U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)

June 7, 2023

Our eighth graders enjoyed a new tradition of a clap out this year as they walked to the Leadership Mass on Friday. View more photos on our Instagram or Facebook page.


Sunday, Aug 20: New Family Breakfast

Tues, Aug 22: Kindergarten WOW Day

Tues, Aug 22: Meet the Teacher & Parent Admin Day (4-6 PM)

Wed, Aug 23: First Day for Last Names A-K (K-8)

Thurs, Aug 24: First Day for Last Names L-Z (K-8)

Fri, Aug 25: All Students in School (K-8)


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The O'Reilly Minute

Dear Parents,

Our final day for the 2022 - 2023 school year was truly memorable. We began the day with the entire student body lining the path to church to “clap out” our 8th grade class.  As a school community we attended the Leadership Mass to celebrate our 8th graders passing the torch of leadership to our 7th grade. We also celebrated 11 teachers and staff for their leadership and anniversary years of service.  

5 years:

Hillary Harper - Preschool Director

Megan Wachalec - Admissions Director

Mary Curtin - Preschool Teacher

Cheryl Hohlefelder - Preschool staff

10 years:

Jenny Ventresco - Educational Support Assistant 

15 years:

 Sandy Peecook - Office Manager

20 years:

Molly Long - 2nd grade teacher

Kathy Wodarcyk - 5th-6th Science Teacher

Colleen Zetzer - Middle school Intervention Specialist

25 years:

Marcia Kelty - Library assistant

Rich Cremeans - Facilities staff

We ended the day with a school family picnic! It was a day of great joy and celebration.  Please take a few minutes and enjoy the photos in the album below. 

Please remember the deadline to order School Supply Kits is June 20. See the article below for ordering details.

Please watch for an email today at Noon announcing that your child’s report cards are ready to view. 

We have prayed, we have studied, and we have played, and now it is time to take our summer break to renew, refresh and prepare for the 2022 - 2023 school year.

Thank you for a great year and on behalf of the entire school faculty and staff we wish you a restful, prayerful and fun-filled summer.

Summer Blessings,

Kathy O'Reilly

Congratulations Class of 2023

We had a great last week of school wrapping up the school year and honoring our 8th grade students at graduation, the leadership Mass, and a fun new tradition this year -- a clap out!

Congratulations to the Saint Brigid of Kildare School class of 2023, we will keep you in our prayers as you move forward to the next chapter of your lives.

To view photos, click the link below.

View Photos

FACTS 23-24 Tuition Payment Plans

FACTS 2023-2024 Tuition Payment Plan Agreements will be finalized on June 22, 2023. Please pay close attention to the emails you will receive from FACTS regarding: 

  • The date FACTS will process the service fee and the Peace of Mind fee if you elected the POM option.  
  • The date your 2023-2024 tuition will begin processing.
  • Returning families/students: Your 2023-2024 FACTS tuition payment plan defaults to the terms of your 2022-2023 tuition payment plan. Please make sure the information in SIS is correct (address/phone number/email address as this information is linked to your payment plan).  
  • New families: Please review the payment plan established when you submitted your school acceptance packet.

If you need to make a change to your payment plan, please contact Jackie Mack at jmack@stbrigidofkildare.org or 614.761.3734, ext. 247. You do not need to create a new agreement. Jackie will process the changes. Deadline for changes for 7/5/23 processing is 6/30/23, for 7/20/23 processing the deadline is 7/17/23.

SPiCE Committee Chairs Needed

The SPiCE program at St. Brigid of Kildare thrives because of the time and talent of our volunteers -- without your support, these programs wouldn't be possible. Because of this program, we are able to support the educational needs of all children, especially those with special learning needs, as we strive to serve a variety of learning styles, providing diversity in the classroom environment. To learn more about SPICE, click here.

The SPiCE program is actively seeking to fill the roles of chair, vice chair, and secretary for the upcoming 23-24 school year. Below is more information about how you can support SPiCE at St. Brigid of Kildare through these positions.

