U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)

January 10, 2023

Fourth graders enjoying time with their preschool buddies

For more photos, follow us on our Instagram or Facebook account.


Mon, Jan 15: No School - MLK Jr Day

Tues, Jan 16: Spelling Bee (1:30 PM)

Thurs, Jan 18: Early Release (1:30 PM)

Thurs, Jan 25: Crucial Conversations with Jesse Weinberger (6:30 PM)

Sun, Jan 28: School Open House (3-5 PM)

Sun, Jan 28 - Fri, Feb 2: Catholic Schools Week

Tues, Jan 30: Student-Led Conferences Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 (4-6:30 PM)

Wed, Jan 31: Student-Led Conferences Grades K, 1, 2, 7, 8 (4-6:30 PM

Thurs, Feb 1: Home & School Meeting (10 AM)

Fri, Feb 2: Hounds Hoopla

Sun, Feb 4: Book Fair begins

Thurs, Feb 8: Coffee & Donuts Parent Social (10 AM)

Sat, Feb 10: First Communion Retreat

Mon, Feb 12: SAC Meeting

Wed, Feb 14: Ash Wednesday (School Mass 9 AM)

Thurs, Feb 15: Early Release (1:30 PM)

Fri, Feb 16: No School

Mon, Feb 19: No School - President's Day


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The O'Reilly Minute

Dear Parents,

This week we welcome Jesse Weinberger, a nationally recognized speaker, TEDx Presenter and host of Big Mamas House podcast.  Jesse will be speaking on Friday, January 12th with our students in grades 4- 8 about internet safety, the value of technology, and also its mental health impact.  Additionally Jesse will be providing the students with an anonymous survey to collect data that she will share with all of our parents when she returns on January 25th at 6:30 pm for our parent evening.  This parent evening is suitable for parents of all ages -- toddler to college students, and will highlight the value vs. the risk of tech use, how our own adult use of technology affects our children, and the causal impact technology has on the mental health of our children.  

I believe so strongly in the importance of parents attending this evening, I am offering that evening a dress down day ticket for each of your children to use on a day of their choosing. This event is also open to all members of the parish and to your extended family members, neighbors, work colleagues, etc.  The more people who hear this message, the more we can help our children to be better digital citizensPlease see the article below for more information and to RSVP for the event.  

Student-Led Conferences are coming up on Tuesday, January 30 for grades 3, 4, 5 and 6, and Wednesday, January 31 for grades K, 1, 2, 7 and 8. Please use the link below to sign up for your child's homeroom teacher's conference.

Conference Sign Up

Today I would also like to share with you that we are going to be closing our school (along with Dublin City Schools and Olentangy Local Schools) on Monday, April 8th due to the solar eclipse.  Delaware County will have a front seat for viewing the total eclipse from 3:08 pm - 3:19 pm. Local planners are expecting a dramatic influx of visitors to the area, perhaps even doubling the population for the day, causing traffic congestion and an increased demand for food and fuel.   Please see the article below to learn more details about this scientific event and the resources available on our website.  This is a great educational opportunity for all!   

Please note we will be practicing a school safety drill next Wednesday, January 17. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to Bruce McKenna at


Kathy O’Reilly

Photo Newsletters: 4th Grade

Click the link below to view a photo album and learn what the students have been up to in class.

4th Grade Photos

Crucial Conversations: Nationally Recognized Speaker Jesse Weiberger Coming Jan 25: RSVP Now Open

Crucial Conversations is a parenting speaker series for St. Brigid of Kildare Parish and School parents of school-aged children, focusing on student wellness and safety.

Internet Safety for Parents with Jesse Weinberger

Thursday, January 25 | 6:30 PM

Nationally recognized internet safety speaker Jesse Weinberger will share guidance, data, and life-changing information on keeping children and families safer online, and the connection between social media and mental health.

  • Do you hand your child your iPad or smartphone to ‘play with’?
  • Do you understand the sexual predation risks associated with your child playing otherwise benign games like Clash of Clans or Words with Friends ?
  • Do you realize that your very young children (ages 6-10) have probably already been exposed to online pornography?

If any of these surprised you, come and learn more at the Internet Safety for Parents presentation on January 25!

This presentation applies to all parents. Whether your child is a toddler or a college student, technology is having an impact on their day-to-day life as well as their future outcomes.

As parents, we may not realize that our children are hypersexualized by digital content, how our own adult use of technology changes them, and the causal impact technology has on their mental health.

