Sixth graders work in groups to calculate the density of various objects.
Upcoming Events:
Jan 27 - Feb 1
Catholic Schools Week
Wed, Jan 30
Report Cards Published
Student-Led Conferences:
Grades 3, 4, 7, 8 (5-7 PM)
Thurs, Jan 31
Student-Led Conferences: Grades K, 1, 2, 5, 6 (5-7 PM)
Fri, Feb 1
Feast of Saint Brigid
School Mass (9 am)
New Family Breakfast (9:45 am)
Sat, Feb 2
First Communion Retreat (10-12 pm)
Student-Led Conferences were listed incorrectly in the original O'Reilly Minute below. We have corrected the error and highlighted the correct conference info below. We apologize for the confusion!
Dear Parents,
Next week we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week! The theme "Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed." encompasses the core values that can be found in Catholic schools. Not only are we teaching students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and enriched citizens, we, as educators, are growing with them. In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants and leaders. These shared qualities are what make Catholic schools work. They are what make Catholic schools succeed.
Please join us as your schedule permits as we celebrate our Catholic school next week:
Sunday, January 27 - Celebrating the Parish
Catholic schools benefit all year long from the religious guidance, prayers and support that parishes provide. We are thankful for the support of our parish!
Monday, January 28 - Celebrating the Community
A central aspect of Catholic education is learning the importance of service to others. Through service opportunities, both local and global, students demonstrate the values and faith they gain through their Catholic education and learn how to make the world a better place.
At 8:30 AM we will kick off the week with a prayer service with a
Catholic Relief Services Ark of Hope theme.
A Service project will will be presented which will extend through Lent to raise money for an "Ark of Hope." This project will also offer an opportunity to learn about the needs of people all around the world.
Students will write letters to parents thanking them for Catholic Education.
Tuesday, January 29 - Celebrating Students
Students contribute to the success of Catholic schools. Students are encouraged to reflect on the benefits of Catholic education.
- Student Appreciation Day!
- Watterson vs. St. Brigid Basketball at 1:30 pm in our gym
- Spirit Day - students are encouraged to dress down in the school colors of green and yellow or to wear Spirit wear.
- Favorite student lunch: Calzones, salad, mandarin oranges, brownie
Wednesday, January 30 - Celebrating Families
Parents, guardians and other family members play a vital role in Catholic education. We acknowledge the role of families as partners in Catholic Education.
Families instill values and expectations for academic excellence.
- We will hold Student-Led Conferences from 5-7 PM this evening for grades 3, 4, 7, and 8. Families will be able to spend time together at the conferences and celebrate learning. Students will share letters they've written with parents.
Thursday, January 31 - Celebrating Families and Creativity
Creativity is gift from God! We celebrate the importance of this gift and how we can use it to learn, serve, lead and succeed.
We will hold Student-Led Conferences from 5-7 PM this evening for grades K, 1, 2, 5 and 6. Families will be able to spend time together at the conferences and celebrate learning. Students will share letters they've written with parents.
We will hold school-wide meditation at in the morning, which will include a Scripture theme of serving and leading.
Following meditation will be an Hour of Creativity, where students will creatively represent how they will use their talents and strengths to learn, serve, lead, and succeed.
Friday, February 1 - Celebrating Faculty and Staff
Teachers and staff are the backbone of Catholic schools. We celebrate and thank them for their service on this day.
The celebration will continue with Feast Day parties in the afternoon.
Please join us for 9:00 AM Mass as we pray the Litany to St. Brigid to continue to watch over our school and provide our students with an opportunity to learn in a faith-based school.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Lunch sponsored by Home and School. Families are invited to send a thank you note to teachers and or staff.
I am grateful every day for the teachers, staff, parents, students, SAC board members, Home and School volunteers, and Athletic Association volunteers who work together to make our school so successful. National Catholic Schools Week is a good time for all of us to thank everyone in our community for their dedication and service.
May the blessings of St. Brigid guide you each day,
Photo Newsletters: 5th & 6th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Student-Led Conferences Next Week
Student-Led Conferences will be held Wednesday, January 30 for grades 3, 4, 7 and 8, and Thursday, January 31 for grades K, 1, 2, 5 and 6. Please use the links below to sign up for your conference slot.
