March 11, 2020
First graders practiced reading a poem with expression.
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The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

We are very excited to announce that Annie Jr., our 2020 musical will take place this week. Our middle school students and the creative team of adults supporting them have put together an amazing performance. Please plan to join us for an evening of the arts if your schedule will allow. (See story below)

I would like to remind you that the deadline for submitting the FACTS paperwork to be eligible for both Diocesan and Saint Brigid tuition assistance is MARCH 15th. Please see the story below for more information. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 614-718-5825.

The health of our students, families, and staff is of utmost concern. We continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus) and follow the guidance provided by local and federal health officials. To find the most current and accurate information please use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health website (ODH) which can be found at the following links:  

As a staff we have reviewed handwashing with students using the videos found on this great website.  This same website also includes age-appropriate information about how to talk with your child about COVID-19.

As more information becomes available you can be assured of additional communication from me. Bishop Brennan will be sharing a letter later this week and I will in turn share Diocesan information with you at that time.

The best plan for now is to continue the emphasis on handwashing. If you or anyone in your family is ill or showing symptoms of illness, please do not attend school or school functions. 

As our Lenten journey continues please continue to cultivate kindness and pray for each other.

There was a Stations of the Cross date listed incorrectly in last week's Wolfhound Wednesday. Below are the correct dates that you are invited to join us for the Stations of the Cross:

  • March 9, 2:00 PM
  • March 20, 2:00 PM
  • March 31, 2:00 PM
  • April 8, 2:00 PM (corrected from last week)

Lenten Blessings,
Kathy O'Reilly
Photo Newsletters: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Power of the Pen Competition
The Power of the Pen team competed in its Regional tournament at Otterbein this weekend. The seventh and eighth graders wrote valiantly against 42 other schools, and eighth grader Devin Mitchell won 9th place. We are excited to find out in the next two weeks which writers will be going to the State tournament in May. Go Wolfhound Writers!
Annie Jr. is This Week
Saint Brigid of Kildare School Presents
March 12th and 13th
Robert D. Walter Family Gymnasium
7:00 p.m.

No admission fee.
Free will donations will be accepted to help support
Saint Brigid Performing Arts

St Brigid Performing Arts Mission Statement:
To inspire young people to discover and utilize their God-given talents
and to bring evidence of Christ's love in the joy they bring to the audience.
Surgical Robot Demo Brought to First Grade
Dr. Brian Cohen, a local surgeon and father of one of our first graders, brought his robot that assists with hip and knee surgery to show our first-grade classes on Tuesday. They provided each first grader with a surgical hat, gloves, shoe covers and a mask to take home.

First graders are learning "what is the role of healthcare workers in the community?" and this was a great real-life way of showing our students how the field of healthcare works. 

Thank you to Dr. Cohen and his team for sharing their time and expertise with us!
School Advisory Committee (SAC) Application Due April 1
Take an active part in making our already amazing school even better. Apply for a position (3-year term) on St. Brigid's School Advisory Committee (SAC). The purpose of the School Advisory Committee is to provide the pastor of Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish and the principal of Saint Brigid of Kildare School with advice and to make recommendations regarding issues affecting the school.

The mission of the School Advisory Committee is to promote and support a distinctive religious learning environment that provides for the propagation of the Catholic faith and values, fosters academic excellence, and develops fully the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional capabilities unique to each student. SAC meets once a month during the school months on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. Prior to applying, please consider if you can commit to this time commitment for a three-year period.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, April 1, 2020 and they can be submitted via the link below. Please contact Ann Sage ( with any questions.
Earn Rewards for Our School
Register your Giant Eagle Advantage Card and use it every time you shop to help our school!
1.       Sign in to or create a new account.
2.       Register/link your Giant Eagle Advantage Card online.
3.       Under your account, click on Apples for the Students.
4.       Type in 4423 or St. Brigid of Kildare School
5.       Select and save.

Register your Kroger Plus Card and use it every time you shop to help our school!
1.       Sign in to or create a new account.
2.       Click “I am a customer” then sign in with your account or create a new account.
3.       Search St. Brigid of Kildare or type in 82139. Select and save.

