior to Second Performance. Call  313-405-5061  for more information.

September 25 (Monday)  
Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame Dinner
Jewish Community Center
West Bloomfield

October 2 (Monday)  
Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic
Esteemed Women of Michigan Event
Centerpoint Marriott  in Pontiac, Michigan
Mazel Tov to these friends:
Betty Chu:  Chief Medical Officer Henry Ford West Bloomfield
Sari Cicurel : Public Relations Detroit Jewish News
Dr. Eva Feldman Professor of Neurology University of Michigan
Shari Finsilver:  President of International Essential Tremor Foundation
Monni Must : Owner of Naturally Photography
Harriet Orley : President Hebrew Free Loan
Lisa Wozniak:   Executive Director Michigan League of Conservation Voters
For the full list:

October 5 (Thursday)
Michigan League of Conservation Voters
Innovation in Conservation Awards Gala
Westin Book Cadillac
DTE Energy
State Rep. Stephanie Chang
Jalonne White-Newsome (Kresge Foundation)

October 8  (Sunday)
Hadassah's 100th Anniversary Gala
Detroit Institute of Arts
Rivera Court
October 10  (Tuesday)
Women of Vision
Featuring : Author Jennifer Weiner
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha Director  of Peds @ Flint Hospital
Dana Nessel Litigator for LGBTQ  Rights
Edie Resnick Jewish Community Champion

October 13 (Friday)
Weight Watchers
Remarkable Women's Luncheon
The Henry
For more info:
Cheryl 248-479-1356
Donna 248-479-1377

October 14 (Saturday)
Humble Design
Gigs for Digs fundraiser concert
Mayer Hawthorne
The Fillmore in Detroit

October 16  (Monday)
Yad Ezra Annual Fundraiser
Honoring:  Aimee and Richard Simtob
Congregation Shaarey Zedek

October 19 (Thursday)
Exploring the Jewish Art and Artists in the Private Collection of Doreen and David (z'l") Hermelin
Save the date for this docent-led, first-of-its-kind benefit for the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan at the Hermelin home. More details coming soon.

Parting Thoughts...