Uniform Exchange February 10
There will be a school uniform exchange on Sunday, February 10 from 9 a.m. - noon in the school cafeteria -- this will be at the same time as the Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast. Any family can attend the uniform exchange to pick up uniforms they need at no cost. It's simple -- just show up, look through the uniforms and leave with what you need.
If dropping off gently used uniforms please mark each item with its appropriate size.
Pizza Bingo: Registration Open
Friday, February 8
Pizza Bingo is around the corner! We are collecting toy donations for bingo prizes from now until February 7. There is a bin in the main office for you to drop off your item.
Nutrition Wellness Wednesday
Last week all students received a food log in their Friday Folders for their Nutrition Challenge!
As a reminder, this log is due back to their homeroom teachers on Monday, January 28th. Please help them choose as many healthy snacks and meals to earn them "points" for substitutions! The results will be tallied by Wednesday, January 30th, and the top 3 classes with the most substitutions will be announced and will win a prize!
Corks for a Cause
Save the date for our 12th annual Corks for a Cause, benefiting St. Brigid of Kildare SPiCE, taking place Saturday, March 2.
Watch your mail for an invitation and ticket purchasing information -- purchase tickets early, they will sell out.
Make It a Date!
A Night Out to Strengthen Your Marriage
Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019
6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
Hendrick's Hall at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish
All married and engaged couples are invited
to St. Brigid's 17th Make It A Date! event.
Your evening begins with light appetizers and
a chance to socialize with other St. Brigid couples.
Protecting God's Children Training
All volunteers 18 years and older and volunteering in ministries involving children are required to take VIRTUS Protecting God's Children, complete a fingerprinting background check, volunteer application and signed code of conduct. The following PGC sessions are being offered. For additional information, visit
- Tuesday, January 29 at 7:00 pm at St. Joan of Arc
- Thursday, January 31 at 6:30 pm at St. Brendan's
- Monday, February 4th at 10:00 at St. Brigid
Spring Sports Registration Open
New Registration Website
Registration is open for baseball, softball, track & field, and lil hounds volleyball!
SBAA has a brand new athletics website and registration tool!
With the new site, there is a new registration process for Saint Brigid Athletics:
- Register for a New Account to establish your family's account.
- Once you have your account, you can register for any of our available programs, and sign up for multiple with multiple children.
- Payment must be completed with a Visa/Mastercard through the secure website and charges will appear as "Blue Sombrero Sport Reg" on your statement.
Here is a quick review of this Spring's Wolfhound offerings:
- Wolfhound Track & Field - 4ththru 8thgrade boys and girls, cost = $ 85.00, starts in early March, finished up in early May. Contact = Dan Workman attrack@gowolfhounds.com.
- Wolfhound Boys Baseball & Girls Softball- 4ththru 8thgrade boys and girls, cost = $ 160.00, starts in early March, runs thru 3rd week of May. Contact = Mike Matthews atbaseball@gowolfhounds.com
- Lil Hounds Volleyball- 2nd& 3rd grade boys & girls, cost = $ 75.00, starts in early April, runs thru mid-May, once per week, get the little hounds used to the basics of Volleyball! Contact = Rob Hooper atvolleyball@gowolfhounds.com
*Please note student athletes are eligible to participate in both Track & Field and Baseball or Softball. The Diocesan Track Meets are scheduled to as to NOT interfere or overlap with the Baseball/Softball games.
If you have any questions or problems with the registration, reach out right away to info@gowolfhounds.com. We all want to improve and make the new process as smooth as possible -- as soon as possible.
Liturgical Minister Training
Training for new Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Greeters and Ushers/Jr. Ushers is scheduled for Saturday, February 9 in the Church beginning at 8:30 a.m. Online Registration is available for all ministries at
If you have ever considered serving the church as a liturgical minister, now is the time to answer the call. PLEASE consider one of these ministries.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition - Postponed
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition has been postponed. More information to follow.
Columbus Catholic Women's Conference
February 16, 2019
Tickets are $45 online now, $50 at the door, and $30 for discounted student tickets.
Upcoming PERC Dublin Events
PERC (Parents Encouraging Responsible Choices) Dublin is hosting several great parenting education sessions coming up:
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at awing@cdeducation.org