U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)
NBC4 news anchor Monica Day zoomed with the eighth graders from her studio to give us insider advice to be ourselves on camera!
Dear Parents,
Christmas break is fast approaching and it is time to reflect and appreciate that we have had a great month of Advent Joy. There have been many blessings, opportunities for service and gratitude, time to pray and to sing, and also time to just have fun. Each morning we gathered together as a school community to pray the Advent wreath prayers asking God to help us prepare our hearts, minds and souls for Christmas. Thank you to our students, families, teachers and staff who have all shared their talents, faith in action and generous spirit to help make this a joyous and prayerful Advent season.
Tomorrow we will be attending Mass at 9:00 AM and following Mass, Representative Tracy Richardson will be making a presentation to our school. She will be presenting our school with an accommodation from the State of Ohio recognizing Saint Brigid as a Blue Ribbon School for the 3rd time in 15 years. Following the presentation, our students will be returning to the school for a special blue surprise!
We will conclude our week with a virtual Prayer Service on Friday at 1:10 PM followed by 1:30 PM early release dismissal.
May your days be filled with love, peace, hope and joy this Christmas season.
As always, thank you for your support of Saint Brigid of Kildare School.
Merry Christmas!
Kathy O'Reilly
P.S. School resumes Monday, January 3rd!
Photo Newsletters: 7th & 8th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Our teachers and staff have been busy having fun celebrating the season of Advent! Last week we enjoyed a pajama party popcorn and movie day, some pies in the face to celebrate our successful toy drives, and the staff Wacky Christmas Wear! Click the button below to view photos of all these fun events.
Pajama day & Grinch themed lunch
Pie in the face for Toy Drive success
Thank you to all of our families who helped make our 2021 toy drive an amazing success! We collected over 1200 toys, which were sent off to the three organizations we had promised to help AND another organization that we found out needed some last minute help to serve their clients.
Our students have also been busy making Christmas cards for Meals on Wheels recipients and for patients at Riverside Hospital’s Behavioral Health Center. In addition, students have made snowflakes to decorate the windows of patients at Children’s Hospital. A small group of middle school students assisted with intake and with snack delivery at our parish blood drive on Monday. All totaled, our students have touched the lives of thousands of children and adults in the Central Ohio community this season, and we are remembering to keep them all in our daily prayers as well. There are so many ways to give, and so many ways to fulfill the works of mercy that we know structure our lives as disciples of the Baby Jesus whose birth we are about to celebrate. Our students will certainly always remember the unbelievable impact they were able to have during this Advent season, when we all pulled together and gave from our hearts!
Click below to read the heartfelt thank you notes from the organizations we supported.
January Study Tables Sign Up
The After School Study Table program is back for the 2021-2022 school year for students in grades 5-8. Study Table is a great opportunity for students to work on homework and studying while also having the chance to receive assistance with school work, study skills, and organization in any subject in a quiet and supportive environment. Mr. Byorth, along with other teachers, will be supervising and offering assistance during this time.
Who: 5th-8th Grade Students
When: 3-4pm Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays
Last Call for Spiritwear!
There are still quite a few orders that need to be picked up.
PREMIER/MORGANHEIMER Spiritwear orders are ready to be picked at their Powell location 473 Village Park Drive (Wed-Fri:12-6pm or by appt). If you selected shipping or pick-up, you should have been notified via email that your order was ready.
RAH-RAH Spiritwear orders have been shipped. If you selected pick-up, orders will be available at:
Home of Lesley Beran
6905 MacNeil Drive, Dublin
*Orders will be labeled and in a bin on the side porch. If you are unsure email Lesley at Lesley.Beran@gmail.com and she can check to see if there is something waiting for you.
Thank you for supporting St. Brigid Spiritwear.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Christmas Internet/Technology Tips
Your child might be receiving some new tech toys/gadgets this year! Please keep in mind that these new gifts should be looked at like any other gift that requires new skills.
Remember when you bought your child’s first bike? You had to teach them to ride it. You should approach this new tech toy/gadget the same way.
Recommended topics to discuss:
- Explain privacy settings and show them how to use them. Warn them about sharing personal information.
- Check their apps and see if location services are enabled. Disable the ones you do not want tracked.