Jesse Weinberger is a former programmer, a nationally recognized speaker, TEDx presenter, and the host of Big Mama's House Podcast. Jesse is also the author of The Boogeyman Exists: And He's in Your Child's Back Pocket, 2nd ed. With over 15 years of speaking at school districts all over the United States, Jesse's particular skill is successfully reaching audiences with the perfect combination of humor and deep expertise in technology and digital content.

Learn more about Jesse at her website


Student-Led Conference Sign Ups

Student-Led Conferences are coming up on Tuesday, January 30 for grades 3, 4, 5 and 6, and Wednesday, January 31 for grades K, 1, 2, 7 and 8. Please use the link below to sign up for your child's homeroom teacher's conference.

Conference Sign Ups

Hounds Hoopla is Feb 2

Hounds Hoopla is coming Friday, February 2nd from 6-8PM at our school! 

Join us for Bingo, a DJ dance party, magician, crafts, face painting and fun! Pizza, snacks and drinks included. Entry is $28 per family. The registration link and volunteer sign up are below.

Donations Needed

Donations are needed for Bingo prizes. A donation box will be in the main office area outside the nurse's office. Great donation item ideas include gift cards for the older kids in the $10-20 amount, crafts, stuffed animals, games, sports equipment like soccer balls, plastic bats and balls, little kids ball gloves, nail polish, hair accessories.  

Anything new, unopened or in like new condition we would look forward to having on the prize table.  

Volunteer Sign Up

Thank you, Major Cesarz!

Aircraft Commander Major Denny Cesarz, father of students Wyatt and Cora Cesarz, recently sent our school an American flag and certificate from when he was recently deployed in Israel. This flag was flown for Saint Brigid of Kildare School on November 22, 2023 by the 89th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron. It was flown aboard a U.S. Air Force C-17A Globemaster III deployed from Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar in support of Operation Spartan Shield. 

We are very blessed that Major Cesarz is now safely home! Thank you to Major Cesarz for sending our school this special gift of the American Flag.  

Announcing St. Brigid's 2024 Spring Musical

Auditions will take place in February and are open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. More details to come!

Dress Rehearsal: Sunday, April 28th - 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm

School Performance: Wednesday, May 1st - 1:15 pm

Evening Performance: Thursday, May 2nd - 7:00 pm

Evening Performance: Friday, May 3rd- 7:00 pm

For more information on the show, please visit:

For questions contact:

Crystal Bensonhaver

Preparing for the Solar Eclipse, April 8

In anticipation of the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, St. Brigid of Kildare School will be closed. Delaware County residents will have a front-row seat to view the total solar eclipse from 3:08—3:19 p.m. 

If skies are clear, viewers can expect to feel a slight dip in air temperature as the sun’s light is dimmed. Bright stars or planets may shine through the darkened daytime sky. A moment of quiet may follow as animals take notice of the change and grow calm. 

Cities in or near the path of the total eclipse are preparing for an influx of travelers and traffic. Planners anticipate that those traveling to and through Delaware County could double the county’s population on the day of the eclipse causing increased demand on food and fuel. You may see drivers pulling over to view the event from the shoulder of the road.  

Without proper eye protection, it is not safe to view the eclipse. Our school has purchased enough viewing glasses for all of our students in preschool - grade 8. We have also purchased one extra pair for each family so that a parent may also view. The extra pair will go home with the youngest and only.  

This is an exciting educational event for our children -- see the flyers at the link below to learn more about the eclipse and how to safely view with young children.

North American Total Eclipse of the Sun - Information Sheet

Preparing for the Eclipse with Young Children

Gifts of Gratitude - Thank You!

Thank you so much to all of the families who have donated to Gifts of Gratitude so far this year. The teachers and staff are so very appreciative of the Christmas gifts and the luncheon that these funds were able to provide.

If you haven't yet had the opportunity to donate- it's not too late! The Gifts of Gratitude funds are also used for the end of year appreciation luncheon as well as other fun things throughout the year for our teachers and staff.

Not sure if you've donated? Please check with Sarah Graf at and she can let you know. Thank you so much for your generosity.


Spring Sports Registration is Open

Registration for Spring Baseball, Softball, and Track & Field has been opened and available at 


Registration Fee: $160 - includes game jersey and hat.

Practices will begin around March 1, and games will go from April 1 until May 12 (exact schedule released end of March)


Registration Fee: $160 - includes game jersey and hat/visor.

