Mrs. Troutman's kindergarten class painting with vinegar |
Upcoming Events:
Wed, Apr 10
Report Cards Posted
Thurs, Apr 11
Bring a Disciple to Mass (Grade 1)
Home & School Meeting (10 am)
Mon, Apr 15
SAC Meeting (6:30 pm)
Wed, Apr 17
Stations of the Cross (2 pm)
Thurs, Apr 18 - Mon, Apr 22
No School - Easter Break
Dear Parents,
Confirmation last week was a joyous event! Our 152 confirmandi were able to talk individually to our new Bishop before Mass. Bishop Brennan shared with the students that it was important for him to get to know each of them so that he could pray with them in community. He encouraged our students to continue living out their faith and making good choices especially in today's complex world. He was especially touched by our students when he received his very own St. Brigid cross as a gift from the Confirmation class.
Many of our families attended
prayer during Advent and Msgr. Hendricks and I would like to invite you to attend Taize prayer again during Lent. As we journey through Lent, take time to join as a parish family for this beautiful candle-lit service of music and prayer.
Taize Prayer will take place this week on April 11 at 6:30 pm.
We have been invited by Cardinal Health to participate in their Fuse Coding Camp for students in 6th - 12th grade. This is an exciting opportunity taking place on May 3rd and 4th. Please see details and register using the link in the story below.
Parents with students in grades 4 - 8, it is time to work once again in the Strengths Explorer Parent Workbook. Please work together to complete page 10.
Lenten Blessings,
Photo Newsletters: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Sleep for Wellness Tips
Sleep can be difficult for some children and adults. The technique of "Progressive Muscle Relaxation" can
help with going to sleep and returning to sleep if awake during the night. The links below will be introduced to your students this week as examples of this technique. Give one of these a try:
Another useful tool when teaching children about healthy sleep patterns is the use of a "visual alarm clock" for younger children or a "sunrise alarm clock" for middle-grade, older students, and adults.
The clocks pictured below have been used by parents and adults in our school with great results.
Visual alarm clock
Sunrise alarm clock |
Both clocks can serve as a night light, but can be programmed to change the color of the night light to green when the children are allowed to get up or to brighten (and produce sounds) as the desired wake time approaches. A Google search will lead you to many models of these alarm clocks.
As with everything that involves changing behaviors, there is a learning curve involved for success. Implementing a bedtime routine and adhering to a time schedule for school nights is most beneficial. We are all creatures of habit!
7th Grade Scholarship Day
In an effort to celebrate the seventh grade students of Saint Brigid of Kildare as the next leaders of our school, the Home and School Association is pleased to announce this year's "Middle School Scholarship" open to all seventh grade students regardless of financial need or academic merit. This year's scholarship competition will take place on Friday, May 17th. Two (2) scholarships valued at $500 each will be awarded on May 31st at the 9:00 AM Leadership Mass. The scholarships will be applied to Saint Brigid tuition for the 2019-2020 school year.
Our Home and School Association is the parent run volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the mission statement of Saint Brigid of Kildare School thereby enriching the Catholic school experience for students and expressing appreciation to those committed to our school. In an effort to give back to the students, this scholarship will be awarded to two individuals who demonstrate that they embody the mission statement and represent all that Saint Brigid has given to them to become the Catholic individuals they are today as they are poised to take on the role as leaders of the school.
Students may compete either by writing an essay or by completing an interview with a panel of adults. Seventh grade students will meet with Mrs. Lombardo on Friday, April 12th to discuss the details of the competition and how they can prepare for "Scholarship Day." In their April 12th Friday Folders, they will receive materials about the scholarship competition to share with parents. The requirements of the program are as follows:
- Complete and submit "Application and Declaration Form" by Friday, May 3, 2019 to the school office attention Mrs. Lombardo.
- Complete a written essay (1 ½ pages and up to 5 paragraphs within 90 minutes) or an oral interview (5 -10 minutes) on "Scholarship Day", Friday, May 17, 2019.
- Submit two reference forms on "Scholarship Day."
- Bring the assigned PIN number to "Scholarship Day" to include on the essay or to give to the interviewer.
It is the sincere desire of Home and School Association that this is a rewarding experience for our seventh graders and that they learn how truly special we believe they are in the role of leaders of Saint Brigid of Kildare School.
Save the Date for STEM Activities
Upcoming STEM Events
- Take-Apart Tech Event is Sunday April 28th 2:00-3:30 (grades 6-8)
- LEGO Robotics Camp June 10-14 (9am-noon) *Current 3rd-7th graders
- Computer Camp July 29-Aug 2 (9am-noon) *Current 5th-7th graders
Home & School Meeting on Thursday
Home &
meeting will be held this Thursday, April 11 at 10:00 a.m. (or following the school Mass).
All are welcome to attend! The
will be held in Hendricks Hall.
Educational Apparel Sale
Final Exam Schedule
May 2019,
Grades 7-8
Tuesday, May 21, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Math (8)
Social Studies (7)
Wednesday, May 22, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Religion (8)
Religion (7)
Thursday, May 23, 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Science (8)
ELA (7)
Friday, May 24, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Social Studies (8)
Spanish (7)
Tuesday, May 28, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Spanish (8)
Science (7)
Wednesday, May 29, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
ELA (8)
Math (7)
Protecting God's Children
April 11
St. Brigid of Kildare will be offering a Protecting God's Children session on Thursday, April 11th at 10:00 am in the Carr Nursery of Hendrick's Hall.
fuse CODE Camp
Free Camp for 6-12 graders, May 3-4
fuse CODE Camp, by Cardinal Health, is
an event open to any 6-12th grade students interested in learning more about coding and getting hands on experience with actual projects.
It is free to attend, and takes place Friday, May 3rd from 5 - 7 pm and Saturday, May 4th from 8 am - 5 pm.
Fuse is the Cardinal Health innovation lab the focuses on creating the future of health and wellness. Located in Dublin, Ohio, just a short distance from the Cardinal Health global headquarters, Fuse is a unique, creative environment geared toward solving healthcare problems through innovation and technology.
Crucial Conversations: Fighting Opiate Abuse
Tuesday, April 30 at St. Joan of Arc
6:15 p.m. Mass in Church
7-8:30 p.m. Presentation
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Social Hall
10700 Liberty Road S, Powell, OH 43065
Created and developed by Ohio emergency physician Dr. Ryan Squier, NIX Opiates is dedicated to fighting the opioid and heroin crisis. Dr. Squier will be our speaker for the evening talking candidly about the dangers of both prescription and street opioids and how easily and quickly a person can become addicted, as well as presenting ideas to keep our kids and community safe.
PERC Presents:
Respect, Boundaries, and Consent - Tonight
Navigating these Teachable Moments with our Children
Wednesday, April 10 at the Dublin Rec Center at 7 p.m.
Dublin Family Night
Thursday, April 18
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at awing@cdeducation.org