With every eligible purchase, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% to the charity of your choice. 
1.       To set St. Brigid of Kildare School as your preferred charity, visit and search for St. Brigid of Kildare
2.       Save to your desktop favorites OR add a shortcut to your phone’s home screen.
3.       Remember to use each time you shop on Amazon!  
Corks for a Cause 2020: Thank You!
THANK YOU for your support of our SPiCE program at Corks for a Cause!

We had another successful fundraiser for our parish SPiCE program, raising thousands of dollars for children in our parish and school with special learning needs. 

This year, we introduced our next big goal for our SPiCE program -- launching a SPiCE scholarship program to help pay for tuition for children who are in our SPiCE program. But this scholarship program will not be for those children alone. We also realize that since the beginning of the SPiCE program 15 years ago there have been thousands of volunteers that have given of their time and talent to raise the money that we have used to create the SPiCE program we have today. We also are aware that there has been the support of students in our school and religious education program that have gone out of their way to reach out and aid children in our SPiCE program. So we also hope to offer a SPiCE supporter scholarship for the families and the children that have lived the philosophy that the inclusion of all children in our parish community adds richness to all our lives and promotes understanding, compassion, and respect for all children of God.

If you were unable to attend or support our event this year, you can still contribute to our children by clicking the link below. 
Thank You to our speaker at the event, former Saint Brigid of Kildare School student Olivia Assaf for sharing her heartfelt SPiCE story.
School Tuition Assistance Deadline is March 15
Applications for Tuition Assistance for the 2020-21 school year must be submitted through the FACTS Grant and Aid portal by March 15, 2020. To be considered for Saint Brigid or the Diocese of Columbus Tuition Assistance Programs:

  • You must be registered for the 2020-21 school year by March 15, 2020.
  • You must submit your Grant and Aid application and all required financial documents by March 15, 2020. Grant and Aid applications must be complete to be considered for a tuition assistance grant.
  • You must pay the online $35 application fee.
  • You need only submit one application per family.
  • Saint Brigid does not offer tuition assistance for non-Catholic families but you may be eligible for Diocesan assistance.
  • There is no tuition assistance available for preschool.  
Crucial Conversations: Active Threats
Bruce McKenna, campus safety and security, will be leading small 30-minute group discussions on various topics related to community, family, and personal safety. You are welcome to stay for as long as you are able. Drinks and food are welcome. Meetings will be held in the church loft (Deacon’s Room).

March's Topic:
Active Threats: Safety in Community and Public Settings:
An overview of how to be prepared and respond to active threats whether in a closed community or public setting. Will focus on the latest research in tactics for responding to active threats. Will include discussion and Q&A time.
  • Thursday, March 19, 9:45 AM (following Mass)
  • Tuesday, March 31, 12 noon
  • Tuesday, March 31, 7 PM
VBS Registration is Open!
It’s a Cath-Olympic summer! Come join us June 15-19 as we train to be Champions for Christ!

More information and online registration is at
Spiritwear Shop Open
The Spiritwear store is open until March 23!

There are many of the same items that were in the store last time with a couple of new additions for spring.

Shipping options will include direct to your home (2-3 days) or pick up at Premier store in Powell. Items will be ready to ship or pick up the week of April 13th.
Yearbook Ordering
Envelopes for purchasing a yearbook went home in last week's Friday folder. The price is $19.00 and the deadline is March 20th.
All Grade School Boys & Father Invited: St. Charles’ Annual Father-Son Mass & Breakfast on March 14th
Dear Grade School Fathers and Sons: Please join us for the 12th Annual St. Charles Father-Son Mass & Breakfast on Saturday, March 14th. We will celebrate Mass at 9:30 a.m. followed by a buffet breakfast, both in the school’s Robert C. Walter Student Commons. Our guest presenter, Adam Dufault, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, will speak on “The Importance and Value of a Catholic Education.” The breakfast is free, but you are asked to RSVP by Thursday, March 12th, to the school's alumni and communications director, Louis J. Fabro ’83, at The event is also open to St. Charles alumni, fathers or alumni and current students and their dads. We look forward to seeing you on the 14th  
Eucharistic Adoration at BWHS - Mar 15
Face Forward Service Award Scholarship
The Office of Vocations and Face Forward are offering two $500 Service Awards! Two students in the Columbus Diocese in grades 8-12 will be awarded $500 each for their outstanding service activities within their community and parish. 

If you have any questions, please email