Practices will begin around March 1, and games will go from April 1 until May 12 (exact schedule released end of March)

Track & Field

Registration Fee: $85 

Practices will begin around March 1, and meets will go from April 1 until May 12 (exact meet schedule released in March)

Want to help out with the teams this spring?  All 3 sports are in need of coaches (head coaches and assistant coaches) - please consider volunteering.  When you sign up your child you can provide details if you are interested in helping out. Our programs are driven by parents volunteering - so please consider giving some of your time to help out.

Have any questions about the spring season?

Baseball/Softball Commissioner - Will Maelrich (

Track & Field Commissioner - Dan Workman (

Registration Questions - Shawn Steinbrunner (

Registration will run until Feb 23rd - but we are offering an Early Bird Discount of 10% off if you register before January 31st - so sign up today.

Schoolbelles Sale

The next Schoolbelles sale will be January 11-15, 2024. Please make sure to register with them to receive sale notifications. 

St. Brigid Soccer Survey: Deadline Today


St. Brigid Athletic Association is considering starting a soccer program at St. Brigid. The Diocese has always had a soccer program, which currently runs the season from July until around Labor Day.  Every year a couple of St. Brigid students will join with another parish that has enough players to field a team, but traditionally St. Brigid didn't have enough interest to have a full dedicated set of teams/coaches.  

We would love our community to enjoy the sport together, so we are looking to find out how much interest there is for official teams from St. Brigid.   

Currently the diocese offers boys and girls soccer for 4th-8th grade, but they are looking to collect feedback from parishes on if there is interest in 1st - 3rd grade also.  They are also deciding if they keep the season as it is or extend the season to run a little longer with more games .  We have the ability to provide them feedback, so it's important that we get some information from you.  

Fee's will be estimated to be around $150-$180 per player, and they would most likely start practices towards the end of June or early July.  Season is compact, which in the past also allowed for players to play other sports like Cross Country, Volleyball, or Football - all at the same time. Some kids may even compliment their other soccer playing at a club or DSL rec program by getting in some extra games with friends at St. Brigid.  

Please let us know your child’s interest by completing our soccer interest survey form.

We would like to collect all interest by January 10th, 2024 to help with planning at the Parish and the Diocese level.


Prospective Families: Open House RSVP & New Family Application Now Open

Sunday, January 28 from 3-5 PM

This is the perfect time for interested friends, family or neighbors to explore our three-time Blue Ribbon School. Prospective families can tour our school and see first-hand how Saint Brigid of Kildare School provides a quality Catholic education in a warm environment. There will be representatives from Saint Brigid of Kildare School’s many programs available to answer questions.

Spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested in applying to Saint Brigid of Kildare School for the 2024-2025 school year!

Registration Reminders:

  • Our new family application and the open house RSVP is now open. This is for any new children entering preschool or K-8 that are not currently enrolled at St. Brigid School. Anyone interested in applying for the next school year can learn more about the process here.
  • Current family re-registration for K-8 and those returning to preschool will take place January 19-26, 2024.
  • If you have a currently enrolled St. Brigid preschool student wishing to move on to Kindergarten, you will fill out a re-enrollment packet beginning January 19th. Completing this re-enrollment packet for Kindergarten will place you in the general queue for review/acceptance along with all other Kindergarten applicants. You will be notified via email of acceptance/wait list status on or before February 12, 2024.
RSVP for Open House

Save the Date—Uniform and Spirit Wear Exchange to be held Feb 25, 2024 10 am-1 pm

To everyone who donates, volunteers, and uses the uniform and spirit wear exchange—thank you so much! Your donations help other families and reduce waste! In the coming months, please gather gently used items your children no longer need and donate them to the school office beginning February 1st Items accepted include all logo and non-logo uniform items AND spirit wear and PE uniforms. Non-logo articles that are not claimed at exchange will be donated to the Bishop Griffin Resource CenterRememberyou don’t need to donate to “shop” the exchange!

News from Our Parish & Community

Corks for a Cause 2024 - Sponsorship + Donation Opportunities

We are excited to hold our 17th annual Corks for a Cause Silent Auction and Wine Tasting for SPiCE on Saturday, March 2, 2024. We can't wait to celebrate Music City with our Nashville Nights theme!

There are several ways to help support this event, through volunteering, becoming an event sponsor, donating auction items, or donating wine or bourbon bottles.

