March 18, 2020
Second graders in Mrs. Long’s class earned a whole class party and with jammies and stuffed animals for the day!
TIP: Some email providers shorten or "clip" this email to reduce its length. Please click "view entire message" at the bottom of this email to view the entire email and ensure you don't miss anything!
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

Congratulations to the cast, crew and artists of Annie Jr.! They put on two highly-talented performances last week that were enjoyed by students and our parish 55+ Club. Sadly, our evening performances were canceled, but our talented students, true to the old show business quote of “The show must go on!” gave an AMAZING second performance on Friday afternoon for our student audience. The members of the cast and crew requested that the 8th grade have front row seats to cheer on our thespians. No one was disappointed because they delivered the best show ever! Due to the generosity of volunteers, we were able to take great pictures and have a video to share with families to have their own family viewing night! (See story below)

COVID-19 has certainly changed all of our lives so quickly and I am so thankful for the positive, professional and caring response of our teachers to take care of our students. I am equally thankful for the patience, understanding and flexibility of our parents. We are committed to providing quality educational experiences for your children no matter the length of time we are experiencing this social distancing. Most importantly we want to continue to be a strong faith community supporting each other through prayer, support and engagement. We are working on opportunities to support this promise. Many details and ideas will be shared over the coming weeks. The parish will be live streaming Masses on YouTube and Facebook Live (just look for the videos with "LIVE" listed).  I will be sending a message each day with our 8:05 AM daily prayer, pledge of allegiance and birthdays. Starting the day with prayer, the pledge and our commitment to being kind is so very important to our school community. As a school, we also pray each Friday at noon the Angelus. I will be sending this out on Fridays so that you can pray this beautiful prayer at noon or at one of the other traditional times of 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM. I believe that you will find that these school routines and prayer will be comforting to your children during this time of rapid change.  

Kindness, support for each other and prayer are more important than ever! In the words of Cardinal Cupich, we are called to be gentle with each other, to stay emotionally close, and to be open to God’s graces during this unprecedented time. Below is a link to Cardinal Cupich’s homily on this topic. Please find time to listen to his talk - it will be the best 7 minutes you spend this week!

To help our community to stay connected please share photos of your family learning, praying and having fun. See the story below for details.

There are also many important announcements in the stories below. Please make sure you read this issue carefully.

Please continue to pray for each other, stay in touch, and please know that I am praying for each of our families and will regularly be in communication.

Irish Blessings To All,
Kathy O'Reilly
K-4 Remote Learning Resources
Please continue to check your email for updates from your children's teachers regarding lesson plans and remote learning resources. Since K-4 is not used to using Google Classroom, below is a useful link for K-4 online learning instructions you may have already received from the teachers.

Annie Jr. Musical Video & Photo Links
Thank you to the cast and crew and many staff and parent volunteers of the musical Annie, Jr.! While we did not get to hold our performances for our large live audiences like we hoped, we persevered and ran an extra school-day performance last Friday that we video-recorded.

We invite you all to have a family viewing party and view the March 13 performance of Annie Jr. the musical at the links below!

Tips for Homeschooling From a Teacher Mom
By Molly Long, 2nd grade teacher

Just wanted to share a few tips as I am learning how to homeschool my own children and juggle teacher expectations at the same time! I found it terrifying this morning when I went into the kitchen and the entire table and chairs were filled with binders, notebooks, and chromebooks. 

So, TIP 1: Set up a school zone. Find an area that books, binders, technology and kids fit. We redesigned the dining room -- it is now our school zone to be used only during ‘school time’ with bins and shelves to keep items organized (and keep sanity!)

TIP 2: Set expectations. We set our ‘school hours’ from 9-11 every morning. What works for your family? Whatever time it is, stick to the schedule! Help the kids understand this is not just homework time, it is actually school time. Their teachers are counting this as in class work, not just something to keep them busy.

TIP 3: Reach out to your child’s teacher! We are here for you -- you do not have to do this alone! Please understand we are navigating through this along with you, and it is a learning process for all, so be patient and kind. Ask for help! We want to hear your feedback, it guides us.

