U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)
March 23, 2022
Second-graders enjoying some games during indoor recess on rainy days!
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break last week and that you were able to take some time as a family to relax and enjoy this opportunity to spend some extra time together.  With our return to school this week we begin the 4th quarter of the school year and 3rd quarter report cards will be issued next Wednesday, March 30th.  Please also make sure that you check regularly in the Wolfhound Wednesday for details regarding the many special events that are being planned for this Spring.  

During this season of Lent there are many opportunities for prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross begin at 7 PM in the Church on the following Tuesdays:
March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5

School Stations of the Cross begin at 2:00 pm in the Church on March 30, April 7, April 13. 

Lenten Virtual Family Rosary 
April 3 at 7:00 pm
See details and Zoom link in the story below

Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 PM in the Church
Spend a quiet hour together as a family with prayer, reflection and music. 

Vespers & Penance Service
Vespers and Parish Penance Service will be held Sunday, April 10 at 5:00 pm in the Church. Visiting diocesan priests will serve as confessors. 

Operation Rice Bowl
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowls promote human dignity and foster solidarity with the poor around the world. This year the funds will be sent to Ukraine.  Return Rice Bowl donations to the school the week of April 11th or to the church on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday.

Lenten Blessings,
Kathy O’Reilly
Photo Newsletters: 3rd, 4th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
SBK Musical Revue!
St. Brigid has a long-standing tradition of presenting wonderful musicals for the enjoyment of our school and community. To help celebrate the end of the school year, St. Brigid will be presenting an SBK Musical Revue! In this presentation, students from grades 6th, 7th, and 8th will be performing selected musical numbers from past school productions.

Possible song selections will include numbers from the following shows:

Aladdin Jr
Disney's Peter Pan Jr
Seussical Jr
Shrek Jr
Wizard of Oz Jr
The Little Mermaid Jr
Alice in Wonderland Jr
Once Upon A Mattress, Jr
Dateline Rock-n-Roll
Music Man Jr
Godspell Jr
Tom Sawyer Jr
The Glass Slipper (Cinderella Jr)
Annie Jr

Performance Dates
School Performance May 18th at 1:30 pm
Evening Performances May 19th and 20th at 7:00 pm

Dress Rehearsal (if needed): Sunday, May 15th 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Auditions for the revue will be Monday, March 28th, and Tuesday, March 29th, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the music room. Auditions are open to students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th, and they can sign up for their preferred audition date outside of the music room.  If needed, there will be a callback call on Wednesday, March 30th, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  Students should see Ms.Bensonhaver for more information.

Rehearsals will tentatively start the following week on Monday, April 4th, Tuesday, April 5th, and Wednesday, April 6th, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the music room.  (Students will receive what day they need to report for rehearsal following auditions.)

Questions? Email Ms. Bensonhaver at ms.bensonhaver@stbrigid-school.org

*We are also in need of parent volunteers, so if you are interested in helping with revue logistics, costuming, and/or sets, please email Ms. Bensonhaver. (All volunteers must be PGC certified.) Thanks for considering!
Power of the Pen Regional Tournament
Our Power of the Pen team competed at the Regional tournament on March 5th against 33 other public and private schools in central and southern Ohio. Our eighth grade team won first place, our seventh grade team won second place, and our school overall won first place for the Sweepstakes award for the second year in a row (which is combined scores from district and regional tournaments). 

Congratulations to the four individuals who also earned awards at regionals:
  • Seventh grade, 4th place: Emma Drab
  • Seventh grade, 3rd place: Marinda Pope
  • Eighth grade, 8th place: Marcos Miller-Carmona
  • Eighth grade, 5th place: Paige Harper

The other participants in this tournament were MJ Burns, Colleen Harper, Stella Prevedello, Lily Ulrich, Hayden Kiedrowski, Laura Perez, and Maren Reville. 

Eight out of twelve of our students qualified to compete at the State tournament in May. Congratulations, Wolfhound writers!
Save the Date for Hounds Hoopla!
Hounds Hoopla, a fun night of games and activities for St. Brigid of Kildare School families, is returning with a new date for this year.

Save the date for Friday, May 13 from 5:30 - 8:30 PM.

More details and volunteer sign ups will be available soon.
Save on Tuition with Scrip
***Remember that tuition credit earning for the 2022/2023 school year ends on March 31st***

If your youngest child is a current 7th grader, please remember that you should stop using St. Brigid Scrip after March 31st. If you chose, you would need to sign up for their high school Scrip program for all purchases after March 31st. Any money earned at St. Brigid does not transfer to High School. 