If you are able to help in any of these ways, please reach out to Sarah Moore at

Sponsorship Opportunities

Youth Sunday for 6th, 7th & 8th Graders - January 14

Join our Youth Ministry for Youth Sunday after the 11 AM Mass in Enke Hall on Sunday, January 14. All 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited! There will be lunch, games, and a guest speaker.

Friends are welcome and RSVP is required! RSVP at the link below.


Upcoming Adult Faith Formation Events & Bible Studies

Catholic Social Teaching Session with Deacon Don

Have you ever struggled to know what to do in a certain situation? How would the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching help as a guide? 

How do we utilize these teachings to live our lives in the secular world? Deacon Don Poirier will give an overview on Social Justice on Tuesday, January 23 at 7:00 pm in the Berry Room of Hendricks Hall. 

Christian Morality Session with Deacon Paul

Have you ever wondered about the overall church teaching on morality? What are the foundations of Christian morality? What role does the conscience play? How does this impact how we live our lives as Christians? Deacon Paul Zemanek will give an overview on Christian Morality on Tuesday, January 16 at 7:00 pm in the Berry Room of Hendricks Hall. 

 If you are interested in attending either of these sessions, please email Kim VanHuffel at 

Our wonderful Women’s Bible Study has a mission of growing in Christ, together in community, through the study of Scripture.  In January, this group will begin the Jesus and the Eucharist Study. This seven-session series immerses participants in the gospel proclamation and unveils God’s saving work in the Eucharist. They meet in the Carr Room on Tuesday afternoons from 1-2:30 p.m. For more information contact Teresa Salmeron at

Our Men’s Bible Study consists off a great group of faith-filled men who have the mission to reach a deeper relationship with God though a better understanding of scripture. By that study, they hope to improve their lives and the lives of those they touch. They are currently studying the first book of the Bible, Genesis, using the Little Rock Scripture Study. They meet in the Deacon’s Room on Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. for more information contact Wayne Booker at

Sisters in Christ is a ministry that cultivates prayer and community with other women and emphasizes our need for spiritual friendships. This group provides a weekly structure for women to spend time learning about God and the Catholic faith and journeying with other women. A new study on Theology of the Body with Christopher West will begin in January for five weeks until Lent. Then the group will take seven weeks to participate in the Jesus and the Eucharist study, and finally, will return to finish the last five weeks of Theology of the Body in the spring. These women meet Wednesday afternoons from 1:15 - 2:45 pm. For more information contact Cheryl Hohlefelder at

Requirements to Volunteer with our Children

If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Diocese of Columbus at


The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) sessions: 

 1/10/2024 DeSales HS Cafeteria (Columbus) 6pm

Fingerprinting available prior to this session 5pm


All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Full details and forms can be found at 

News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at

BWHS Pickleball Social

Compete or learn to play at our first ever Pickleball Social!  There is a pickleball category for everyone age 21 & over.

When & Where:  Saturday, February 3, 6:00 PM-10:00 PM at the Pickle Shack in Delaware (US Rt 42).

Play already? Get a partner and register your team for beginner, intermediate, or advanced competitions.

Want to learn? Individuals can register for our 1-hour Learn-to-Play clinic.

Meet some Watterson families - event is open to all but looking to connect Watterson families - past, present, and future.

Registration is limited to 100 people, so get registered soon at

Interested in being a sponsor or have questions - contact Tyler Johnston (

Future Cardinals

Calling all future Cardinals!

Join us on January 30th at 7:30 PM to watch the Cards take on Hilliard Davidson in the new Frank Murphy Convocation Center.

Join us for pizza and drinks at 7 PM. The game tips at 7:30 PM.

Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship Test: Each year, St. Charles offers a scholarship test to incoming freshmen. This year the scholarship test will be administered on January 27, 2024 (9:00am and 1:00pm). There will also be a make-up day on February 4, 2024 (1:00pm) should you be unable to make the January 27 assessments.

Charism Essay Scholarship: These awards are grants for incoming freshmen students who have exemplified the values of our school or qualities of the school's patron saint, Charles Borromeo, in their daily lives. Students will come to St. Charles to write their essay on either January 24th (6:00pm) or January 27th (12:00pm and 4:00pm).


  • Students MUST have applied to be a member of the class of 2028.

  • Students should register to take these assessments in advance by using the link that is emailed to them after completing the application process
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.
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