U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)
April 6, 2022
April Fools! Mrs. Delucia (right) and one of her triplet sisters switched places (and jackets!) during lunch on Friday (April Fools Day). They didn't fool our observant students for long though!
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

There has been exciting news this week in the Diocese of Columbus with the appointment of Reverend Earl K. Fernandes as the 13th Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus.  Father Fernandes will be ordained a bishop of the Catholic Church and installed as Bishop on May 31st.  If you would like to read more about our Bishop-elect click on the following links:

As Lent is coming to a close there are a few special opportunities available for your family to spend time preparing for the great feast of Easter.  Tomorrow evening is Taize Prayer at 6:30 pm.  This is a great opportunity to spend a quiet hour together as a family with prayer, reflection and music.  The parish will also be offering additional times for prayer and confession during the next week.  Vespers and Parish Penance Service will be held Sunday, April 10 at 5:00 pm in the Church. Visiting diocesan priests will serve as confessors. 

Individual confessions will be heard Monday, April 11, from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm in the Church.

Lenten Blessings,
Kathy O’Reilly
Photo Newsletters: 7th, 8th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Stations of the Cross
Kindergarten and fifth grade buddies attended Stations of the Cross together last week!
World's Largest Diaper Drive
Saint Brigid of Kildare School is again partnering with Bottoms Up Diaper Bank to participate in this year’s World’s Largest Diaper Drive.  

Bottoms Up delivers free diapers and wipes to social service agencies so that moms and families living below the poverty line are able to have access to the diapers they need for their babies. In other words, when a single mother walks into a food pantry that partners with Bottoms Up, she is assured to get the size diapers necessary for her baby. Single moms are particularly susceptible to living below the poverty line. Please keep the underprivileged and marginalized in our society in your prayers as you participate in the World's Largest Diaper Drive. 

Bottoms Up delivers an average of 60,000 diapers per month to over 50 community partners in Central and Southern Ohio. That’s an average of 2,000 fresh, dry diapers every day for babies whose mothers struggle to afford the $70-$80/month it costs to keep their babies clean, dry, and healthy. 

Bottoms Up continues to grow with very little promotion and a lot of dedication to principled charity. Diapers are collected through drives at churches, schools, and businesses or purchased through the generosity of others.

At Saint Brigid, we will collect packages of diapers in various sizes the week of April 25. If you are able to help us with this world-record setting attempt and our individual school goal of 15,000 diapers, please send in these sizes of diapers to school on April 25-April 29. Thank you!

Preschool: Newborn 
K: Newborn or Size 1
1: Size 1
2: Size 2
3: Size 3
4: Size 4
5: Size 5
6: Size 6
7: Size 7/8 or Pull Ups
8: Pull Ups
Home & School Meeting - Today
The next Home & School meeting is today, April 6 at 10 AM. The meeting is in-person, but anyone who can't make it is welcome to join via the Zoom link beolw. All are welcome!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 2536 3834
Passcode: 206915
Recess Volunteers Needed
Volunteering at recess is a great way to become involved at St. Brigid! Volunteers are needed to assist teachers and to manage playground equipment. Volunteers should sign in the main office, obtain a volunteer badge then report to the playground. Please follow all school COVID-19 protocols. In the event of inclement weather, recess will be indoors with their teachers and volunteers will not be needed.

All volunteers must be PCG (Protecting God’s Children) compliant and have completed the St. Brigid volunteer application. In the event you can not fulfill your shift, please contact Jennifer Glatz at

(These recess volunteer link can always be found at the top of the Wolfhound Wednesday under the Quick Links).
Security Hounds Tips
This month's personal safety tip is around the gas pumps. With the increase in gas prices, there is often an increase in crimes at the pump. I would like to bring your attention to a recent technique being utilized by thieves, along with two techniques thieves have previously used in Dublin.

Hose Switch:
A new technique to be aware of now. Thieves are switching the hose from one side to the other. When you insert your card to start the pump, they start fueling as you do so the meter moves on your side. See the video link below:

How to Protect Yourself:
(1) Be cautious of someone already at the pump on the opposite side that you are fueling.
(2) See if the hose crosses over your pump, if it does...don't use it
(3) Stop the pump a few times and see if the meter stops on your side when you stop fueling. If the meter doesn't stop, notify the attendant and police and get the license plate of the car on the other side of the pump.