TIP 4: Be in it with your child. Everyone is out of routine, it is hard for all of us -- kids, parents, and teachers. Now more than ever you have to show your child that everything is going to be ok and that you are here for them. School is a constant in every child's life, so without it, kids can feel nervous, anxious, and alone. Have fun with them, play, bake, pray, create, and enjoy the time we are being given!
School Advisory Applications Continue
Take an active part in making our already amazing school even better. Apply for a position (3-year term) on St. Brigid's School Advisory Committee (SAC). The purpose of the School Advisory Committee is to provide the pastor of Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish and the principal of Saint Brigid of Kildare School with advice and to make recommendations regarding issues affecting the school.

The mission of the School Advisory Committee is to promote and support a distinctive religious learning environment that provides for the propagation of the Catholic faith and values, fosters academic excellence, and develops fully the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional capabilities unique to each student. SAC meets once a month during the school months on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. Prior to applying, please consider if you can commit to this time commitment for a three-year period.

The deadline for applications is tentatively Wednesday, April 1, 2020 and they can be submitted via the link below. Please contact Ann Sage (annosage@gmail.com) with any questions.
If You Can't Receive Communion, Make a Spiritual Communion
There have been many questions raised about making a "spiritual communion" and what this entails. The article below from the National Catholic Register is excellent in addressing these questions.
Let's Stay Connected: Share Your Learning!
During this complicated time when we can't be together physically, let's lift each other's spirits and stay connected virtually!

We would love to see your photos of your children continuing their learning and creativity while social distancing.

Please share your photos and a short description via emailing them to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org and they will be featured in the Wolfhound Wednesday as well as on our Facebook page. Feel free to also upload to social media and tag our Facebook page at facebook.com/stbrigidschool!
The Williams family had a family viewing party of the Annie Jr. musical!
The Harper girls are starting their school day from their dining room table!
The Harper girls are starting their school day from their dining room table!
School Tuition Assistance Deadline EXTENDED to MARCH 20
Applications for Tuition Assistance for the 2020-21 school year must be submitted through the FACTS Grant and Aid portal by March 20, 2020. To be considered for Saint Brigid or the Diocese of Columbus Tuition Assistance Programs:

  • You must be registered for the 2020-21 school year by March 20, 2020.
  • You must submit your Grant and Aid application and all required financial documents by March 20, 2020. Grant and Aid applications must be complete to be considered for a tuition assistance grant.
  • You must pay the online $35 application fee.
  • You need only submit one application per family.
  • Saint Brigid does not offer tuition assistance for non-Catholic families but you may be eligible for Diocesan assistance.
  • There is no tuition assistance available for preschool.  
Yearbook Deadline Extended to April 10
Envelopes for purchasing a yearbook went home in Friday folders. The price is $19.00 and the deadline has been extended to April 10.

 If anyone would like to mail their payment and order envelope to Diane Spagnuolo they are more than welcome to send it to her address below, or they can email her at info@dianesphotography.com with questions.

Diane Spagnuolo Photography
8900 Wells Rd.
Plain City, OH 43064

Scrip Update
We are suspending the ordering and distribution of physical gift cards via the Shop with Scrip program until Mass resumes after Easter. Families can still participate in the Scrip program by purchasing eGift cards or reloading funds to existing gift cards. 

The deadline to earn rebates for the 2020-2021 school year is March 31. All rebates earned between April 1, 2019, and March 31, 2020, will be applied to your 2020-21 tuition bill. Any gift cards purchased after March 31 will be applied to your 2021-22 tuition. Please note that if you will NOT have a child at St. Brigid during the 2021-22 school year, you should not participate in the program beyond March 31, 2020. You can reach out to Bishop Watterson or St. Charles for information on their Scrip program. Bishop Watterson contact: Wendy McPherson, wmcpherson@ecole-Madison.com or St. Charles contact: Tracy Loesing, tloesing@scprep.org

If you don't currently participate in the Scrip program but would like more information, please read the information sheet.

