Thursday, March 23, 2023
1 Nisan 5783
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A Message from Rabbi Peltz |
Today is Rosh Hodesh Nisan, the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, which means Passover is just two weeks away! It’s exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. There is a lot to do to prepare for Passover, on top of all of our other day-to-day responsibilities. Still, without that preparation, Passover wouldn’t be Passover. This preparation of course involves cleaning and cooking, but it also includes preparing for our seders. Like with any class or presentation, preparation is the key to success. There is no one size fits all seder. That’s why it is important to think about who will be around your table, and how to best fulfill the central commandment of Passover: v’higadita l’vinkha – to share the story of Passover with our children. The Passover seder is our opportunity to think about how our own stories fit into our people’s story, with food, song, conversation and shtick. We are here to help you with your preparation. You can go to our website for resources that include stories, questions, and recipes. There is also still time to order from our ever-growing family of Haggadat Sholom, the TBS Haggadah, loving dedicated by the Baskies Family. Our original Haggadat Sholom is now in its 4th printing! It is a wonderful guide for all the participants at your seder tables. We also have our Haggadat Sholom Kids Edition, and newly published this year a Haggadat Sholom Kids Edition Leader’s Guide, which brings more ideas to enhance your seders. If you would like to order any of these haggadot you can do so by clicking here. I am so proud of our Haggadat Sholom series, and I hope that you will use them to engage your seder participants this year for many years to come.
A Message from Ron Safier, Executive Director
SAVE THE DATE! On Tuesday, May 16 at 6:45pm, we will be conducting a very important congregational security training on responding to an active shooter event. Security continues to be our highest priority, and we are continually evaluating our procedures and infrastructure to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our entire TBS community.
In recent years we have taken many steps to make our building more secure, implementing new policies such as the one entrance only policy, as well as installing various “target hardening” components such as the bollards and planters, additional exterior and interior cameras, new doors/locks, a new door entry/intercom system, an increase in our usage of security personnel, and other security initiatives that I would be happy to discuss with you. All of the policies and security procedures that we have been implementing have come at the recommendation of various law enforcement agencies.
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Friday, April 28 - Sunday, April 30
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As we prepare to celebrate Israel's 75th birthday, help us create a trip down memory lane with pictures from your favorite Israel trips.
When was that moment when you felt most connected to Israel:
Your first moment at the Kotel?
Walking the streets of Tsfat?
Laying on the beach in Tel Aviv?
Send a high-resolution picture, along with a one sentence description, to tbsonline.org/israelmoment to be included in our collage. All pictures will be displayed as part of our TBS Israel 75 celebration.
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Mazal Tov to:
Lauren & Adam Greenberg and Robin & Stephen Greenberg on their son and grandson Eli becoming a Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat
Pauline & Dave Schwarz on the naming of their granddaughter Hallie Larissa Urda this Shabbat.
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Minyan, 7am - In-person and Zoom
- Wine and Cheese Shabbat, 5:45pm
Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15pm - In-person/Livestream
Candle Lighting, 6:58pm
Shabbat Services, 9:30am - In-Person/Livestream
Rabbi Albert and Sarah Lewis Religious School Shabbat Family Services - Hosted by Gimmel, 3rd Grade, 10am
Minha, Ma'ariv & Havdallah, 7pm - In-Person/Livestream
Minyan, 8am - In-person/Zoom
Franny's Gift Shop Pop-Up Shop, 9am
Rabbi Albert and Sarah Lewis Religious School, 9am
Rabbi Albert and Sarah Lewis Religious School Hay, 5th Grade "UnSeder" - 9:00am
Minyan, 8pm - Zoom
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Community Beit Midrash - Jeremiah: The Fate of a Prophet - Monday Night Zoom Series on Mondays, March 27 at 7:30pm Details here
Lunch and Learn: Preparing for Pesah with Rabbi Joshua Kahan on Tuesday, March 28 at 12:30pm Details here
Tuesday Night Talmud on Tuesdays, March 28; April 11; May 2, 16) at 8:15pm
Details here
TBS Book Club on Wednesday, March 29 at 1pm Details here
Healing Service with Rabbi Wexler on Thursday, March 30 at 7pm Details here
Young Members Group Party in the Park on Sunday, April 2 at 3pm Details here
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Passover Service Schedule
Visit tbsonline.org/passover to view this year's Passover schedule and for other passover resources.
Selling the Hametz
In preparation for Passover each year we spend countless hours cleaning, switching pots and pans and then cooking for meal after meal. Removing hametz, leavened foods from our diets, our homes and our souls in both a physical and spiritual way helps us prepare for the holiday. Read more
To sell your hametz online click here (deadline is April 4)
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Passover Kiddush Donations
Would you like to sponsor or contribute to this year's Passover Kiddushim?
Visit our donations page and in the dropdown menu, select "Pesah Kiddush Fund".
Visit tbsonline.org/passover for more Pesah information.
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Passover Wine & Spirits Fundraiser - Order Pick-up
Ordering of wine and spirits from the TBS Education Department fundraiser is now closed.
Pick up your orders on:
Sunday, March 26 - 9am-12pm
Week of March 27 - 9:30am - 5pm
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Catering for Pesah
Betty the Caterer is offering a Passover menu with delivery to TBS. Deadline is: Monday, March 27
ShopRite Gift Cards
Purchase Gift Cards for your Passover shopping and support TBS!
ShopRite has a wonderful selection of everything you’ll need for your Passover shopping. What better way to support TBS than to buy ShopRite scrip (gift cards)! If 100 families purchased $100 of gift cards each week for 50 weeks of the year we would sell $500,000 and make $25,000 for TBS. We earn 5% on the sale of ShopRite scrip. Please contact the TBS Front Office to make a purchase.
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