January 15, 2020
Sixth grade visitors help first graders read their notes from Santa’s elves!
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The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

Please join us for a mandatory parent meeting tomorrow, Thursday, January 16 at 7 PM in the school gymnasium. Monsignor and I will welcome Adam Dufault, Superintendent of the Diocese of Columbus Catholic Schools, along with other school speakers to discuss the state of our diocese and our Catholic school, along with an exciting new program announcement for our families. Please RSVP for this meeting at this link if you have not yet.

Next Wednesday, Jan 22 at 2 PM we will be conducting a school safety drill practicing the principle of barricading. Please talk with your children about this drill before and after. This drill will be done in a very scripted manner and at a low level, and is not intended to be stressful. If you have any questions, please reach out to Bruce McKenna, Campus Safety and Security, at mr.mckenna@stbrigid-school.org.

Catholic Schools Week will take place the week of January 27th. Students will have an opportunity for a "Choose Your Own Dress Down Day" on Thursday, January 30, which also happens to be the 100th day of school. Students may use their creativity to dress according to the theme of 100 or school colors. Some ideas might be....dress like you are 100 years old, dress like you lived 100 years ago, decorate your shirt with 100 items, make a shirt with the number 100 on it, wear an outfit of school colors, wear your favorite spirit wear, wear your St. Brigid basketball jersey....your choice !!!!

Kathy O'Reilly
Photo Newsletters: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
2020-2021 Calendar Dates
The diocese has announced major calendar dates for the 2020-2021 school year.
Crucial Conversations presents: The Culture of Safety - This Week
These small group meetings will be 30-minute presentations, followed by Q&A and discussion. You are welcome to stay for as long as you are able. Coffee will be provided, snacks and food are welcome. Meetings will be held in the church loft (Deacon’s Room).

January Meeting - How We're Keeping Your Kids Safe:
Learn about the safety principles and changes made here at St. Brigid, tactics for maintaining a safe and alert campus, and skills that can be applied to any workplace or public environment.

Meeting Dates:
  • Thursday, January 16, 9:45 AM
  • Wednesday, January 22, 12 noon
  • Wednesday, January 22, 7 PM
Register by Monday for Hounds Hoopla (formerly Pizza Bingo)!
Registration deadline is this Monday, January 20 for Hounds Hoopla, which takes place from 6-8:30 next Friday, January 24!

This is a great family event at Saint Brigid of Kildare School! There will be many new items this year, including:
  • Newly announced - face painting!
  • A DJ
  • A magician
  • Integrity gymnastics
  • Character visits
  • Crafts
  • A special 6th-8th grade only DJ party time

Along with many of the previous activities, including pizza and bingo of course!

Face Painting Volunteers Needed:
High school or parent volunteers that would be willing to donate their time to be a face painter at Hounds Hoopla are needed! If interested, contact Maria McClain at 614.306.2558 or mariamcclain@yahoo.com.

Donations Needed:
Hounds Hoopla donations are now being accepted. A donation box will be in the main office area outside the nurse's office. Hounds Hoopla relies 95% on donations from families to make this another successful family fun night.
SPiCE Skillbuilding Scoop: Study Strategies
By Stacie Williams, Guidance Counselor

One of the most daunting tasks your child will undertake in middle school is studying. Try not to let them get overwhelmed by all of the information they must remember or apply. Help them find a way to organize it all.  

Study tips:  
  • Think of your learning strengths before deciding on a study technique.   
  • Organize your study space.
  • Use flow charts and diagrams
  • Take regular breaks (study for 30 min, then take a 5 min break).
  • Snack on brain food (nuts, seeds, yogurt, blueberries)
  • Practice with old exams or tests.
Home & School Meetings - New Dates/Times
Home & School has changed some of their meeting dates and times for the remainder of the year to accommodate more schedules. The remaining meetings will be as follows:

Wed, Feb 5 at 10:00 AM
Wed, March 4 at 10:00 AM
Thurs, April 2 at 7:00 PM
Thurs, May 14 at 7:00 PM

All are welcome!
Uniform Exchange Feb 2
There will be a school uniform exchange on Sunday, February 2 from 9 AM – noon in the school cafeteria. This will be at the same time as the Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast. Any family can attend the uniform exchange to pick up the uniforms they need at no cost. It’s simple –– just show up, look through the uniforms and leave with what you need. 

If dropping off gently used uniforms please mark each item with its appropriate size.
Franklin County Public Health Flu Info
Flu in Franklin County is at high intensity. Many people, young and old are sick. The flu is very contagious and comes on suddenly. If students start showing symptoms of the flu, urge parents to seek medical care quickly - antiviral medication can be prescribed if diagnosed within the first 48 hours!