  • Chair Person: Duties include the calling of, and presiding over, all meetings of the Executive Committee, along with setting the agenda for the meetings (four per year). The Chair Person has the responsibility for representing the SPICE committee outside of the parish activities. These events include activities such as meeting with other SPICE committees in the Diocese (twice per year). The Chair Person currently has a presence at Parent Admin Day, Sunday Socials, Ministry Weekend, and Corks for a Cause, and other appropriate events as they arise. The Chair Person shall serve in the capacity for a period of 1 year. 
  • Vice Chair Person: Duties will be to provide assistance to the Chair Person in case the Chair is unavailable for committee meetings (four per year). The Vice Chair Person will also share the responsibility with the Chair Person for representing the SPICE committee outside of the parish activities. These events include activities such as meeting with other SPICE committees in the Diocese. The Vice Chair Person shall serve in the capacity for a period of 1 year, until such time that the SPICE committee shall elect a new person. The Vice Chair Person will automatically be appointed into the Chair Person in the second year after the completion of the Vice Chair position. 
  • Secretary: Duties include soliciting agenda items from the executive and sub-committee members two weeks prior to the meeting date, creating the agenda and sending it out one week prior to the meeting date, and documenting meeting minutes and action items from committee meetings (four per year). In addition, the secretary will maintain the roster list of participants and send out meeting reminders. 

Meetings are held four times a year, typically in the evening in Hendricks Hall. The meeting dates and times can be set with the input of the new committee members.

If you are interested in serving our SPiCE board in one of these roles, or in a lesser role, please reach out to Jill Carfagna at mrs.carfagna@stbrigid-school.org or (614) 718-5825.

Thank you for your support!

PE Uniform Clarification for 23-24 & 24-25

We understand that the new gym uniform policy has caused a bit of confusion for some. Below is a clarification of the new policy that will hopefully help. The reason for the changes is that we have had a high number of students over the past few years not in compliance with the perimeters of the all-black, no logos policy. We are hopeful that moving forward these changes will make it easier for all to comply with the uniform policy and that the options and choices will be beneficial for all.

Next school year (2023-24): If you currently have an all-black gym uniform (jacket/pants) and green gym t-shirt, you will still be allowed to wear those for the upcoming school year. We realize some children can wear their gym uniforms for more than one year so there will be no need to purchase a new one if your current one will fit next school year. Remember: no logos please! If you need to purchase a new gym uniform, please refer to the new gym uniform policy for the 2024-2025 school year at the button below.

School year 2024-2025: Refer to the updates in the parent/student handbook revised 3/22/23 for specifics on materials and styles accepted. Gym pants and jackets will be all-black with no logos and must be purchased at the uniform store. The green gym t-shirt will still be part of the gym uniform. NEW: The black gym uniform jackets will now be required to have the crest embroidered on it and will also be an accepted layering piece to wear with your school uniform. There will also be green layering pieces available that will have an embroidered crest as well. ANY OF THESE LAYERING PIECES (GREEN OR BLACK) CAN BE WORN WITH BOTH THE GYM UNIFORM AND THE SCHOOL UNIFORM.  There will be no need to have both a green and a black layering piece unless you chose to purchase both.  There will be several options available in green or black and both will be acceptable to wear everyday with either uniform.

As a reminder, gym uniforms are required for grades 5-8 only. All of the green and black layering pieces available can be worn for grades P-8.

If you have any questions about the gym uniform, please feel free to contact Stacy Austin (317-694-6202) or Jaime Schiavone (614-595-5677) of the School Advisory Committee. 

Uniform Policy Changes

Catholic Education: Action Alert

Attention parents, parishioners, and Catholic school supporters! 

Lawmakers are currently weighing proposals to the biennial state budget to dramatically increase the availability of school choice scholarships such as EdChoice, which currently provides eligible pupils up to $5,500 in tuition for grades K-8 and $7,500 for grades 9-12.

Recently, the Ohio House proposed increasing eligibility for EdChoice scholarships to a maximum annual household income up to 450% times the federal poverty level. The Ohio Senate also is considering multiple proposals, including one to make EdChoice scholarships universally available to every student.

To learn more and how you can help, view the flyer below.

View Flyer

Summer Learning Packets

Summer reading and activities are an important way to ensure children are ready for the next school year and don't experience the "summer slide" loss of learning. Teachers have prepared information packets that include activities for each grade level to work on over the summer months. These activities are all strongly encouraged to ensure readiness for the next school year. Check the packet instructions for any required components.

