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Dear Suzanne,

As I sit here writing my final official e-note on this first day of Thanksgiving week 2024, I am flooded with memories.

So much has happened—to me, to you, to our world—since I wrote my first e-note in 2005. Today, as we all navigate transitions—seasonal, personal, economic, political, environmental—I’m keeping this “sign-off” note simple.

This morning, during the luxury of my wake-up shower, I asked the little Oasis Sanity Tip questions to myself. But this time, instead of taking the usual one minute, I gave myself five. The warm water seemed to help the questions—and my responses—flow.

Here’s what came to me:

This Thanksgiving 2024, what am I thankful for regarding:

1. Me and my family? Decades after my near-death accident—and after three recent bouts with cancer—I am still relatively sane, and my body works amazingly well. My kids and grandkids are all healthy, curious, and living in safe, loving homes.

2. Living in this world right now? The world is far from boring, offering endless opportunities to wake up to fresh realizations and actions each day. I’m also thrilled by Mother Nature’s resilience—like the vibrant rose blooming in my front yard in these last days of November.

3. My personal life transition? I have the delight of handing the leadership reins of my beloved Oasis to an amazing team. Our new CEO, Suzanne Dudley-Schon, along with a host of compassionate and creative trainers, will guide Oasis into its next chapter.

What specific actions will I take to honor these gifts?

  • Go for a hike this afternoon on Sleeping Giant, followed by a delicious nap.
  • Call my neighbor Kay to join me at a neighborhood gathering with the New Haven Police Chief to address gun violence.
  • Continue pondering life transition issues and my next steps.

I happily sign off this e-note by inviting you to stay engaged with the evolution of Oasis. The photo and words below the Sanity Tip will introduce you to Suzanne and how Oasis is moving forward. While I’m passing the torch, I’ll remain connected through retreats, presentations, and cameo appearances in Oasis Trainings as Suzanne leads us into a new era.

Feel free to send your greetings to Suzanne or me.

Big love from New Haven and enormous gratitude for the many ways we’ve stayed connected over the years.

Oasis Sanity Tip

Take a few minutes to do it for yourself! 

This Thanksgiving 2024, what am I thankful for regarding:

Me and my family? Living in this world right now? The transitions in my life?

What specific actions will I take to honor these gifts?

In the photo above, I’m surrounded by beaming Oasis Training graduates as we celebrated the launch of our book, Is Oasis for You? 25 Stories from People Who Said YES! Looking back at that moment, I’m reminded of words from Chapter 17:

"I am grateful for everything that Oasis has given to me and to the world. Thank you, Millie, and every Oasis practitioner, for these seemingly small yet elegantly simple actions that create such a powerful difference."

If you look at the person in the far back right, you’ll see the author of those words: Suzanne Dudley-Schon, the person to whom I am lovingly passing the Oasis reins. Suzanne is an experienced Life and Leadership Coach, Certified Oasis Trainer, and author of Out of the Box: A Journey In and Out of Captivity. She is no stranger to Oasis—she graduated from the Oasis Training in 2012 and since then has brought its principles to countless individuals, groups, nonprofits, and businesses, both in English and Spanish.

I am thrilled as I envision Suzanne’s creativity and passion for fostering harmony—within herself, in helping others discover their inner balance, and in advancing harmony in the world. She embodies the spirit of Oasis.

¡Buen viaje, Suzanne! 

Millie Grenough discovered her own oasis after a near-death accident shook her out of her fast and furious lifestyle. During her months of recuperation Millie developed the 60-second Oasis Strategies that have helped thousands of people around the world. The Oasis Training Program has graduates throughout the USA and in Panama, Puerto Rico and New Zealand.

Oasis trainings, retreats, presentations, and coaching sessions have helped individuals ranging from Casino VPs, U.S. Army Officers and University Deans, to overworked health personnel, therapists, educators, prison inmates, artists, clergy, harried parents, coaches and line managers. 


©2024 Millie Grenough. All Rights Reserved. Oasis in the Overwhelm™ is a

registered trademark.

We invite you to forward this e-note to others. Reprintable when full credit is given.

If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission of this newsletter,

please email: Millie@MillieGrenough.com  

You may reach us at Millie and Suzanne

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www.milliegrenough.com          www.oasisintheoverwhelm.com       www.suzannedudleyschon.com