Purse/Valuable Grab:
This technique has been around for some years. You leave your purse or other valuables on the front seat and the car unlocked when you fuel. if your fuel tank is on the passenger side of your car, you are very vulnerable to this technique. The thief will pull up, crouch down by your driver's side door and wait for you to pump and or be distracted while they slowly open your door, grab your purse/valuables and then jump back into their car and leave. See the video link below:

How to Protect Yourself:
(1) Don't leave your keys in the car or leave the car running while fueling.
(2) Lock your doors while fueling.  
(3) Keep your eyes on your car while fueling, don't be distracted by conversation. The thief could be using a partner to distract you as they steal from your vehicle.

The Skimmer:
This is difficult to catch at the time of fueling. The thief/criminal will attach a device (usually inside the fuel pump) to steal your card information and make purchases or steal your identity. See video link below, as this has already happened in Dublin:

How to Protect Yourself:
(1) Look for obvious signs of tampering to the fuel pump, broken parts etc
(2) Wiggle the card reader before inserting your card. If it is loose, don't use that pump.
(3) Use a credit card or use your debit card as credit
(4) Pay inside 
(5) Monitor your card statements, as the theft might not be detectable until the thieves use your cloned card etc later.

Hopefully this will help make fueling a bit less painful for all of us. As always please reach out to me for anything.

Stay safe.
Is TikTok Dangerous for Teens?
by Dr. Leonard Sax, author and prior St. Brigid of Kildare Crucial Conversations speaker

How much do you know about TikTok? Maybe you’ve heard of it but haven’t used it. Or if you have used TikTok, you may think of it as an app for sharing videos of teens doing funny dances or cute pets doing tricks, which it is. But it is more than that. 

For starters, TikTok is now the world’s most downloaded app and the world's #1 most visited website, ahead of Google (#2) and Facebook (#3). Every day, more than one billion different videos are viewed on TikTok. Experts agree that the key to its success is its unique algorithm. When you join TikTok, you are asked some questions about your interests and what sort of things you’d like to see. TikTok then offers you some of the most popular videos that match your interests and starts monitoring what you do. It takes note of which videos you watch and—crucially—how much time you spend watching them, and which videos you watch more than once. The algorithm then hones your preferences. Within hours, or even minutes, your videos become more specific, more customized to your interests.

The results are uncanny. "TikTok can read my mind" is a common refrain among young people, as the app soon starts serving up videos that are precisely what the viewer was hoping to see...

Continue reading article on Institute for Family below
Upcoming PERC Events
April 6th Book Talk:  9:30-11am, Dublin Library Room 3 & 7-8:30, Zoom
Jessica Lahey's The Addiction Innoculation, Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence. Register HERE.

April 7, 7-8:30 pm Jerome HS:  Can You See Me Now
Explore a teenage bedroom to identify potential signs of drug use or risky behavior. Led by HART (Health Awareness and Recovery Together) & Dublin PD & SRO Officer Paul Burks. 
News from Our Parish Community
Have an Extra Wine Bottle Laying Around?
This year's Corks for a Cause has returned in-person on Saturday, April 23. Tickets for the event can be purchased at the event website,

Get your tickets if you haven't, as they are selling quickly!

Wine Bottles Needed
We are looking for donations of silent auction items (e.g. tickets, vacation homes, gift cards, etc.) as well as any bottles of wine valued at $20 or higher for our Wine Grab!

If you have a bottle or two to donate, you can drop it off anytime at the school or parish office, or contact Sarah Moore at to coordinate a pick up time. Thank you!
Children's Liturgy of the Word Returns - Shephards Needed
Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place September through May during the 9 am Mass. Children (non-communed children, preschool through grade 2), may join us in the Church basement to hear the Children's Liturgy of the Word from the Children's Lectionary as well as learn about the readings of the day. Children will be dismissed prior to the First Reading and return after the Homily, during the Presentation of the Gifts. 