Click the link below for the summer learning packet for the grade your child is currently in.

This is also posted on our school website on the "Current Families" page.




1st & 2nd Grades

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

Parent Account Instructions:

Clever Access

Google Account Access

Lunch Account Balances

Student lunch account balances at the end of the school year with a balance of $15.00 and above will be refunded to families who will not be returning the following year. Any balance below $15.00, a written request will be needed to request these funds.

Register for Bus Transportation 23-24


The transportation departments from Dublin, Hilliard and Olentangy schools require all new and returning families to register your students for busing this fall. If you are a new family moving to the area, and don't know your new address yet, please contact them as soon as you have this information.

Olentangy Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) must fill out this online form by June 19, 2023.

Dublin Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form.

Hilliard School Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form by July 28, 2023.

Back to School Uniform & Spirit Wear Exchange

August 13, 2023 10 am-1 pm;

Collect Lost and Found Items by June 9 from School Cafeteria

To everyone who donates, volunteers, and uses the uniform and spirit wear exchange—thank you so much! Your donations help other families and reduce waste! 


In the coming months, please gather gently used items your children no longer need and donate them to the school office by June 9 or during the week of Aug 7-11, when the school office will again be open to donations.  If you can’t donate during daytime hours, a collection bin will be placed outside my residence at 6588 Wynwright Dr. Aug 5-10 only. Items accepted include all gently-used logo and non-logo uniform items AND spirit wear. Non-logo articles that are not claimed at the exchange will be donated to other local schools in need! And remember, you don’t need to donate to “shop” the exchange!


So that you don’t forget about this important event, please use these Signup Genius links below to attend and/or volunteer as you’ll receive reminders. Friday night volunteers can shop while they work!


Sign Up to Attend: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B44A8A929AB9-summer3

Sign Up to Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B44A8A929AB9-summer2


Items remaining in the Lost and Found after June 9 will be donated or discarded, so come check the collection in the school cafeteria.


Questions? Contact Erin Heise erinjolene@hotmail.com or Gracie Dziewiatkowski marygracedzski@gmail.com.

School Supply Kit Ordering

Go to this link by June 20, 2023 to order your kit and receive FREE shipping!

Saint Brigid of Kildare is offering the EduKit program for our families to order school supplies for the 2023-2024 school year. EduKit has put together specific grade level kits approved by your student’s teacher. Some supplies can be reused next year (Earbuds, Spanish-English Dictionary, etc.).

Order by June 20, 2023 and your kit will be shipped directly to Saint Brigid of Kildare and delivered to your student’s classroom.

For questions, please contact Jennifer Musser, jmusserfamily@aol.com

To view supply lists for each grade, visit this link.

Order Link

Summer Tutoring

Summer tutoring is available from many Saint Brigid of Kildare staff members. Staff can be contacted via email or by calling the school office and leaving a message.

Click below for the list of teachers, subjects and contact information.

View List

Keep earning money for our school by submitting Box Tops this Summer!

For over 25 years, Box Tops for Education has given families an easy way to earn for schools with products they already buy. Today, you can find thousands of participating products throughout the store — and all you need is the Box Tops app

ONLINE SHOPPERS CAN EARN WITH BOX TOPS, TOO! Whether you order groceries for delivery or pickup, shop through your store’s app, or request an email receipt at checkout, you can earn for your school no matter where you shop.

For more information and to download the Box Tops App visit: https://www.boxtops4education.com/

Earn Rewards for Our School by Registering your Kroger Shopper’s Card

Our school earns thousands of dollars each year through loyalty reward programs! Please remember to register your Kroger Shopper’s Card, and use it every time you shop to help our school! For instructions on how to register, click the link below.

Rewards Sign Up 

New Family Mentors Needed

Home and School is currently looking for parents to sign up to be on the New Family Welcome Committee. This entails being a mentor to a new family for the

next school year. Mentor families will attend the New Family Welcome Breakfast (Sunday, August 20th). They will need to be available to check in with their new family monthly and answer any questions to assist with their transition. Mentors

will be paired up with new families with children in the same grade.

We need more mentor families than usual because we have many new families this year. If you are interested in being a new family mentor, please fill out the short survey below. Thank you!!