- Look at “tagging” settings on apps sharing photos and make sure your child’s identity is not revealed.
- Try to be involved as much as you can with their life online so that they feel comfortable talking with you about concerns they have.
Have a safe and happy buildup to Christmas!
Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
Car Rider Pick Up Change Beginning January 18
AM car rider drop off will start five minutes later, at 7:40, on any day when the actual temperature or wind chill is 15 degrees or colder.
Please remember that no child should ever exit a car until our morning crew comes outside. Thanks for your help and care for our teachers.
We will switch the order of afternoon car rider dismissal when we reach the halfway point in the school year. Starting Tuesday, January 18, 2022, we will dismiss the L-Z car riders at 2:50 and the A-K car riders will be dismissed at 3:05.
Help Earn Rewards for St. Brigid this Christmas Season!
Remember St. Brigid of Kildare School when you do your holiday shopping on Amazon this year! With every eligible purchase, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% to the charity of your choice.
1. To set St. Brigid of Kildare School as your preferred charity, visit smile.amazon.com and search for St. Brigid of Kildare.
2. Save smile.amazon.com to your desktop favorites OR add a shortcut to your phone’s home screen.
3. Remember to use smile.amazon.com each time you shop on Amazon!
Prospective Families School Open House
Sunday, January 9 from 3-5 PM
This is the perfect time for interested friends, family or neighbors to explore our three-time Blue Ribbon School. Prospective families can tour our school and see first-hand how Saint Brigid of Kildare School provides a quality Catholic education in a warm environment. There will be representatives from Saint Brigid of Kildare School’s many programs available to answer questions.
Spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested in applying to Saint Brigid of Kildare School for the 2022-2023 school year! And remember, families who refer families can receive tuition credits. Learn more about this program here.
Christmas with the Chosen
Looking for a way to pass the days until Christmas? Consider watching "Christmas with the Chosen: The Global Live Event." This beautiful concert is available through Youtube. Also, the Christmas pilot episode from the Chosen series is now available though the Chosen app or the link below. Sharing even part of this film or nativity episode will bring you and your family peace and joy!
News from Our Parish Community
Christmas Mass Reservations Required
Reservations will be required to attend a Mass on Christmas Eve (4:00 PM, 6:30 PM, 9:00 PM) and Christmas Day (9:00 AM, 11:00 AM). The church will be seated to full capacity, with the exception of the section by the Baptismal Font reserved for social distancing. Masks are strongly recommended.
Reservations closed on Monday, December 13 at 12 noon. All Christmas Eve Masses will be livestreamed, and the 9 AM Christmas Day Mass will be livestreamed.
Christmas Cookie Exchange
Wednesday, December 15th at 7 PM | Hendricks Hall
Join us at 7 pm on Wednesday, December 15th for a Christmas Cookie Exchange! All parishioners are invited to participate in this cookie exchange.
Please RSVP below to register for the event. Registration for the event ends on Friday, December 10th.
A few rules for our Cookie Exchange:
- All participants should bring (3) dozen of their favorite cookies in exchange for (3) dozen cookies.
- All cookies should be packaged in quantities of 6. This means you will bring (6) packs of cookies with (6) cookies in each pack.
- All cookies must be homemade (or purchased from a bakery; not a grocery store).
- You can deliver the cookies to Hendricks Hall Kitchen anytime on Wednesday, December 15th or you can bring the cookies with you. We will display all cookies prior to the exchange.
- You are encouraged (but not required) to bring copies of your recipe with you to share.
We will have light hor d'oeuvres and holiday drinks for you to enjoy as you mingle. Christmas attire is encouraged and masks are recommended.
News from Our Catholic High Schools
BWHS Applications for Class of 2026
BWHS is now accepting applications for the class of 2026, through January 31, 2022.
The following are links to information you might find useful:
Please feel free to contact Director of Admissions, Mary Kate Harris, with any questions. She can be reached at mcampbell@cdeducation.org or by calling (614) 268-8671 ext. 284.
St. Charles Upcoming Events
Below are upcoming events at St. Charles:
- Saturday, January 29 Academic Scholarship Test for 8th graders, 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m.
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.