With love from JCCB . . .

You too can become a JCCB Volunteer!

We love our volunteers and have opportunities to serve all year-round. If you would like to get more information about volunteering with JCCB, join us for one of our Meet Us Monday Zoom meetings. Our next event is on Monday, March 4 from 12:00-1:00pm. You can RSVP here or follow this link to access the meeting on Monday at Noon.

Special thanks to Barb O'Donnell

This month we would like to send a special thanks to long-time volunteer, donor, and Board member Barb O'Donnell. Barb has just completed her term on the JCCB Board and we felt it was an appropriate time to recognize all of her hard work and dedication over the years.

From a fellow volunteer:

"I first encountered Barb in the mid-90's when she came to our Overland Park office. At the time, she had three young children and so I didn't think that she would be with us long. Boy was I wrong! She started coordinating church outreach and quickly moved up to JCCB President! Eventually, she worked with Betty and Deborah to learn from them in Client Services and became department chair soon after."

Barb has been leading the Client Services team with dignity, organization, and grace ever since! Her ability to manage this important area is such a blessing to JCCB and our neighbors. We love you Barb!

Learn about his month's featured department

HUGS Hats, Gloves, & Scarves

We love to wrap our neighbors in warmth and one of the departments that helps us fulfill this mission is our HUGS department!

HUGS spends the entire year collecting Hats, Gloves & Scarves in a variety of ways. Donors can look for end-of-season deals on winter items and bring them to the JCCB office. Or for those who posess crochet or knitting talents, we also accept handmade donations. (Pro tip: there is a yarn stash on the back porch at the JCCB office where you can both pick up and donate yarn for these and other JCCB items! Drop by any time!). Finally, you can always browse our Wish List page and send a few sets directly to the office!

View the HUGS Amazon Wishlist
View the HUGS Target Wishlist

Save the Date for these 2024 Events

Festival of Trees

November 21-24, 2024

Holiday of Hope

September 21, 2024

From one of our 2023 Holiday Shop recipients:

"The JCCB holiday shop was one of the best experiences I’ve had here in Kansas. My daughter and myself had to move from Florida and were welcomed with open arms and was treated with so much kindness. I will forever be grateful! We had so many of our needs met and more. Thank you so much for making our holiday special!"

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