Sign Up

Educational Apparel Sale

Educational Apparel, one of our uniform stores, is holding an early shoppers sale offering up to 30% off uniform items.

Fore more info and to view the flyer, click the button below.

Sale Flyer

Summer Camps

Click the links below for more information on summer camp opportunities -- registrations are now open and opening soon for the following camps:

News from Our Parish & Community

Farewell Party for Monsignor Hendricks

June 25 | 11 AM Mass

Followed by a picnic lunch at Brigid's Green

Join us on Sunday, June 25 to say thank you and farewell to Monsignor Hendricks. We will honor him at the 11 AM Mass for his over 30 years of service to St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, then will celebrate with a picnic lunch at Brigid's Green immediately following Mass.

Please RSVP at the link below by June 17th so we can properly plan.


Family First Summer Dates

Mass Meetups

Enjoy daily mass and then head over to the playground to play with friends! Save the dates, June 14th, July 19th and August 16th! 

  • June 14th- 9:00 am mass, followed by 9:30 am playground meet up at Avery Park 
  • July 19th- 9:00 am mass, followed by 9:30 am playground meetup at Wyndham Park
  • August 16th- 9:00 am mass, followed by 9:30 am playgroup meetup up at Avery Park


Summer Playground Meetups 

Please join us for the St. Brigid summer playgroup meetups. We will meet Wednesdays at 9:30 am. All ages are welcome to join! If the weather conditions are not in our favor, we will skip and catch you the following week! 


Feel free to sign up via the sign-up genius and add it to your calendar or join when your schedule allows! We look forward to seeing you soon! Any questions please feel free to email Laura Campbell, laurascanlan@gmail.com. 



Stay and Play after Mass

Join us for popsicles on the Playground after 9 am Mass. Come for Mass, stay and play!

  • July 30th- following the 9:00 am mass
  • August 13th- following the 9:00 am mass


Service Opportunities

Join us for various service opportunities this summer.

  • June 11th- Create a Father’s Day Card at the Sunday Social following the 9 am mass. 
  • July 19th- Create something special to welcome Father Black to our parish. 
  • August 3rd- Road Trip to Do Good Restaurant, optional trip to Maria Stein Shrine afterwards



Dublin Giving Garden 

In conjunction with the HSYM, please join us to weed and water the Dublin Giving Garden at Historic Coffman Homestead across from Dublin Coffman High School. Volunteers meet at the Garden on Tuesdays throughout the summer from 10-10:30 am. There is no minimum age for volunteers; kids under 14 must be accompanied by a parent. Volunteers are welcome to stay after and play on the playground at Coffman park, sign up below! (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0A4DACAF2DA1FA7-dublin)

SBAA Sport Registrations for Fall

St. Brigid Athletic Association has opened up the 2023 Fall Sports Registration.  Registration will run between now and early August - depending on your sport of choice.  We will offer an Early Bird Discount of 10% off if you register before June 1st - and it will automatically be taken off from your shopping cart if you register before June 1st - so register soon at https://gowolfhounds.sportngin.com/register/form/682995707

Please note, some activities like Summer Football Mini-Camp, Girls Tennis, and Golf - all have activities that start before August 1, so sign up soon to stay in the loop for all summer communication and activities.

If you have any questions about each activity, please reach out to the following sport commissioners and coaches:

If you have any registration problems, please reach out to shawn.steinbrunner@gmail.com


Requirements to Volunteer with our Children

If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Diocese of Columbus at www.virtus.org


The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) sessions:


6/13/2023 St Matthew (Zoom Session) 6:00pm

6/17/2023 St Brendan Hilliard 9:00am

6/22/2023 Holy Spirit (Zoom Session) 6:00pm

All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/ 

News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

BWHS Girls Lacrosse State Champs

Congratulations to the Bishop Watterson High School girls lacrosse team for winning the title of Division II State Champions this weekend! This is the first state championship titale ever for BWHS girls lacrosse. There are many St. Brigid alumnae who played for the team (pictured here).

Congratulations to our alumnae: Lily Goodfellow, Meg Newcomb, Lucy Henry, Avery McClain, Carly Henry, Bryn McClain, Pia Ritchey, and Reagan Musser.

Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.
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