Help prevent the spread:
  • Get a flu shot - it is NOT too late.
  • Stay home if you are sick. Keep children home from school of they are sick.
  • Wash your hands often.
Reduce Next Year's Tuition by Participating in the Scrip Program
Through Scrip, families purchase gift cards from nearly 750+ retailers and receive a rebate that is later credited to their tuition bill. What makes St. Brigid’s program special is that 100% of the rebate or discount is credited to each participating family’s individual St. Brigid tuition account.

By partnering with the Great Lakes Scrip Company, St. Brigid receives the gift cards at a discount ranging from nearly 2% to as much as 30%, based on the retailer. St. Brigid families pay face value for the cards and the difference is applied to next year’s tuition.

New bonuses from Jan. 11 to 17 include: Best Buy at 5%, Buffalo Wild wings at 10%, Domino’s at 11%, Red Robin at 11% and Fanatics at 11%. 

Scrip Now! and reloadable gift cards make it even easier for families to add up the savings. Scrip Now! are electronic gift cards that can be ordered online anytime of the day or night. They are sent to your e-mail account and can be printed out and taken to the store or used online.

Our next order deadline for the regular (non-electronic) gift cards is Monday, Jan 27 at midnight.

For more information on how you can take advantage of Scrip, please read the information sheet and print out the 2019-20 calendar, or contact Scrip co-chairs Susan Moreland at (614) 588-7502 and srfcmoreland@gmail.com, or Christine Drab at (614) 256-9065 and christinedrab@sbcglobal.net 

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition
All girls and boys ages 9 to 14 (as of 1/1/120) are invited to participate in the St. Brigid local competition for the 2020 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on Sunday, January 26th, at the St. Brigid grade school gymnasium.

For more information and registration forms, click the link below.
Protecting God's Children - Volunteer Training Sessions
All adult volunteers working with children in our parish and school need to complete the Diocesan safe environment requirements which include attending a Protecting God's Children (PGC) training session, completing a fingerprinting background check and application. Full details can be found here.

PGC registration is at www.virtus.org. Sessions offered this winter in the Diocese of Columbus: 

1/15, Wednesday at 6:00 pm - St. Francis DeSales High School
1/16, Thursday at 9:30 am - Ohio Dominican University
2/12, Wednesday at 6:00 pm - Holy Spirit
3/11, Wednesday at 6:00 pm - St. Agnes (Fingerprinting services will be available 5-6 pm) 

Please contact Stacey Nerone at snerone@stbrigidofkildare with questions. 
Family First: Mom to Mom
Don’t miss this chance to join Mom to Mom again or to try it for the first time! On Tuesday, January 21st, join the group in the Church basement at 9:30 am until 11 and read Death by Minivan by Heather Anderson Renshaw. Renshaw offers moms a spiritual guide and tips for surpassing road- blocks on the bumpy road of Catholic parenting and life.

Books are available for purchase on Amazon and also at Walmart and Target. The group will read together so there’s no need to read before the meetings!

Childcare will be provided in Carr Nursery! Please sign up if you plan to bring your children. The sign-up genius can be found at stbrigidofkildare.org/familyfirst.
Ohio State vs. Notre Dame Men's Hockey
Plan a night with your family or friends!

Use promo code "CATHOLIC" to get $9 tickets to the OSU vs. ND hockey games @ OSU.
St. Charles News for 5th-8th Grade Boys
St. Charles Offering Academic Scholarship Test January 25th for All 8th Grade Boys
St. Charles Preparatory School will offer its annual Academic Scholarship Test to prospective students at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25th in the Robert C. Walter Student Commons on the school’s campus (2010 East Broad Street). The exam is open to any 8th grade boy regardless of his current high school enrollment status. Test results determine which students will receive merit-based academic awards from the school for the 2020-2021 school year. For this 2019-2020 school year alone, St. Charles has offered more than $400,000 in academic scholarships and grants to its students. St. Charles is an Ed Choice participating school and is committed to providing financial aid to qualified families. Anyone interested in sitting for the St. Charles scholarship test may register by calling the school office at (614) 252-6714 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday-Friday or online at https://www.stcharlesprep.org/8th-grade-scholarship-test .

5th-8th Grade Boys Invited to Experience “Cardinal Madness” on January 20th
St. Charles Preparatory School invites all young men in the 5th-8th grades to join us for a Night of Cardinal Madness on Monday, January 20th. Meet new friends and

future classmates as the evening begins at 6:00 p.m. in our Campus Theater’s Cavello Center. Enjoy wings, sliders and refreshments before attending the St. Charles varsity basketball team’s home game at 7:00 p.m. Parents, who are also welcome to join us, may wish to tour the school, meet other families and learn more about the St. Charles experience. There is no cost for the young men or their parents, but we ask that those all those attending register their attendance by e-mail at nkeyes@scprep.org.