We require two Shepherds to facilitate this opportunity for our families. The First Shepherd is the leader of the readings and lesson for the day and the Second Shepherd assists the First. Shepherds are required to be compliant volunteers in accordance of Safe Environment Policies. Those who sign up will have follow up communications with the Safe Environment Coordinator as well as the Director of Religious Education. 

If you have questions regarding this ministry, please contact the Religious Education Office at 614-761-1176.
Altar Servers Needed - Training Coming
All students in the fifth grade and older are invited to become Altar Servers for Weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Is the Lord calling you to serve? Answer the Lord’s call by becoming an Altar Server! St. Brigid of Kildare is encouraging all those in the fifth grade and above to consider becoming an Altar Server. You will have only one training session to attend and one short manual to read and study. Do this and you are ready to be scheduled as an Altar Server. It is a rewarding service!
Once the number of Altar Servers is determined, we will be scheduling a couple of training sessions that will be about an hour to an hour and a half in length.
To register to become an Altar Server:
please reach out to Mr. Joe Feehan via his email address:
Thank you very much for your interest. We look forward to having you part of this most important team.
Taize This Thursday Evening
Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 PM in the Church

Spend a quiet hour together as a family with prayer, reflection and music. 
Easter Egg Hunt April 16
The 22nd Annual St. Brigid of Kildare Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 16th at 1:00 pm on Brigid’s Green. The hunt will begin following the Blessing of Easter Food, which is scheduled at 12 pm in the church. 

More details available at
SBAA Annual Board Member Elections
The St. Brigid Athletic Association's board members are an annual re-elected position. We encourage all parish members to apply regardless of children in the program and/or previous service on the board. All current board members wanting to continue service should apply as well. 

This is your chance to get involved! If you have any interest in helping out with the athletic board, this is the time. You can see a list of current board positions on
If you would like more information about any of our board positions and/or to express interest, simply contact by April 10th. The time commitment depends on the position, but for most positions is far less than you might expect - and you get to be involved with all our sports programs and initiatives.

While all positions are available, in particular we are actively looking for the following positions where existing board members are rolling off:
  • Athletic Director
  • Volleyball Commissioner

Board Elections will occur during the SBAA meeting on April 12th
Summer Camps
News from Our Catholic High Schools
Alumni Win COACE Graduation Scholarship
Congratulations to Shannon O'Neil and Brian Zetzer, who were recently awarded the Sister Margaret Hoffman OSF COACE Graduation Scholarship from COACE. Shannon is the daughter of St. Brigid teacher Mrs. O'Neil, and Brian is the son of St. Brigid teacher Mrs. Zetzer, and both are members of the Saint Brigid of Kildare class of 2018 and Bishop Watterson High School class of 2022.

COACE awarded this scholarship based on academic performance, community service, extracurricular activities and recommendations. 

Shannon will be attending Belmont University in Nashville next year, and Brian will be attending either Ohio State University or Miami University. Congratulations to Shannon and Brian!
Alumni on Honor Roll
Congratulations to our many alumni at Bishop Watterson and St. Charles High Schools who are on the honor roll for the 3rd quarter.
St. Charles Father/Son Mass and Breakfast
St. Charles Hosting Father/Son Mass and Breakfast on April 23; 5th-8th Graders and Fathers Welcome
The 13th Annual Father-Son Mass and Breakfast is being held on Saturday, April 23rd. The gathering will start with Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the Robert C. Walter Student Commons followed immediately by a buffet breakfast. The event is open to any young man in 5th-8th grade and their father as well as alumni and their fathers, alumni fathers and their sons and current students/fathers. The breakfast is free, but you are still asked to reserve your spot(s) to ensure there is plenty of food on hand for everyone. Please register by Monday, April 18th, by emailing or going online to the event’s “Posting” on the SC Homepage ( We look forward to seeing you there!
Need Apparel for Your Future BWHS Eagle?
Bishop Watterson's Eagle Store carries youth-sized Future Eagle t-shirts and sweatshirts. To order, email

The Eagle Store offers items for the entire family. Click on the link to see more! Email to place an order. 
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.