The Scrip coordinators also are happy to answer questions:
Christine Drab • (614) 256-9065 • christinedrab@sbcglobal.net 
Susan Moreland • (614) 588-7502 • srfcmoreland@gmail.com
Spiritwear Shop Now Closed
Due to the closings with COVID-19, we have decided to temporarily suspend the spirit wear ordering store.

If you have placed an order, please contact one of the following to confirm information on delivery/pickup:

Karen Steinbrunner, karen.steinbrunner@gmail.com
Katie Davis, katherinedavis8@gmail.com
Lesley Beran, lesley.beran@gmail.com
Article from America Magazine
My teenagers were exposed to coronavirus. Here’s what our family has learned under self-quarantine.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Mental Health
The outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful to members of your family and members of your family may react very differently. During this time of uncertainty where many things are out of our control, there are things that we can do to help minimize our anxiety and support our students. While there are not specific tips during an unplanned, extended break of this kind, there are general ideas that can direct us.
  • Keeping a routine during the day can provide structure and support for your student, suggesting a schedule or things they can accomplish can help the days from blurring together.
  • Prioritizing sleep on a regular schedule helps the body and brain to recharge and handle the stressors of this time. It is recommended that teenagers have 9 hours of sleep a night.
  • Allowing time for exercise can also help regulate emotions and decrease symptoms of anxiety or depression, this could look like a walk or run in your neighborhood or an at-home workout.
  • Limiting media consumption whether through the news or social media can help reduce the fear and anxiety. While it is a great way to connect with peers, those platforms can become inundated with opinions and worry so being mindful how much and for how long students are on these platforms can be helpful.
  • Creating opportunities for your students to express their fears or concerns during this time and providing a listening and supportive perspective can help alleviate their worry. These are good reminders for us as adults to model healthy behaviors, our students are watching what we do. We can all do our part to help support one another and support our students through this time. 

Following are links to some resources we found to help you during this time.

Masses Suspended Through Easter
The bishops of Ohio have decided, effective immediately, to suspend temporarily all publicly celebrated Masses/liturgies, at least through the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. The bishops of Ohio dispense the Catholic faithful who reside in their respective dioceses and all other Catholics currently in Ohio from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass through Easter Sunday. Please check the parish website for updates on this issue and live streaming and online, televised and radio Mass viewing options.
Prayer for a Pandemic
May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors remember those who are most vulnerable. 
May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent. 
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close remember those who have no options. 
May we who have to cancel our trips remember those who have no safe place to go. 
May we who are losing our margin in the tumult of the economic market remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settle in for a quarantine at home remember those who have no home.
As fear grips our country, let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors. 

Earn Rewards for Our School
Register your Giant Eagle Advantage Card and use it every time you shop to help our school!
1.       Sign in to www.gianteagle.com or create a new account.
2.       Register/link your Giant Eagle Advantage Card online.
3.       Under your account, click on Apples for the Students.
4.       Type in 4423 or St. Brigid of Kildare School
5.       Select and save.

Register your Kroger Plus Card and use it every time you shop to help our school!
1.       Sign in to www.krogercommunityrewards.com or create a new account.
2.       Click “I am a customer” then sign in with your account or create a new account.
3.       Search St. Brigid of Kildare or type in 82139. Select and save.

With every eligible purchase, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% to the charity of your choice. 
1.       To set St. Brigid of Kildare School as your preferred charity, visit smile.amazon.com and search for St. Brigid of Kildare
2.       Save smile.amazon.com to your desktop favorites OR add a shortcut to your phone’s home screen.
3.       Remember to use smile.amazon.com each time you shop on Amazon!  
Face Forward Service Award Scholarship
The Office of Vocations and Face Forward are offering two $500 Service Awards! Two students in the Columbus Diocese in grades 8-12 will be awarded $500 each for their outstanding service activities within their community and parish. 

If you have any questions, please email info.faceforward@gmail.com