Now is the perfect time to register for the Scrip program to make the most of it for the 2023/2024 school year. Click here for more info.

Ashley Storey • (614) 929-8306 • ashleymueller.173@gmail.com
Mary Kate Wing • (310) 560-4807 • wingmkt@gmail.com
Lenten Food Drive: Thank You!
Thank you to all who donated to the Lenten Food Drive! Together, we collected 8,869 items for Feed the Kids Columbus. Below is a thank you note from the founder.

"I just wanted to send a quick note to say THANK YOU!
What an amazing turn out the lenten food drive at SBK was. 
The kiddos and families collected 8,869 items which is a record for us. 

This will help us tremendously as we gear up for Spring Break and all of the food bags that we will be packing over the next month."
Yearbooks for Sale
Yearbooks are on Sale NOW thru April 1st, 2022! Don’t miss out on your chance to order your 2021-2022 school yearbook that is packed full of fun memories! Online ordering is simple and easy! Simply click on the direct link below, then fill in your information and pay by credit card. 

If there are questions regarding ordering - please call Diane at 614-873-6867 or email info@dianesphotography.com
News from Our Parish Community
Have an Extra Wine Bottle Laying Around?
This year's Corks for a Cause has returned in-person on Saturday, April 23. Tickets for the event can be purchased at the event website, corks22.givesmart.com.

Wine Bottles Needed
We are looking for donations of silent auction items (e.g. tickets, vacation homes, gift cards, etc.) as well as any bottles of wine valued at $20 or higher for our Wine Grab!

If you have a bottle or two to donate, you can drop it off anytime at the school or parish office, or contact Sarah Moore at smoore@stbrigidofkildare.org to coordinate a pick up time. Thank you!
Lenten Virtual Family Rosary on April 3 at 7 PM
Please join other St. Brigid families in praying the Sorrowful Mysteries on April 3!

Use this signup genius to sync this event to your calendar OR please volunteer your family to lead a decade! Prayers and reflections will be screen-shared live over Zoom and you will receive additional details several days before the event. It is OK to lead while still learning these prayers!

Pop onto the Zoom at 6:50 PM to put your prayer intentions in the chat, work through any technical details that may arise, and say hello to other families! Rosary will begin at 7 PM. We're looking forward to "seeing" you there! Kiddos in pajamas expected and celebrated!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 875 5513 3761
Passcode: rosary
SBAA Annual Board Member Elections
The St. Brigid Athletic Association's board members are an annual re-elected position. We encourage all parish members to apply regardless of children in the program and/or previous service on the board. All current board members wanting to continue service should apply as well. 

This is your chance to get involved! If you have any interest in helping out with the athletic board, this is the time. You can see a list of current board positions on https://www.gowolfhounds.com/board
If you would like more information about any of our board positions and/or to express interest, simply contact info@gowolfhounds.com by April 10th. The time commitment depends on the position, but for most positions is far less than you might expect - and you get to be involved with all our sports programs and initiatives.

While all positions are available, in particular we are actively looking for the following positions where existing board members are rolling off:
  • Athletic Director
  • Volleyball Commissioner

Board Elections will occur during the SBAA meeting on April 12th
Summer Camps
News from Our Catholic High Schools
St. Charles Father/Son Mass and Breakfast
St. Charles Hosting Father/Son Mass and Breakfast on April 23; 5th-8th Graders and Fathers Welcome
The 13th Annual Father-Son Mass and Breakfast is being held on Saturday, April 23rd. The gathering will start with Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the Robert C. Walter Student Commons followed immediately by a buffet breakfast. The event is open to any young man in 5th-8th grade and their father as well as alumni and their fathers, alumni fathers and their sons and current students/fathers. The breakfast is free, but you are still asked to reserve your spot(s) to ensure there is plenty of food on hand for everyone. Please register by Monday, April 18th, by emailing lfabro@scprep.org or going online to the event’s “Posting” on the SC Homepage (www.stcharlesprep.org). We look forward to seeing you there!
BWHS Spring Musical: Beauty and the Beast
Bishop Watterson High School's spring musical Beauty and the Beast begins Friday, April 1.

Need Apparel for Your Future BWHS Eagle?
Bishop Watterson's Eagle Store carries youth-sized Future Eagle t-shirts and sweatshirts. To order, email mrs.cook@bwhs.org.

The Eagle Store offers items for the entire family. Click on the link to see more! Email mrs.cook@bwhs.org to place an order. 
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.