March 31, 2021
Third grade students enjoying the spring sunshine while having Religion class outdoors
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The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

As Holy Week brings us closer to the great celebration of Easter we are reminded that Easter is a great time of hope in our Church.  The resurrection of Jesus gave the disciples great hope, despite incredible obstacles. Such hope can change the way we look at each and every day. This Easter, more than ever, I am sure we all seek hope in so many different ways as we continue to navigate the pandemic. 

My hope for you is that this Easter break time provides an opportunity for your family to spend time praying together and playing together - creating family traditions and memories.  

For those of you traveling, may your travel be safe.  

May the miracle of Easter bring you blessings of renewed hope, faith, love and joy,

Kathy O'Reilly

P.S. The Bishops of Ohio have sent out a Holy Week letter to be shared with all families. Please click here to read it.
LATEST UPDATE: Planning to Travel?
Since our most recently published travel guidelines, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has dropped its weekly state positivity report and related quarantine requirement for domestic travel.

ODH continues to caution against unnecessary travel and reminds all travelers to follow safety practices of hand hygiene, mask wearing, and social distancing.

Additionally, any international travel will require: a COVID-19 test done 3–5 days after travel AND a self-quarantine for 7 days after travel. If you do not get tested, we ask that you stay home to self-quarantine for 10 days.

All travel guidance is subject to change as the pandemic progresses. Consult these ODH and CDC websites for current requirements if travel is anticipated.

Please continue to notify Peggy Iannarino, RN, School Nurse if you plan international travel. 
Oak Society Scholarship Applications Now Open
Oak Society Scholarships Now Open, Deadline April 23

The Oak Society is possible thanks to the generosity of our parishioners. It is committed to helping families in our parish continue a Catholic education through parish-supported grants, scholarships, and tuition assistance. The Oak Society will provide scholarships to students with criteria set by the donor or organization. We will continue to build this scholarship program in order to expand the opportunities available to our students. If you are interested in donating or creating a scholarship, please contact Sarah Moore at sarahmoore00@hotmail.com or (614) 761-3734.

Next week we will open the application process for our Spring 2021 scholarships.

Current scholarship opportunities are:
  • The Brendan Foley Spirit Scholarship
  • The Home & School Association Scholarship
  • The Joyce O'Reilly Family Scholarship
  • The SPiCE Scholarship Program
  • Karen & William Nomina Faith & Service Scholarship
  • The Elizabeth Jane Zetzer Memorial Scholarship
  • The Babs Pulsfort Memorial Gift of Giving Scholarship

The deadline to apply for these scholarships is Wednesday, April 23, 2021.

To read more about these scholarships and to apply, click the link below.
BWHS Little Theatre Presents PIPPIN
BWHS Little Theatre presents PIPPIN, beginning April 14 in various formats. Congrats to our many Saint Brigid of Kildare School alumni who are a part of this show!

See below for viewing options.

Congrats Alumni!
Veronica Worley, Molly Rafferty, Claire Hohlfelder, Kate Drab, Matthew Drab, Audry Eilerman, Nora Brady, Jake Bramlish, John Agan

DRIVE-IN (April 16):

ONLINE (April 17 & 18):
Spiritwear Store Closes TODAY!
The Spiritwear store will be open one last time for the 2020-21 school year. We have added some new spring items...check out the link below! 

The Spiritwear store will be open through March 31st. Shipping or pick up will begin April 16th.

If you select the shipping option, your order will be shipped. If you chose to pick up your order, please note the address and hours of operation below.

If you cannot make it during these times to pick up your order, please call 614-256-2143 to arrange another time.

Morganheimer/Premier Sports & Spirit
473 Village Park Drive
Powell, OH 43065

Office Hours:
Wednesday-Friday 12-4pm
Sat 12-3pm

Any questions? 
Please contact Stacy Austin at 317-694-6202 or Lesley Beran at 614-257-9791
Corks for a Cause: Silent Auction & Wine Bottle Donations Needed
We are excited to announce Corks for a Cause, our primary fundraiser for the SPiCE program at St. Brigid of Kildare, will be returning this year in a new weeklong virtual format!

Our website and silent auction bidding will open on Sunday, April 18 and close Saturday, April 24.

Silent Auction Items & Wine Bottle Donations Needed
We are looking for donations of silent auction items (e.g. golf packages, gift cards, vacation homes, items and experiences that are COVID-safe), and bottles of wine valued at $20 and higher for our wine grab! To donate or get more information, contact Sarah Moore at sarahmoore00@hotmail.com or (614) 761-3734.
KofC Virtual Free Throw Contest
Please join us and participate in our virtual Free Throw contest for girls and boys ages 9 to 14 years old. This year, we'll be recognizing all participants. Let's have some fun!

Like most everything else, this year's Free Throw Championship will be different than other years. While the district and state level tournaments won't be taking place this year, we can still have some fun doing a virtual free throw contest focused on fun and participation at St. Brigid of Kildare!

We won't be getting together this year. Parents, please work with your children to find a safe basketball hoop where you can, after a few practice shots, take 10 free throws and report here how many you make!

All participants will be recognized with a participation certificate!

This virtual event will end on April 30th, 2021.

Feel free to share your participation in this fun event on social media! #StBrigid2021KnightsFreeThrowFun
Make it a Date!
Make it a Date! Strengthening Your Marriage During a Pandemic

Virtual Edition
Saturday, April 17, 2021
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Virtually via Zoom

All married and engaged couples are invited to St. Brigid’s 21st Make It A Date! event.

We’ll be launching a new video series that coupled with small group discussions
will help us focus on our marriages as well as meet other couples who also want
to make their relationships a priority.

Anne and Michael Flock will help us kick off this new series. Anne and Michael, St. Brigid parishioners, have three school-age children.

Registration Is Necessary

Please RSVP to Ellen Little at ellen.little.187@gmail.com or 614-595-9628 by April 15th and we’ll send you the link for the meeting.

Sponsored by Family First and the St. Brigid School of Adult Faith Formation
Celebrating the Year of St. Joseph: Prayer 6 - Call to Justice
With the Apostolic Letter Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis recalled the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. To mark the occasion, the Holy Father proclaimed a "Year of St. Joseph" that began on December 8, 2020 and ends on December 8, 2021.

For a short reflection and prayer video, click the link below.

We will be featuring one short prayer to St. Joseph each week during Lent.
SBAA Annual Board Member Elections
  • The St. Brigid Athletic Association's board members are an annual re-elected position. We encourage all parish members to apply regardless of children in the program and/or previous service on the board. All current board members wanting to continue service should apply as well. 
  • This is your chance to get involved! If you have any interest in helping out with the athletic board, this is the time. You can see a list of current board positions on https://www.gowolfhounds.com/Default.aspx?tabid=2541558.
  • If you would like more information about any of our board positions and/or to express interest, simply contact info@gowolfhounds.com by April 12nd. The time commitment depends on the position, but for most positions is far less than you might expect - and you get to be involved with all our sports programs and initiatives.
  • While all positions are available, in particular we are actively looking for the following positions where existing board members are rolling off:
  • Treasurer
  • Baseball Commissioner
  • Volleyball Commissioner

Board Elections will occur during the SBAA meeting on April 14th.