"In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present."
~Lao Tzu
The month of December is most often thought of as holiday season and a time to gather with loved ones. However, for many people, it's a time of mixed emotions. Perhaps you lost a loved one this time of year, or the holiday time is a lonely time for you because of lost loved ones or the distance which separates you.
My father passed away in 1991 a few days before Christmas. For years I had a difficult time during holiday seasons, but thankfully time softens the pain of loss. This time of year can also be good to reminisce about and honor those who have left our lives. I often think about my grandmother and her influence on my life. She died when I was ten years old. Check out this article about her in
Living Crue.
Because I have a small family and my children spend time with their spouses' families, this time of year is usually quiet for me. While many people are frantically busy running around, I often view this time of year as one of calm, replenishment, and nurturing. My plan is to take a few courses. First I will take a mandala course, and then I plan to take a cooking class featuring hors d'oeuvres. Perhaps I will have some friends over for a holiday spirit and I can practice what I learned in my course. For me this month is also a continuation of November, the month of gratitude. When struggling with difficult emotions, it's a good time to sit down and do some gratitude journaling. Many studies have shown that gratitude can lead to happiness. Check out my article in
Psychology Today to go more in-depth on this topic.
On another note, it's not always easy for writers to promote their books. Most of us would rather be writing; however, in view of gift-buying season, I would like to suggest some of my books below which I've been told make great gifts. If you would enjoy an autographed copy, please email me at with your shipping address and I will mail you a book plate.
Sending you the best wishes for a blissful holiday season and beyond!